Thursday 7 October 2010


PANJIM: The Goa State Chief Information Commissioner Mr. Motilal Keny today ruled that the Goa Cricket Association does come under the ambit of the Right to Information Act.
Pronouncing his verdict today on the complaint filed against Goa Cricket Association by Adv. Aires Rodrigues, the State Chief Information Commissioner has directed the Goa Cricket Information to furnish Adv. Aires Rodrigues within 30 days the information sought by him.
The State Chief Information Commissioner has ruled that the government notification dated 8th July 2010 that all sports organizations and State Sports Associations recognized by SAG would be covered under the RTI Act was binding on the Goa Cricket Association.
The State Chief Information Commissioner today also declined the request made by the lawyer representing Goa Cricket Association to stay today’s order to enable the GCA move the High Court.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues had filed the complaint against the Goa Cricket Association for its refusal to furnish information sought under the Right to Information Act.
After Adv. Aires Rodrigues sought information from the Goa Cricket Association on the fees paid to their lawyer Mr. Subodh Kantak, the Goa Cricket Association which is headed by Goa’s former Law Minister Mr. Dayanand Narvekar took a stand that it does not come under the purview of the RTI Act.
The Goa Cricket Association had stated it did not come under the purview of the Right to Information Act as the Goa Cricket Association had not received any financial or other assistance from the Goa Government or the Sports Authority of Goa.
Adv. Aires Rodrigues however submitted documentary proof to the effect that the Goa Government had granted a 99 year lease to Goa Cricket Association of land admeasuring 1,30,328 sq meters at Tivim for the construction of a cricket stadium at a nominal rent of Rs 50,000/- per year.
Adv. Rodrigues also submitted evidence that the Sports Authority of Goa had also granted to the Goa Cricket Association financial assistance of Rs 50 lakhs in the year 2000.
Meanwhile, Adv. Aires Rodrigues has today hailed the order of the State Information Commission as a victory for transparency and Accountability.
Adv. Rodrigues has also expressed happiness that this landmark judgment has been pronounced during the RTI Week which is currently being observed.

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