Thursday 30 December 2010


Let us cherish the coming of the New Year as usual, year after year. Let us try to be good and content, kind to each other. If it didn't bring you joy just leave it behind, let's ring in the new year with good things in mind. It's a new year, let's give a cheer.  Pour some wine and some beer.
Looking back on the months gone by, as a new year starts and an old one ends.
We contemplate what brought us joy, we think of our loved ones and our friends. Sympathies, to our enemies. A small prayer for my beloved Goa, the future of my next generation that it may be spared from the clutches of corrupt politicians. Another small prayer, for the growth of Niz Goenkar in every Goans’ mind, to spread its message that we need to stand up against our corrupt system. That common man can live with a sigh of relief at the end of the day. Let us be brave when the burden is great, faithful when wounded by sorrow. Teach us when troubled, with patience to wait for a better tomorrow.
This was the year of Niz Goenkar, the year of Menino Fernandes and his team, reader, writers, contributors and not forgetting commentators and foes alike. Niz Goenkar has grown from the day of its inception. It has made a dent in politician’s dirt bag. It has educated a few people, Goans in general that Goa is for Goans only. Let our dear guests remain in peace with us and cherish. Not destroy and plunder.
My own New Year Resolution, to tolerate fools more gladly. I shall squeeze from the bottom of every dirty politician and stay where trouble can't find me. I shall not quit Niz Goenkar and never be afraid to comment against the plunders of Goa. I will stand up against the fools who tell us that our politicians, their families are our saviours. I will educate the crumb eaters, the hired mobs, rent a vote type of people that doing so, we only will loose Goa. I will strive for the betterment of my fellow being for the benefit of every Goenkar.

Como Vivas, um grande Ano Novo uma CADA UM de VOCÊ querido Niz Goenkar.


  1. Dalia: I thank Menino for the Niz Goenkar site, this is one site that has brought many of us Goans together because any comments uploaded are never censored. I pray the new year brings more Goans forward to express themselves and join in unity to make Goa a better place to be in. It is time the crumb eaters who are selling the future of Goa, realise what they are doing is wrong in the eyes of God.
    My New Year wishes to every Goan on this earth .

  2. My Very best wishes to the editor of Niz goenkar , the team and all the dear readers and writers

  3. A wonderful prayer for the new year. I pray that all the true Goenkars on this forum will join hands & dedicate themselves to the movement of giving Goans a clean governance, a Goa for Goans. Let us stop the infighting, that will only deviate us from the true objective.
    Patrao Menino, Thank you for the initiative to start this movement sir, which is going strong, also a big thank you to all the writers, commentators & readers, you make my day.

  4. Sergio Baretto, Pilerne31 December 2010 at 21:20

    A beautiful prayer and a resolution. Hope every Goan live up to the dream of saving what is left of Goa as Dalia mentioned for the future generation.

  5. Ginella Sequiera, Switzerland1 January 2011 at 01:00

    Happy New Year to Menino and the team of Niz Goenkar, we read and educate ourselves from your writings. Happy New Year Dalia. Can we know your email adress? I want to write to you in appreciation for your comments and writings.

  6. Dear Ginella,
    May you too have a very very Happy New Year and May God bless you and your family throught the new year and onwards.

    Yes of Course you can use our emails. That is they reason I have put them up on the site. You are most welcome to write to me and my team.

    Scroll down the site and you will find my personal as well as Niz Goenkar IDS. But just in case

    Menino de Valpoi

  7. Dear Menino,
    Wishing you and the Niz Goenkar team A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2011. You are an inspiration to many and you have demolished all barriers and boundaries between caste, religion and brought us together as one Niz Goenkar. May God give you and everyone who contributes by their articles, courage and strength to carry on to fulfill our dream to see one day soon our Golden Goa void of corruption.
    I only have a small break, so taking the opportunity to wish every reader, commentator, writer, in one word every Niz Goenkar A Happy and Prosperous New Year. It is YOU who make Goa so beautiful and worthy of its praise.
    Dear Dalia your article gives a meaningful thought for the New Year. Thanks to you and all.
    I am a bit high today and hopefully everyone will forgive me.
    Love and Blessings to all !

  8. Dear Joao,
    Today is a day to be High so do not worry, I, myself and my Team wish you a very happy new year
    Yes we have to fight for our Goa and I belong to that part. I can sacrifice everything to achieve Goa for us Goans only. Thank you very much for your support and I am too happy to have you as our NIZ GOENKAR - Menino de Valpoi

  9. Ginella, you are most welcome to write to me at NG is for Goans to explore and spread the word that their voices are heard far and wide, througout the World to make a better Goa. A Goa that we need to keep our children safe from the peresent set of politicians, their crumb eaters, from drug cartels before Goa becomes another Mexico.

    Joao, Viva, irlexed subez marum ia, Mog Assundi.

  10. Thanks for your contributions, Dalia. I learnt a lot. Just when I was being fooled, like so many of our people, you corrected me and showed me the real truth of what is going on. I commend you for being a strong voice of truth and honesty, something so lacking in Goa. Now, we need to get our people to not be so selfish, and elect leaders as Mr Raul Fernandes has said, not for self-interest, but for the greater good of Goa. Best wishes for the New Year!

  11. @Trevor, Raul Fernandes is a puppet of the Politicians. Most of what he has written in his article on Herald is what the writers have written on Niz Goenkar. He is a bread crumb eater of politicians. Raul is like a dog wagging his tail behind at the mere whistle of the politicians

  12. N.Fernandes-London2 January 2011 at 11:43

    H Shyam:::
    You are right
    I have noticed that what appears on Niz Goenkar, appears on other Newspapers in Goa a few days later with a slightly different take on things.


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