Wednesday 23 February 2011

GOA’S POLITICAL CIRCUS by Joaquim Correia-Afonso, Benaulim

The great Goan circus has begun,
With monkeys and asses
And snakes in the grass,
One worse than the other
Crude, callous and crass,
All making hay in the shining sun.

“For Goa”, they swear,
“For Goans”, they cry,
“We’ll fight tooth and nail
Till the day we die!”

Experts in horse trading,
They act in cahoots,
They gather, switch over,
But don’t share the loots.

They plunder and destroy,
They pollute the air,
While peace-loving Goans
Open-mouthed, stare.

But Goans are clever.
We do not accede.
“They’re birds of a feather”,
We all concede.

But is this all true
That Goans are wise?
Why do, then, we believe
In their promises and lies?

Why are these clowns
Still performing their art?
Why can’t WE fight
For a brand new start?

Wake up, dear Goans,
Let’s get back our pride.
Let’s pack off this circus,
And send them for a ride.

As Election day comes
Exercise your right
Throw them all in the gutter
Get rid of the blight.

Send them on a long spell
Of political wilderness
Get a new set of faces
To occupy their places.
Ones who’ll tidy the mess
And our Land will not sell.


  1. I hope every Goan will take each and every word from this wonderful poem meaningfully. The best is to pack them off and give permanent retirement. Do not elect the old faces but new, clean records. Do not elect the family members of the politicians specially of the Chorchill.

  2. Mr. Joaquim why did not mention all the animals in the political circus of Goa? You should have named them the shameless characters.

  3. Freddy Agnelo Fernandes24 February 2011 at 00:02

    You are brilliant Joaquim, he dil mange more

  4. You are brilliant Senhor Joaquim, you must have really conducted a good observation of the present day situation. Your frustration is put in nice, sweet simple words which should be taken by every Niz Goenkar. You deserve a big Bravo.

  5. Best poem ever read about the plight of Goa. I believe the words used in the phrases are stucked in every brain of Goans Worldwide and demands a change.

  6. @Freddy Agnelo, really "Dil Mange More". Joaquim we need more articles to educate Goans and every Goan need education to stay away from Congress, BJP, UGDP and parties like Shave Goa of the Smuggler of Varca. Goans should stay away from people like Mickey Pacheco, Monserrate and the 40 lots in general.

  7. Joaquim, you said it all. You are very brilliant and your poem is projected with a paint brush. Hope every Goan will read it and make a change.

  8. N.Fernandes-London24 February 2011 at 11:11

    To Joaquim Correia-Afonso::: super poem.this is the whole truth and nothing but the truth, about present day Goa.


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