Wednesday 6 October 2010


PANJIM: Goa police today said that alleged drug peddler Yaniv alias Atala Benaim was in India to avoid punishment in 16 cases pending in his country Israel.
Crime Branch Deputy Superintendent of Police C S Salgaonkar told media persons that the Interpol in its communication to Goa government has intimated that Atala is wanted in 16 cases of drug peddling, assault, theft and fraud in Israel.
The tattooed-arm drug peddler jumped bail in August and fled to his native town. He was tracked down in Rishon-Letzion in Israel, video-footage of which was telecast in a national news channel, couple of days ago. “He is notorious in Israel. He is also booked for obstructing a police officer from carrying out his duty,” Salgaonkar said.
Atala’s sister in an interview alleged that her brother was politically targeted in Goa and that he fled to Israel fearing for his life in India.
Atala was arrested in March 11 from a shack at Pernem after a spy-cam video released on video-sharing websites and exposed his links with policemen. The video was uploaded by his jilted girlfriend and Swedish model Lucky Farmhouse.
This subsequently resulted in the suspension and arrest of seven police officials, who were eventually released on bail. (HD)


  1. Anonymous the VIII6 October 2010 at 22:07

    Gua Polish only know to divert topic. Why they don't speak the truth? Why they don't say that if Centre directs CBI to investigate Gua Polish - drug nexus after pressure from Rahul Gandhi, Gua Polish will be in Deep Gu along with mini Pilot. That is why they themselves sent him out.

  2. The heading should read :Ravi Naik evading people of Goa. The police should take enough responsibility. Before drugs kill Goa, we have to make sure that all drug sellers are behind the bars.

  3. How can the merchants of death escape the punishment? Is it by collaborating with all the law enforcing authorities? Is it the lax and outdated laws which make this possible or is it their connections with the influential politicians?
    How do they manage to get bails? Is it the investigations kept deliberately weak with loose links? Or is that the cases are not presented properly before the Courts?
    The common man gets baffled when the criminals escape punishment with ease!

  4. N.Fernandes (London)7 October 2010 at 00:29

    This Chandrakant Salgaonkar is a very corrupt idiot.
    I did watch his interview on a news clip and he seems to talk in a suspicious way.(see Goa 365)
    Based on the information Salgaonkar provided,that a RED CORNER notice has been issued to Yaniv Benhaim a.k.a(also known as)Atala....his name does not appear on the CBI website of "WANTED PERSONS".
    Why is Atalas name not appearing on the "wanted list" or RED CORNER NOTICE" of the CBI (Interpol section) website.
    I have used both possible name configurations.
    Something seems "fishy"?
    Once again Goa Police have failed its citizens.
    With this all I am reduced to saying is" Long Live Atala in freedom.!! Goa police & it`s top dogs(Salgaonkar) will get you in your next reincarnated life.

  5. Atala jumped bail? Why did our Gua Pulis played a match fixing game by bowling bouncers so that the ball would jump over the bails? And Salgaonkar says he is notorious in his own country, Israel? He has become notorious after taking tuitions and training from you guys.

  6. If the Goa Police knew that Atala was wanted for so many cases in his country,and that he is a notorious character then how did he get the bail in the first instance? Did the Goa police inform their Israeli counterpart about Atala's arrest? And if Atala was such a notorious character why did the Goa police not extra careful about his movements.
    All these smacks of a conspiracy. The Goa police must have escorted him out of the country to protect Ravi Hashish Naik and his son Roy Opium Naik.
    This cock and bull story of the Goa police won't have many takers among honest Goans.
    This is a cover up.
    Goans pls unite and vote out the present system of governance in Goa. Goa is ruled by illiterate buffons, smugglers, drug peddlers, perverts and chors. Kick them out of Goa before they kick all Goans out of Goa and convert Goa into another Soddom and Gonorrah

  7. N.Fernandes (London)7 October 2010 at 08:29

    Every Tourist / visitor to India requires a Visa.Whether long term,short term or business or repeat visa.
    A question on the application is about criminal convictions etc.
    So it seems that the Indian Embassy ( Visa section) has not bothered to check on Atala, prior to his visit to India / Goa.The charge for a visa is also quite hefty.
    Following the Headley case the whole Indian visa system is in dis-array.The people suffering the most are Indians holding other Citizenships / Nationalities.
    Goa Police have to also register any Foreigner who intends to extend their stay in Goa.
    Seems like Atala has been given many previeleges.
    Perhaps he has had a Business visa considering he ran a Restaurant / Cafe.However He still needs to renew his extension of stay.
    I have no doubt that he has been assisted by the Goa Police, Ravi and Roy throught his stay in Goa, as he was providing them with easy money.
    For sure he was granted preveliges until Lucky Farmhouse "spilled the beans".
    I am quite sure too that a plan / conspiracy etc must have already been in place to provide Atala safe exit from Goa.
    From what Atalas sister has stated...there must be several Goa MLA`s involved in the Drug Nexus.It seems like that these MLA`s all wanted a piece of the well iced "Money Cake".
    if an MLA /Member of parliament was accused of being involved in the drug nexus in most Western countries...they would have resigned until their name was cleared.
    Unfortunalely in Goa Mla`s are given more Honours and their actions covered by a lame Chief Minister.

  8. Our Indian and especially Goan MLA's are different types of MLA's. Members of Looting Association.


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