Saturday 2 October 2010


PANJIM:  “Police forced me to confess by hitting me, at times with iron rods”. This is what ill-famous “Dupatta” killer Mahanand Naik had to say about his on camera confessions to the Goa police wherein he has confessed to killing 18 girls from across Goa.
"They (police) showed me how the person is strangulated with dupatta. When I refused they hit me with iron rod. And when I did that, it was shot and they showed it as my confession," alleged Mahanand.
As per Mahanand Police had even provided all the required help to dramatists to produce a drama on him. The 40-year-old alleged killer was involved in a series of killings. The complaint was filed with the Ponda police in the last week of April 2009. During custodial interrogation, Mahanand had confessed of killing around 18 women.
According to the police, the killer used to go on a date with them to a secluded place and kill them. The alleged killer has been acquitted by the court in three out of 18 murder cases in which the Judge ruled that there was no evidence against the accused.


  1. He's lucky to get only a beating from the pulis. If it were up to me, I would have cut his dick and forced him to swallow it.

  2. Good Mahanand, you learnt it from the politicians how they fool the law. Go on with your idiotic confessions and get acquittal, this is exactly how the politicians survive, you learnt the art quicker.

  3. Great Mahanand! This is always the story! You will have some professional lawyer and even a more professional judge to acquit you and set you free to kill some more women. I know your lust is still not over.

  4. Anonymous the VIII3 October 2010 at 05:44

    Gua Pulis only know to dump unsolved murders on some other criminals so that their unsolved crimes graph comes down. What happened to Naresh Dourado murder? A two wheeler thief has confessed to the murder???


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