Wednesday 22 December 2010


LONDON: Ravi Naik for sure is suffering from a very severe form of mental illness or disorder. Anyone looking at his face will easily conclude that many of his "faculties" are missing. For sure he is constantly haunted and disturbed by the ever increasing "GUILT" he feels, from the involvement of his son Roy and himself too, in Goa`s Drug scene. He is looking for many ways and ideas to reduce the pain & guilt he feels.
Due to this, he has to constantly remind us that Drugs do not exist in Goa.  He feels this reduces and relieves his guilt and pain he feels, at being found out. The Ghost of the Drug case is now following him everywhere.Morning , Noon and Night. It is surely the talk in all Political adn other circles. Each time he tries to promote anything, he will be shot down by a reminder of the drug case.
Everytime he now utters a word about Goa, it is met with utter ridicule.No one believes him anymore and may be its time he packs his bags and leaves politics and better still Goa. He believes he can colour what is already "Black & White”. Try he may...but fail , he sure will.
It is very obvious he is in control of a lot of illiterate people, who sadly follow him. He uses his ill gotten money and wealth to control these wretched souls.IT is no different to the "MASTER & SLAVE synodrome. Many of his peasant followers for sure, are also bonded to him for their lifetime, for the monetary assistance or use of his ill-gotten land that he gives in subservience.
Today we read that he and that other blind Policeman/controversial fool...BIN INSANE Bassi, walked along the beachfronts of several beaches and did not find any drug taking. Have no doubt in my mind , that any drug user / smoker on seeing the presence of Police, security and these 2 so called VIPs , would bring out their reefers, HOOKAHS" and drug smoking toys, and smoke happily away.
What also strikes me is that this FOOL RAVI NAIK is unaware of the other non-smokeable and invisible drugs, cocaine, LSD, ketamine, ecstasy, speed and whatever other trendy name these drugs go by.
The best way for Ravi Naik to understand the drug scene, is if he dressed up like a hippie and sat in a shack. Truth would confront him in the face. Can anyone imagine Ravi disguised as a "HIPPIE"? Oh no!!! He would be seen as a Local supplier or drug kingpin, for sure. And that is what he is, even without the disguise.
My belief is that, Ravi Naik also has the confidence and blessing of the Chief Minister Digamber Kamat. They both work in some sort of "tandem". I doubt Ravi Naik understands what the drug menace is all about. Just a day ago, a Nigerian was caught with Drugs. What does this suggest to Ravi? Every month now, drug pushers are apprehended in GOA.
Ravi Naik, along with Bassi the "TURD" and Kamat are defrauding Goa, of the TRUTH.  I will deal with the Sunburn Festival later. But the festival should be used to highlight the nonsense spread by Ravi Naik .


  1. Chandrakant Kankonkar22 December 2010 at 04:45

    Very well said Mr. Fernandes, I salute you for your analysis of the fool Motorcycle Pilot Ravi Naik. He is really trying to hide the drugs and police and his son's nexus case. This is the fool's idea. I can understand an uneducated 5th class fail fool will only try foolish ways to hide his guilt.

  2. Felix Mascarenhas22 December 2010 at 04:47

    The dumb idiot Ravi Naik! How long is he trying to fool the people? His son Roy Pilot Naik is the biggest drug mafia in Goa and this Pilot Ravi Naik is trying to give Goa a clean chit? the dumb IDIOT. I agree with Chandrakant.

  3. Vicente Emeliano Do Rego22 December 2010 at 04:54

    Believe those who deal with drugs will never be satisfy and ill-gotten wealth from drugs will bring misery to their offspring, their family and generation will suffer most and this will be the case with Ravi and fly. Dealing with drugs is like forcefully leading someones to the valley of death.

  4. None of the ministers that currently run Goa can make an educated judgement. Ravi Naik is fully aware there are various types of drugs available in Goa. There are factories that process these drugs right under his nose. There certainly is a Drug Mafia and other criminal organisations in Goa Protected by some of our corrupt ministers. We need a political revolution sooner than later, United we can do it.

  5. Can understand when he cannot locate any drug dealers or drugs in Goa, despite his best efforts. They are hiding right under his chair.

  6. Two of the latest drugs available in Goa are called RN (Random Nausea) or is it Ravi Naik??? The other one is JS (Just Sick) or is it James Silva?

  7. Chorchill, lesser than 4th Std
    Monster Rat, lesser than 4th Std
    Joking Alem-aum, lesser than 5th Std
    Mickey Mouse, lesser than 4th Std
    Babu Azgaonkar, lesser than 4th Std
    Ravi Naik, lesser than 4th Std
    Mauvin Good for nothing, school drop-out.....the list is unending, what else do we need to rule Goa? Education? Bullshit. When one goes for interviews for government jobs, the first question is about qualification. What qualification does this Ministers have? Degree in Corruption and Loot.

  8. My only question is - HOW CAN THIS GUY GET ELECTED TIME AND AGAIN???!?!?!?, are people of his constituency sooo damn foolish?!!?? - SHOCKING!!!

  9. The world of DUMB(politicians)and DUMBER(Goan public) for getting these politicians elected. The blissful way of goan living in the blissfull environment of drugs, sex corruptions. For a few rupees more that the crumb eaters get during the elections, and not understanding that they have to shell out a lot more afterwards to these same politicians whom they have so gullibly got elected. Money is one thing which one may afford or not, but is a material thing after all. What we the DUMBER pulic of Goa does not understand is the hurt that these so called good politicans and their band of Social workers is causing to the environment in the name of development. And we live on. But have the crumb eaters asked themself 'WHAT ABOUT THEIR CHILDREN' or are we just living for the present.

  10. Yes Dayanand, he will get elected again! and see. No sooner was Roy to be questioned on his drug dealing, 500 people supporters – thugs- showed up to demonstrate. They are ‘dependant’ on the breadcrumbs that are handed to them. They don’t know better nor do they have a choise, the system is set up that way. That is the 'INDIAN' democracy at work for us!!! The system is dirty and corrupt to the core!!!! Some ‘democracy’! Shameful! Very difficult to change something so dirty! Oh, I forgot, some on this blog believe that we have to be very happy to have it, after being "liberated" by the 'evil' Portuguese! And so will Mickey be elected again! Don’t blame this people, the system is set up that way! Our beautiful ‘Democracy’ at work! Must be the Portuguese at fault again….where are the Freedom fighters???? Ahhhh....Attack!!!

  11. Well said Dalia. These guys have proved it that they dont need education, just a selfish, cunning mind to deceive & LOOT. And to think we trust in these guys. Let us kick them all out, we can & we will. Viva Goa


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