Tuesday 29 March 2011


The massive rally of parents the Azad Maidan, Panjim recently demanded in one voice that option may be given to parents to choose the medium of instruction in government aided primary schools. Some news persons with ulterior motive distorted the content of the demand and published that the parents want English language only at the primary level.
Such distorted information gave an impression as if the parents wanted to stop primary education in Konkani and Marathi. This was intentionally done in order to create anti English emotions among the people.
The content of the demand put forth by FORCE is crystal clear. Today there is option to choose Konkani or Marathi as the medium of instruction at the primary level. The parents demand that this option may be extended to English also. In other words the parents want that the government give them the right to chose Konkani, Marathi or English instead of Konkani or Marathi only at the primary level.
There is no doubt that the universal pedagogy is to have primary education in the mother tongue. This concept is very effective because the rest of their higher education is also done in the same language – the mother tongue. Most of the European nations are concrete examples in which elementary as well as higher education including professional education is done through their mother tongue. Is it appropriate to make this concept applicable to educational situations in our country including Goa where the education from Std. V onwards is in English?
For argument sake, let’s consider that the mother tongue is the best language for primary education in Goa. Is primary education in Goa imparted in the mother tongue? In 1990 the government made Konkani or Marathi the languages of primary education in Goa through the circular No. DE/Acad.I/Policy Decision/Medium/Pry/344/90/1234 dated 21.5.1990. I quote the first statement of that circular, “The medium of instruction at the Primary stage in all Government and non-government recognized schools shall be the Mother Tongue of the child i.e. Konkani/Marathi/Regional language of the state.” From the sentence it appears that Konkani, Marathi and Regional language of the state are all mother tongues. How many mother tongues does Goa have? As far as I am concerned the mother tongue of Goans is Konkani. If this is the fact then how Marathi language fits into the pedagogic concept of primary education? ( Mind you I am not against Primary education in Marathi at all because it existed even during Portuguese time.) Can the educationists who are the protagonists of mother tongue explain us in clear terms the position of Marathi as far as the universal concept of primary education in Mother tongue in Goa is concerned? Otherwise accept that Goa has two mother tongues Konkani and Marathi. Or else do not apply pedagogical definition to the Primary education in Goa.
If Goa government can give grants to have primary education in any language other than the mother tongue of Goans then where is the hustle to give grants to primary education in English, which is also not the mother tongue of Goans? What the parents are asking is their democratic right to secure a better future for their children. Are the parents of students demanding their right to choose the medium of instruction not the tax payers like the parents of students learning primary education through Konkani or Marathi?
The accusation by some protagonists of mother tongue that the primary education in English will render our children de-nationalized and de-cultured is also a myth. No language inculcates nationalism and love for culture in our children. Therefore the language is not important. What is significant is the content of teaching i.e the curriculum. Besides it is the influence of teachers, parents and the society which helps in inculcating the values of nationalism, patriotism, love for culture, etc., etc in our children. Today we observe anti-social activities throughout the country. Terrorism, murders and rapes are increasing day after day. According to me these are the people who are already de-nationalized and de-cultured. I wonder in which language all these terrorists, murderers and rapists had their primary education. Is it not through their mother tongues? These elements have turned themselves into dreaded human beings not because of the language of their primary education but because of the atmosphere and circumstances through which they grew. Let us not therefore link de-nationalization and de-culturization to the language of medium of instruction.
The time has come for the government to act decisively. We live in the 21st century. The government has to keep pace with the rest of the world if it wishes to achieve greater heights for Goa and its people. Hence it is the duty of the government to give all required facilities to its citizens to develop their skills – intellectual, physical, emotional - to face the challenges of the modern world without any discrimination. And Primary education in the English medium with one compulsory subject in the mother tongue is one such facility that will help the citizens to face the challenges of modern times


  1. All niz goenkar s should fully support the views expressed by Mr Tomazinho Cardozo. It is a pity we in Goa got journalists who are ready to twist and turn anything to suit their selfish intentions I One of the reason Goa is in a bad shape today its due to this tribe.

  2. Respected Ex Honorable Speaker, pass an ordinance like in the case of Cidade de goa, and make illegal legal. Its easy for crux’s like you. Well the simplicity with which you explain, the legality of the Education act, if feel you and a bunch of jokers don't have a issue for the forth coming elections, that you and the other bunch of jokers had 2 shed the crocodile tears, if you people were so much interested in implementing the MOI in English, why did your government waited for the issue to gain grounds, well I feel you people are up for a game, the Government have realised that all the old war horses will be shown the door this time, the timing and issue is good to fool the people of goa, irrespective of Christians, Hindus and every one. Congress wants to hide all the shortcomings of the government with this hot issue. Well as you said that Students needs to be given an option as far as MOI is concern, well they certainly has a option, as no body is forcing to get one self admitted only in a konkani or marathi medium school. Who aware want to study in english medium school is free to do so. While grants are concern it would be absolutely foolish on the part of the government to grant funds to a primary medium school of foreign languages. Well at least for a Portuguese medium primary school the Government could give a thought of granting funds is understandable as the Portuguese has left behind their legacy. Mr. Ex Speaker this is not your Stage for dramas, the way you were explaining. This is serious business. Today Schools have buses but no proper library, science lab, no proper ground, no gymkhana. No recreational Centers, In School there are no encouragement for extra curculio activities. The PTA is sitting ducks on these issues. The MOI issue is more important. The Action Committee and the diocesan is acting at the instance of the politicians.

    Provisions of Rule 6 of the Goa School Education Rules, which states: “Teaching in a school at the primary stage shall, as far as practicable, be in the mother tongue of the child, unless the parents or guardian of the child request otherwise in writing.”

    Well as per the rule its does not state that the education will be aided by the government if the parent gives in writing their wish for a different Language as MOI, well in that cases there will be so many request coming up for education in different languages which I feel the government should be far aware off.

  3. @Tomazinho Cardozo, very well said, it seems that they are Considering 2 Mother tongues for Goa, where in the world does Marathi come into the Picture, how many Goans do we know speaking Marathi, I have nothing against Marathi, and respect the Language, but when it comes to Goa and Marathi, oh boy! I do have a Problem, same is with Konkani, every Goan Origin should know Konkani and speak it and Adore it, as for me I’d even Die for Konkani, but when it comes to Learning, there has to be a Choice Between Konkani and English Only….. forget Marathi… when is it even considered…

  4. Joaquim Correia Afonso30 March 2011 at 05:12

    Mr Tomasinho Cardoso has explained the issue very well. What the parents want is that the grants-in-aid should also be extended to schools having English medium at the primary level. This is what I have stated many times in this blogspot. If the grants can be extended to schools having languages other than Konkani , the mother tongue of Goans, as the medium of instruction, why can't the same be extended to English medium primary schools?

    Some people say that there is "already" an educational policy in place.Is that a rigid policy? Can it not be updated? Aren't we supposed to progress with the times?

  5. When we have illiterate or primary school drop outs being repeatedly elected to make decision for us who can blame? Not only the crumb eaters but the also party loyalists are to be blamed. Let us unite and bring a new beginning to our lives in Goa. Can we do It?

  6. This language controversy comes up again and again to devide Goans because the Congress Party at the time of passing the konkani bill did not solve this issue once and for all. They added that MARATHI MAY AS ALSO BE USED in the bill to satisfy the substancial number of MLA elected from the former MGP on Congress ticket who did not support the bill wholeheartedly . The then CM Shri Pratapsingh Rane was frightened of his chair, moreover he himself is Marathi Manoos. Even today its the same problem. The Congress admits anybody into the party, even those who do not suscribe to the Party ideas just to remain in power and loot. As long as Congress is in power there will not be any peace in Goa. Kick the B**t***s out.


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