Saturday 21 May 2011


CANADA: Former Parish Priest of Ribandar Father Newton Rodrigues now based at Calgary in Canada is seeking Canadian $ 600,000 (approximately Rs 2.5 crores) by way of damages from Adv. Aires Rodrigues in connection with the allegations made by him in August 2004 regarding the alleged molestation of a 13-year-old girl by Father Newton Rodrigues.
According to a new item published in a Calgary daily “Calgary Sun”, Fr. Newton Rodrigues who is currently Pastor of St. Bernadette’s church in Calgary has initiated defamation proceedings against Adv. Aires Rodrigues in a Calgary Court
Adv. Aires Rodrigues has today stated that he would respond appropriately as and when he receives any notice from the Calgary court.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that the details of the allegedly molestation of the minor girl by Father Newton Rodrigues while he was a Parish Priest at Ribandar are all based on documents obtained officially from the Goa Police under the Right to Information Act.
Adv. Rodrigues has further stated that the records show that a First Information Report (F.I.R) was registered at the Old Goa Police Station on 18th August 2004 against Fr. Newton Rodrigues for having allegedly molested the 13 year old girl.
The F.I.R was registered against him under Sec 354 of Indian Penal Code and Section 8(2) of the Goa Children’s Act on a complaint filed by the girl’s mother that Fr. Newton Rodrigues had taken her daughter to his bedroom on the pretext of confession and had molested her.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that Fr. Newton Rodrigues himself in his written statement to the police had agreed that while he was pointing to the pendant worn by the minor girl, his hand by mistake touched her breast and that when the victim’s mother came and abused him he had apologized to her.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that the documents obtained under the RTI Act further show that the police dragged their feet in filing the charge sheet against Fr. Newton Rodrigues despite the Director of Prosecution and the then Senior Superintendent of Police (Crime) having clearly opined that Fr. Newton Rodrigues be charge sheeted.
Adv. Rodrigues has stated that it was very evident from the records that after the then Governor of Goa Mr. S.C Jamir had unduly intervened to save Fr. Newton Rodrigues from being charge sheeted that the police submitted a report to the Children’s Court that the case against Fr. Newton Rodrigues be closed.
Reiterating that nobody is above the law, Adv. Rodrigues has stated that as investigation into all crimes and the filing of a charge sheet is to be done by the police, that Governor Mr. S.C.Jamir had no business to interfere in the case and abort the due process of law.


  1. N.Fernandes-London22 May 2011 at 04:02

    Very bizzare.Very weird
    Not sure if the Church approves of such Court cases.
    Is this a method of avoiding Justice in Goa & to distract from the truth?
    Why not come down to Goa and clear your name once and for all.

    How will Fr. Newton prove "material" loss or loss of income /earnings due to defamation,when he is not a paid Priest, but lives off the Church`s benefactors and Providence. 
    I doubt this case  has any major impact in Canada, as the crime was commited in Goa.
    Fr Newton is no showbiz star,

  2. If Fr. Newton who still claims himself as Pastor was "clean" then what was the reason that he was transferred to the west? Why has he not cleared his name in Goa rather than claiming for the molestation money from Canada.Why was the Bishop of Goa ashamed to transfer this tainted priest to Canada? Is it to create another sex scandals? Why had the Canadian authorities not investigated his matter in India, while his was indicted in Goa on molestation case? We feel it's easy for the church to transfer them to Canada as missionaries with the funds from illegal land sales in Goa. Adv. Aires you have to drag everyone to the court and no one is about the law. We are with you on this cause.

  3. Salvador Seraulim22 May 2011 at 05:50

    I agree Fr Newton should have cleared his name in Goa before making himself available for transfer, As a charge of molesting a minor was brought against him the Canadian authorities should send him back to Goa to clear his name or face the charges.

  4. Silvestor Bethalbatim22 May 2011 at 06:52

    Priest or no priest Mr Newton should come down to Goa and prove his innocence, Sounds like he is more for material Gain.

  5. N.Fernandes-London22 May 2011 at 08:43

    Who is paying for the Court Case? donations?

  6. Churchill Alemao22 May 2011 at 10:11

    aint he suppose to be forgiving his brother seventy times seven?   

  7. Why now in Canada, Sould have cleared in goa why not publish the crime ? 

  8. That sort of is forgivness is reserved only for you muj-bhava. 

  9. Delphine Pereira Navelim25 May 2011 at 19:31

    Don't worry God is watching everybody.

  10. The church will sell donated land to outsiders and use the proceeds to fight the case, or use the Sunday collections. Canadian Dollars are worth something in Goa.

  11. The incidents took place in Goa. Why the so-called damage claim in the Court in Canada?
    Is it not this damage claim of $600,000 a pure greed of the so-called priest Newton Rodriges?

    I wonder whether the Bishop of Goa is supporting this so-called greedy damage claim. 

  12. N.Fernandes-London1 June 2011 at 11:55

    Hi Chris:
    I think this priest is being mis-guided.
    He is behaving like a cunning fox.
    He will not succeed with this defamation as this  Court Case, in Goa, is fully published in all newspapers and the story behind it too is being contested in the Court.
    It seems like this Fr Newton is making himself  more stupid , day by day.


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