Monday 27 June 2011


Parrikar, just realized this now? Where was he at the time when illegally “English” was removed from Schools some years ago? If he is a Just person, why did he not cry then? Is he blind not to see the Mining Issues, Drug Issues? Crime’s not being solved, the Bali Issues and all the filth that’s spoiling Goa? No, he does not! Rather he has all the time in the world to fight over a patty issue – “MOI”
Correct me if I am wrong, when he (Blind Parrikar) & BJP was in Power they wanted to Cut down all the Trees in Panjim from Dempo house to Campal, just to make a Super Highway! Wherein these Trees have survived for over 100 of years and are very unique to Goa, as they are some of the only Trees found in Asia, called the “Rain Trees”…. How Stupid, can one get!
Then there was this issue with Him and his Gang of BJP Dogs, when they wanted to demolish all the “Holy Crosses” found along the road sides, this also included Chapels,
Fundacao Oriente too was stopped from protecting and restoring the Goan Heritage Buildings including Churches?
One can go on and on, with these Stupid Goan Politicians on Corruptions, Irregularities, Illegalities, etc, etc. there is no end to it….
If you only “Google” his name “Parrikar” you can find some many Corruptions done during his Tenure as CM of Goa, and now he teaches the Common people of Goa what is right for their Children! Isn’t this Height of Stupidity?
Think it is time for Goans to wake up from their long slumber and open our eyes and be the Judge on what is good for Goa and Good for our Future Generations to come, its never too late!

1 comment:

  1. People like Parrikars should be set on fire on 31st December in place of old man's effigy. This stupid politicians have nothing in their mind except Gandhi notes.


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