Sunday 10 October 2010

IS THE LAW AN ASS? by Adv. Aires Rodrigues, Ribandar

Being a lawyer myself I would hate to believe that the law is an ass. But sadly some of the events in Goa would make one believe so. Today there is blatant evidence of the gross abuse of power and influence. The law is not upheld when it comes to sheltering the rich and powerful.
Goa's streets today are not safe. The soaring levels of crime should be a matter of grave concern. The criminalisation of the police force will continue unabated as long as the politicians are in control over the recruitment, promotions and transfers of the police personnel.
Prosecution in murder, rape and drug related crimes has to be on the fastest track possible. The guilty have to be severely and swiftly punished. The damage that the drug trade inflicts on our State and the youth in particular is irreparable. The police - drug nexus case has been totally mismanaged. The rich and powerful are shielded by Z plus security. Who will protect and come to the rescue of the Aam Aadmi?
Aires Rodrigues
T1 - B30, Ribandar Retreat
Ribandar - Goa - 403006
Mobile: 9822684372


  1. N.Fernandes (London)10 October 2010 at 02:46

    To Aries Rodrigues:::Most people her on Niz-Goenkar,will agree with all your statements.
    Though I reside in the UK, I am reasonably aware of what goes on in Goa.
    The current situation in Goa is actively discussed here on Niz-Goenkar.
    I hope some of the views here on Niz Goenkar, will filter through to the Goan Public.
    Goan Newspapers seem to be "GAGGED" & "BLINDFOLDED", by the Political elite.They are not fearless in their defence of democratic principles.
    Mnay Goans have appreciated & respected the stance you have taken on several issues.May you continue to do so.
    On a personal level I feel only a major revolution will change Goa.
    I also believe a couple of high profile assinations will jolt Goans into awareness & change.
    Assisinations is not something I promote or support.But history has proved assisinations stir a Nations consciousness.
    Goa`s Politicians are currently creating "madmen",through their Policies.
    Perhaps one day these madmen will repay the obscene Policy`s of the Corrupt Politicians & the high & mighty with the"FINAL REWARD.
    I have noticed the term "SUPARI" being used more often in Goa these days. This "SUPARI" seems to be diredcted mainly towards the Politicians.

  2. I have always stated the law in Goa is an ass. Drugs and vicious crimes are freely on top of the menu, promoted by our corrupt government officials their siblings and relatives. Until we have introduce laws Harsher to protect the Goan citizens, these criminals will have a field day in Goa.

  3. Our corrupt Goan politicians are responsible for the mess we are in today. Each of these corrupt rogues are responsible for the degradation in the law and order and increase in crime rates.

    The Government-Police-drug mafia nexus, the Goa Government-Government machinery-Builder nexus, the promotion of casinos, hotel lobbies, mining industry and the illegal activities are all with the backing of the Goa Government to the detriment of Goa and Goans.

    All these criminal activities are promoted by these corrupt politicians and even their evil and greedy children!

  4. As reported there are over 3 crores of cases pending in various courts which could take more than 100 years to clear- as remarked by one of the Hon. Judges!
    Taking decades for getting judgement- does not depict a good picture of the system capable of meeting the needs of the masses!
    "Justice delayed is justice denied"- then does such delay is the system not amount to denying justice to the aggrieved common man?
    Who is responsible for this mess? Is it the deliberate neglect in not filling up the vacancies of the Judges? Who is responsible for this lapse? Is it the deliberate procedural tangles that keep the cases going on for years and years? Or is it that the system has been deliberately allowed to come to a level where the cases can be dragged on for decades without final judgement so that the criminals and corrupt can complete their tenure in power?
    It is unfortunate that nobody is held responsible or accountable for all this degeneration! And nobody feels serious for bringing in the necessary changes to improve the situation!

  5. Law is not an ass but the politicians and government officers made it look like ass. The corruption is at it's peak in Goa and there are no citations to this law.

  6. Well said Dalia - particularly the High Court has served to put the corrupt Goa Government in place in many cases. We all need to question and expose our corrupt Ministers.

  7. I agree that the law in Goa is an ass, but it has also a hole, which makes it an asshole. You do something wrong, deal in drugs, murders, rapes, prostitution, blackmail and what not. You can always escape through that hole like shit. That's what our corrupt politicians and the current goverment is. Like N. Fernandes said, the only answer is assasination. Put a bullet in that hole and shoot the shit back out through their mouth. We need Goan Mujaeedins now.

  8. Goa needs Presidents ruling that's it, it is like a mini Pakistan that is ruled in a similar fashion by the crooks in our government.


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