Sunday 10 October 2010


CANACONA: Seven locals from Canacona have been arrested by Canacona Police for assaulting tourists from Andhra Pradesh and attempting to set on fire their car on Saturday late at night.
The police said that the three tourists who reached Palolom on Saturday night were beaten up by the locals after a quarrel erupted between the tourists and the locals. The locals said that their Maruti Car bearing registration No. AP9 – AA171 hit one of the locals.
On reaching Palolem, a quarrel broke out with a local, who claimed that the car had hit him and on conciliation, the tourists reportedly went for dinner in one of the restaurants after checking in a hotel for the night.
Police further informed that later about seven locals, including the person who claimed to have been hit by the tourist’s car, assaulted the tourists at about 11.30 pm. Attempts were also made to set their car on fire allegedly with the help of petrol.
“The bonnet of the car was partly burnt and the rear portion, while another car parked at the side also had some minor burns,” the police said.
Police had the seven locals involved in the assault on tourists and attempting to set their car on fire, booked under Sections 140, 141, 143, 147, 148, 126, 323, 341, 435, 427 and 149 IPC. Canacona PI Raju Raut Dessai is investigating the case.


  1. I don't blame the locals for attacking these people. I am sure these people disrespected them. I know every time I visit Goa, I have been rudely treated by non-Goans in my Goa. Most don't know how to be polite. I too have gotten very angry as I feel in my own home, that an outsider is going to insult me and treat me badly...! These are all signs of how bad things have gotten for our people. I wish I could tell them to get the hell out, but Goa is treated like a dirty Mumbai, sell all the land to is place for all rich non-Goans and rowdy non-Goans come to do anything and also settle. It is a know fact that men from all over India come to look at 'white women' and Goa is a place where anything goes...It is shameful we have allowed OUR Goa to be disrespected! Even Bollywood love to do movies of drug dealers in Goa…..To the rest of India, Goa is the new frontier for all of India. Our 40 chors are helping to sell Goa for much is lost already. Look up 'real estate' for sale in Goa on the much for sale and so much more blocks of flats still to be built....! We are loosing our quaint little villages where we could leave our doors unlocked. Only in India, unchecked construction continues at a alarming rate, without any infrastructure in place…. not enough drinking water, no proper sewer systems, no proper electricity, roads….all things a ‘good’ government should make sure exists before more construction continues…But not Goa, everyone is out to rob and loot and destroy our beautiful homeland. Unfortunately we have illiterates in power who love the ‘power’ and the GREED….I guess without education, it is remarkable that they are in top positions, in an normal society these people should be in the lowest positions…what can I say, only in India! The CW Games exposed us as a society! I don’t know how we make progress with uneducated politicians and a corrupt system. Sometimes I wonder if there is any hope for our Goa.

  2. Goans need a cause to retaliate. I was with me wife in a five star hotel in Caunsulim where a bunch of Indian Tourists were pestering a white women. My wife held my hand not to intervene but I stood up and gave these thugs a piece of my mind. Neither the bar man nor the manager intervened because they too were non Goans.

  3. Must have been Aboobakr Shaikh the Goonda Builder if it was Cansaulim Diogo. he attacks priests, Gram Sabha members anyone.

  4. It is high time that we Goans take the justice in our own hands. I congratulate these locals who assaulted these Andhras. Our corrupt ministers and police are the ones who are shielding them and these so-called tourist take advantage of the situation and try to threaten us Niz Goenkars. If many or all of us act this way and take the law in our own hands in the absence of our Home Minister's competent police force being present on the scene, these so-called tourists will disappear from Goa. Time is near, very near!!!

  5. I do not agree with Trevor.

    Just because you met with an accident, you do not take 7 goons to beat up tourists and try to burn their car. It is sheer attempt to show off their false-ego on helpless tourists. There should be some limit to what we do. You can warn them and let them go, but no stoop to such a level that we spoil Goans peace loving happy-go nature. And again most of these guys who do resort to such nasty methods are those who are frustrated, sick and uneducated.

    If we Indians ourselves kill each other in the name of states, we should also tolerate when they are killed by the Aussies.

  6. Dear Deep , if we lived in a perfect world in Goa then I would agree to your comments. If you live in Goa for sure you must have witnessed the uncivil behaviour of Indian tourists visiting Goa. A vast majority of them have no dencency and behave badly espicially under the influence of Alchohol. For you kind information I have seen this behaviour two decades back when I lived in my home land and ever since I have visited the place on holidays. One of my sister was once a victim of their stupid behaviour many years back. If you may recall few months back in Bardez , a little girl who was with her father, having all the confidence in the world having her father around , was being snatched by a group of Indian tourists , had it not been for the alert father and people around this girl would have been kidnapped by these tugs , raped and probably killed. So much of crime as we read on the papers caused in the name of tourism. Please do not call these locals uneducated , I hail from Canacona and their names suggest that they are locals belonging to a great class of people , who are peace loving and very hospitable , but however will retaliate if advantage is taken. I am positive that there must have been reasons for their actions. Also please do not compare the racial actions of that happening in Australia to this incident. Young students going to persue studies are attacked unprovoked. I feel your comments are very unfare. Fore sure there must be decent domestic tourists , however that does not mean that all are decent. Also let me ask you , do tourists in other parts on India experience the same security and hospitality of that they enjoy in Goa? So many Goans are victims of physical assault while visiting places in India.

  7. Deep I think you are a ghanti that is why you got hurt and are taking their side. The reason for the quarrel between the tourist and locals is not known, so how you can take the side of the tourists? The main reasons for the Indian tourist to visit Goa is to see the nudity on the beaches that is being created by the foreign tourists, get drunk and don’t know how to control their feelings. They must have done some serious offense for the locals to interact in such a manner, otherwise such a drastic step would not have been taken by the locals. I know we are peace loving people, that is why everybody takes advantage of our leniency and try to dictate terms on our beautiful motherland.

  8. Deep... I won't call these people uneducated. Frustrated? Yes! Cent percent yes. What Trevor has said is right. There re highly educated Goans out there who are shunted out and the jobs are given to the outsiders. Why shouldn't anyone be frustrated? I'm educated but if I was in Goa jobless seeing some non-Goan getting the job that I deserve, I would feel the same way. I would even resort to more evil things.

  9. @ Mr. Deep - Well said; though I foresee you getting branded as a Ghantti; as happens to most sould out here who attempt to take a sane and rational view of proceedings.
    Anyone can be get hit anytime esp. due to reckless driving. This is where I don't agree with you Mr. Trevor. We cannot assume that the Andhra chaps showed disrespect. Now, if I get hit, there is the right approach to settle it. You most certainly don't gather a group of locals and go and bash people up. That is not right behavior. Else, the same will be followed with Goans elsewhere. Pls remember, our Goans especially those that return from the ship/gulf are "special" in their own way. I've had lovely examples of gulfies in Benaulim forgetting Konkani and attempting fancy english with me; as also a bus load of local boys who passed unsavory comments when I was returning home with my wife.
    If we don't want tourists - pass a blanket ban. No domestic tourists, no foreign tourists. But we know that isn't possible. The issue above is a simple law and order problem. I will not go to Andhra Pradesh and be a fool to disrespect the majority and one doesn't have to be a rocket scientist to know that. There was no need for this bravado on part of our our Goans.

  10. Mike Carvalho I agree with you that these Indian Tourists have a behaviour problem. I have seen many of them under the influence of alcohol propose other women. If the same was done in their state by others death by mob rule would have been the result.

  11. If I may add to my previous comments , for sure Diago and Deep I do not support voilence and arson and let the law take its course against these youths , however Deeps initials comments suggested that all is fine and dandy in goa with tourists which is definetely not the case. It is very obvious that these guys get over excited once in goa and are for most of the time under the influence of alchohol. Also no way can this crime be compared to that what happens in australia as deep has compared.

  12. To Anonymous and Deep, you all are missing the point! Yes we may have a few bad elements in our society but for the most part OUR people are FRUSTRATED with the situation in Goa....crimes, rapes, drugs, prostitution, gambling, over construction, robbing, name it, all in the name of this so called 'tourism'. Yes, we were a liberal and free society and our women wore mini-skirts, but the perception of the rest of India, is that we are 'loose' society. I am sick of Goa being treated like a dumping ground where everyone comes here to do his or her rubbish. I do not believe Goa gets the respect it deserves in India, but because we Goans are not a war-mongering society we have not been forceful on these issues. If this nonsense went on in other states, they would be riots in the streets long, long ago. I am begging our people to stop this so-called 'tourism'. Once we have politicians that can think of Goa first, and have a vision for the future of Goa we can start up tourism...not under the current circumstances!!! Yes, I say this ‘tourism’ is destroying our Goa, and anyone who does not believe it is blind and is foolish! Our uneducated illiterate politicians cannot provide for better jobs in Goa...or I forgot those few jobs also went to you get the picture now, Mr. Deep? The height of our frustration!!!! All our land is being sold to non-Goans.....but why do you care, you may be from outside...come to exploit Goa, when it is destroyed you will leave, and leave us to pick up the pieces of a destroyed and broken homeland.

  13. Trevor Sir - Excellent!!!And thank you for hitting the nail on the head. Tell me; how many "Niz Goenkars" commenting here are in Goa at the moment? You will say decent standard of living and opportunity isn't available. I beg to differ. I was born, raised, educated and worked in Goa (lost my dad when I was 7 months old; saw days without a rupee in the house). I taught computers in my village to earn money to help my Mom and reach college. My first 5 months on the job in Goa I didn't earn a pie - but goddamit I stuck on. And I can give you many more examples. TELL THE GOAN NOT TO LEAVE THE STATE COS WHEN HE LEAVES HE CREATES A VACUUM. I have seen my "brilliant" goan classmates down south who cared little about their education but pranced about happily because they has parents/brothers in the gulf or on the ship. They leave for places like Australia/Canada/etc etc to get a so called better education. You want me to provide statistics on the best colleges in India? I teach in one of the best in the country myself. It is only those who don't want to compete who make excuses and leave Goan shores.
    As for the rest part; tourism is an integral part of Goa. It is the Goan scum (politician or otherwise) who through mismanagement is aggravating the migrant problem and others. All your famous recent rapes that gave Goa such a wonderful name - were they not Goans? What is the bloody point in sitting across various parts of the world and commenting on this site. I am quite sure one hero on this forum will return to indulge in some fantastic sloganeering once more, term people ghanttis, but sit elsewhere and tell us in Goa what to do. You will agree - we Goans in Goa have already had plenty of this talk. It is time for action - when my preparation is ready - I will step onto the stage. I don't believe in the security of numbers. If we truly believe in the cause of liberating Goa from its ills - lets first understand that the change has to begin from within. If anyone out here has the guts - instead of happily criticizing the politicians how about contesting against them right now. In Goa - I know of just one brave soul who did it openly against possibly the biggest rat of all. The party has already been formed and work has already begun. I am so sick of this big talk about taking on ghanttis - why don't the courageous out here take on our lovely Goans who get them here and make them live in poor conditions in the first place? Its so goddam amazing to have people who earn their livelihood in a foreign land happily telling those in Goa what to do? Cmon lets take a good hard look at what we're doing to ourselves.
    The difference Sir is in EDUCATION. We don't make differences. You can't choose where you are born - but you can choose what you wish to make of your life. Sir, please even today visit the colleges across Goa; and our Goans on the coast and try talking to them. You call it cultured talk? Refined?
    Because we place our country first doesn't make us Ghanttis.
    Unacceptable behaviour is exactly that. No two ways about it. My arousing popular sentiment on this forum and criticizing non-goans we are not going to get anywhere.
    I apologise if I have offended you. But I feel deeply for what is happening around me. And its always best to call a spade a spade.

  14. Gojcho Put: If that is your Anonymous name, I am the fourth Generation of my family that is abroad, by now I should have forgotten my mother land GOA. like me there are others too that are abroad and yet love Goa. Although living abroad part of our earning has helped many to better the lives of poor Goans in Goa including paying for education. You are not the first but there are others due to not being able to go abroad hate NRI Goans. First of all as I understand Niz Goenkars was started by one Goan Person who lives abroad. The aim was to bring Goans all over the world together, and make aware of situations in Goa. And that is exactly what has happened, many do not comment here but follow the site. What motivation is there to stop current wave of Goans going abroad? As you say a spade is a spade then a Punjabi is a Punjabi , A Goan a Goan and so on. Viva Niz Goenkars

  15. This Goycho Put whoever he is, being in Goa has he ever done anything to improve the situation there? You say you have formed a new party but does your party have a stand? From your comments it appears that your are envious of the Goans working out of Goa and are trying their level best to get Goa on the right track. Do you think your party will win anything as these current rogues have captured the voters by paying. Can you pay the voters and by their votes? If yes then your party is not different from them and if No your party will not win, because you seem to have some hidden agenda within you. About your past lot of people have gone through the same. You were lucky others were not so they chose to go abroad. And this does not mean that you love Goa more and they love less. I can see that being in Goa you have not done anything for Goa, that you claim.

  16. @ Goencho put: I did not read your full comments as I was not interested. First to tell you you are afraid to write your name and this shows your potential. I am here on the forum and writing the articles is not to pass my time as I am a busy all the time. I never go for chatting or net surfing but when I saw this site its has become my pride. I am in Goa if you want I can face you right now. I am not afraid of any politicians or his chamchas so I write without fear with my name. Look and see my articles from august till now, that will be my proof. You do not think that everyone is free and surfing on the net. Menino is spending his own money on this and also time. you challenge us that if we can stay for the election, I take your challenge and I will stay for the coming election. Now you need to take my challenge if I have guts to stand for election and fill my nomination then you have to run naked in the maket. I take your challenge you now accept my challenge.

    Our organisation is not like churchill or other we have to make decision who will sit and when, its not Safe Goa Party, this is Niz-Goenkar. do you know the meaning of "niz"? All are goencho put, but you should be Niz-goenkar. If you are with us then join us, or if you are a chamcha of the politician then go to hell.

    one more thing do not talk about employment or job in goa as all the jobs are sold out. Read my article "jobs for sale" in august on this site. Also do not think that I am a reporter as i write it for the love of my land. Will you feed for the guys family if they leave their job? I think this is enough as I am getting ready for my tommorows live news on corruption which will come this week. So, this way we dedicate ourselves we do action just not words... See my article this week a shocking one...and how we work from early morning to meet someone to get all this things....

  17. Goycho Put, it is boring to read your long story that makes no sense. We are patriotic and love our place. We are not against anyone and love harmony but we don't like people with similar thoughts like yours. You claim to have formed a new party but that must be nameless like you.

    You read about all the crimes those are brought out or published by the press, 99 percent of those involved are you ghantis or in simple terms outsiders. I do not say Goans are saints but you people have influenced this culture. There were no brothels in Goa, you people came from outside and set up places where the Niz Goenkars are fighting out today. You don't patronize yourself but look at what have you contributed to Goa other than workforce?

  18. Anonnymous Goycho Put... First of all, if you are a Niz Goenkar you would have addressed yourslef as "Goencho" instead of "Goycho". This itslef proves that you are number one ghantti in Goa. Got irritated when we talked about ghanttis, huh? Anyway, the way you talk about Goans abroad, I am ready to return to Goa right now. But what will I do there? Will you support me untill you find a suitable job for me? If you support me and find me a suitable job that suits my qualifications, I will rapay you all the money that you spent on me while I was jobless after returning to Goa. Do you take this challenge? If you are genuine, come out openly! Six months you worked hard and did not get paid a penny??? That is exactly what the ghanttis are doing. They work free so that someone, like our corrupt ministers who need their votes, will compensate them for their free work. Let me tell you one thing my friend, I just remembered that when I was a small kid, say a one or two year old and wanted to pass shit, my mother used to make me sit on her feet and keep a used newspaper underneath my bum and I used to do my job in the comfort of my mother's lap. And then, she used to wash my bum,kiss my foehead and hug me. I did not even know it then, but I realized it as I grew up and I loved her till she died. Suddenly I realised now, although my real mother is no more, that my beloved Goa is my mother and she is still helping me to pass my waste on used papers and that is you. I still have lots to say, but I dont to bore readers with long comments, becoz no one have time to waste. My second chapter will be online tomorrow. If you have anything esle to say, I wanna hear it now.

  19. @Diogofichardo: "You are not the first but there are others due to not being able to go abroad hate NRI Goans." Pal, thankfully I only go abroad for a lovely holiday every year :) - Think I still envy you? Oh and btw - please make some sense of your last line. @Shyam Sawant: My response to Mr. Diogo wrt going abroad applies to you too. As for the rest of your comments; I can safely say you have totally lost yourself. Kindly return to earth, read the previous postings carefully and then understand WHO is starting/started a party. @P Cruz: Sir, the feeling is mutual. I too selectively read your post. One intriguing thing though was in para one you say you will contest the next election. But in the second it appears your decision making is still in the works. Please keep the paparazzi ready for me!!!! @ Dalia: Why live in the security of "WE"? Anyway my response to Mr. Sawant is applicable to you too. It is interesting to learn that "Goans" are so easily influenced by outsiders!! Just a minor correction. While I am most definitely Goan; I certainly do not fit the bill of a "niz-goenkar" as defined by the likes of you. I am guessing you are abroad - that makes you an outsider. And so by your own definition; DALIA = GHANTI. Three cheers everyone (hey Dalia please take this with a pinch of salt; you've got to admit it is FUNNY). Hahahaha this site rocks!!! But hey thanks - atleast I am guaranteed one reader for my posts given the fact that you seem to read and comment on just about any topic that comes your way. Finally thank you Site Administrator for providing me this identity of Goycho Put.

  20. Chandrakant Kankonkar13 October 2010 at 12:10

    Goycho put, are you mentally unbalanced or are you sick of being in Goa. Let me tell you that every Goan loves Goa. Just because a Goan is out of Goa does not mean that he does not love Goa. Remember that the pen is mightier than the sword. These very writings can be a source of change. So why are your jealous of these Goans? You too join them and let us all unite like the Administrator who gave the name to you "Goycho Put" said in many of his own writings here on this blog. Try to live up to the name the Administrator has given you. Do not put him down.

  21. Joe Rebello from Panjim13 October 2010 at 12:15

    A lovely name by the Administrator to you. Use this name to be one with all these bloggers whom you hate so much. Why is this hatred coming from you your mouth? They are doing what they can to save Goa. It is not necessary that they should be here to change Goa. You a 'Goycho Put' can do that by being one with them and put their writings into practice. Turn their thoughts and write-ups into practicals. Do that and you will be really the 'Goycho Put' otherwise I do not know you will be "Khoincho Put'

  22. Hey Goycho Put! Another clue that you are a ghantti is that you all call anyone "Sir". Trevor Sir, Cruz Sir.... That is how you ghanttis enter Goa and call "Churchill" "Chorchill" Sir and he is very happy about it becoz whether he is Churchill or Chorchill, at least you ghantiis have given him the title "Sir". And that is why he sends you abroad once every year for a lovely holiday. Do you go alone or do you take your wife along with you??? Be very careful, there is mickey mouse prying around lonely ladies. One Ghanti has already learnt to address Goans as Goans and not Goanese. You better learn to say Goencho Put isntead of Goycho Put. Or it would still sound better if you called yourself Gai'icho Put.

  23. @ Mr. Chandrakant and Mr Joe: Sirs, your views are nicely put and I appreciate them. I most certainly have no reason to be jealous or hate anyone. But the right thing has to be done and said. Truth hurts.

  24. @DLP Senor: Address the first part of your question to the site admin; I have no issues with any name. Regarding your employment - I have addressed the cause before. And your third part - thanks for the tale. Hope your feeling relieved.

  25. Alcantro Carneiro13 October 2010 at 13:31

    Dear editor of this blog, I think you should stop posting the comments that come in the name of anonymous whether they are pro Goans or against the Goans or pro righteous or pro wrongs. As it gets difficult to presume which anonymous we are debating with. Thank you.

  26. Yes sir, Kindly stop moderating the comments that come in the name of anonymous, or anon, anonym. This is ridiculous as there are now almost fifty anonymouses with the exception of one called anonymous the VIII. At least we know that this is same person who writes in that name.

  27. Niz Goenkar, What Alcantro and Oscar says is true. We really don't know who is who or which is which annonymous. One may be genuine and the other not. They are trying to make a mess of this blog just like TWP used to do on Herald. Please don't publish any any comments that comes under the name of annonymous. thanks.


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