Wednesday 5 January 2011


PANJIM: The police sub-inspector, Mr Sunil Gudlar said, "The video footage showing me giving drugs in room at Calangute is doctored and I am innocent."  Speaking to the press at the Goa Police headquarters, on Wednesday morning, Mr Gudlar stated that he has been entrapped. He said the said video clippings that have been shown have been doctored and manipulated and this has been done to trap him.
Mr Gudlar stated that he knew the location where this was done. He said the location is a rented room in Calangute, which he had raided, after obtaining the required permission from the former superintendent of police, Anti Narcotics Cell, Mr Veenu Bansal.
He informed that some drug addict had given him the information that in a rented room, two girls and a boy were engaged in the drug business.
"So I went with due permission from my superiors, but I am not aware of these drug transactions which are shown in the video clippings," he said.
"Do you feel I would go to such an extent to sell contraband drugs, when there is a hue and cry about drug peddlers-police nexus going on? I have respect for my uniform and I love my job as I hail from a poor family. If I was a corrupt police officer, I would have swallowed the ` 50 lakh offered to me by the drug lord Bhui, and kicked my job," revealed the PSI.
He added, "Do you think I would sacrifice my job and profession for the sake of just ` 2,000, never! Never! I would never stoop so low like others, who were named by the drug peddlers in the past, during investigation of the video footage uploaded on the YouTube by the foreigner Ms Farmhouse."
Regarding the girls in the footage, he questioned why their faces were not shown.  "After hearing this, I felt like committing suicide as I felt my morals have been degraded in the eyes of the common man and unnecessarily shown that I am giving drugs," Mr Gudlar said.
"I was obeying my superior’s commands without questioning them, and I have been performing my duties for the nation for quite some time. What reward am I getting after working day and night to eliminate drugs from the Goan soil and on arresting the big names related to drugs?" he asked. (NT)
(Video News of GOA365 in the sidebar)


  1. We can expect another award for deliberately bungling the investigation in this case of this PSI by Chandrakant Salgaonkar the filthy animal of the police department. I really do not know who made this filthy animal chandrakant salgaonkar a DSP in the first place. Pilot Ravi Naik will be very anxious now, hoping that his son's Roy's business may not fall down due to the arrest of this PSI. It also has to be sure and I am myself sure that this PSI is working under Roy Pilot Naik.

  2. All drug dealers claim to be innocent, and the PUPPET courts in Goa too will find them innocent.

  3. Hashish Shirodkar was also innocent and that is the reason the most corrupt Judge of Goa Nelson Britto gave him bail to him and laid the foundation for Atala escape after jumping bail given by Norcotics court.What a state of affairs happening with Goa Police, the criminals are freely commiting crimes in Police Uniforms.

  4. N.Fernandes-London6 January 2011 at 06:53

    I have watched the news clip and feel going by the accents, these girls are either Israeli or Russians /Ukranians.
    Looking at the braids on their hair they seem more Israeli.
    IN addition to selling the drugs, I am sure this cop Sunil Gudlar, was also looking for sexual favours.

  5. N.Fernandes-London6 January 2011 at 06:56

    All these cases must be handed to the CBI.
    From Rape capital of the world, Goa will also be known as the Drug Capital of the world.
    Goa is already on the FBI/Interpol and other drug prevention & enforcement agencies.

  6. It is high time to check if this Gudlar is working for Roy Naik. If they don't have political backing, they won't do such acts.

  7. It is a bit shocking that after all the events from last year cases of suspected cop-drug mafia nexus are still handled by Goa Police.This is one area where a CBI enquiry is required and necessary.Not having one puts into question the present governments role in all this crap.
    Mr. N fernandes, where did watch the actual video of this person? I would appreciate if you could direct me to it as I could not find it anywhere on the internet.

  8. In any other real democratic country, the home minister would have resigned by now. Ravi Hashish Naik will not do so because of his middle name!He is in a trance!

  9. Bebdo you have said it! In respectable democracies leaders dont have to be told or pushed to resign they gracefully step down.
    Recently in Canada a leader in health services when questioned by reporters on certain issues ,he refused to answer, when asked by the reporters for reasons why he wont answer questions, he sarcastically said that he is busy eating a cookie ( and he was munching a cookie at the time) , his leaders told him to step down immediately as his behaviour was termed as "arrogant", he then appologised and gracefully stepped down from his position. I am not trying to draw a parallel between the two countries, however I am trying to nail a point on what is decent and honest democracy. Mickey, inspite of all his infamous cases in the past few months , his party leaders are doing all they can to bring him to power again. What a shame!

  10. This is another fit story of Chor investigating Chors. What will happen? ChandrakaCunt Salgaocar is sitting there to make more money to save more Chors. On top of all, Charas Naikin will advise for no action as he claims everyday that there are no drugs in Goa. He only know that there are his sons who are drug lords staying in Goa.


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