Friday 7 January 2011


When one talks about Goa and its people, the image that comes in front of the eyes is that of a Catholic dominated state and of Gawd Saraswat Brahmins. This illusion has been given more credence in travel brochures to attract Western tourists to the state of Goa. However, the census figures for the year 2001 shows that Christians comprise a mere 24 per cent of the total population of Goa.
There are around 63 per cent Hindus, 6 per cent Muslims and the rest of the figure is rounded up by people of other religions, including Jains and Sikhs.
The million dollar question is what happened to the Goan Catholics who formed a majority in the state till the 20th century?
As per the census of 1851, the percentage of Catholics in Goa was around 63.83 per cent and by 2001 it has dropped to 24 per cent. In 1851, the number of Goan Catholics was 232,189 compared to 128,824 Hindus. The Muslims were around 2,775. The total number of Goans of all religions at that time was 363,788.
So what happened between 1851 and 2001 that the population of the Catholics in Goa shrunk so drastically?
The declining figures of Goan Catholics is also reflected in the 1971 census where the population of Hindus is put at 62.43 per cent and that of the Christians at 33.97 per cent. In the 1971 census, the population of Hindus touched around 496,000, while the Catholics were around 128,000.
If one computes the figures, one can see that the Goan Catholic population went down drastically after the invasion of Goa. It is not that the Goan Catholics were infertile and didn’t have children, and that the Goan Hindus had dozens of children to turn the tables in their favour.
The fact is after the invasion of Goa, between 1961-63, around 50,000 Goan Catholics were forced to leave Goa. Later more Goan Catholics left Goa as they could not progress beyond a certain limit and their careers and businesses suffered.
During the same time, thousands and thousands of Hindus from the neighbouring states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Tamil Nadu migrated to Goa. The migration of these ghanttis from other states ballooned the population of the Hindus today to a level that is on par with that of the Catholic population of 1851.
This demographic change in the population of Goa was enforced by the Indian government due to various reasons. However, the main one is to destroy the identity and soul of Goa by destroying the Catholics and original Hindus of Goa.
Now the big question is out of the nearly 64 per cent Hindus, what is the percentage of original Goan Hindus in them? I doubt it will be more than 30 per cent. My assumption is based on the fact that many Goan Hindus, especially the Gowd Saraswat Brahimins too have left Goa in large numbers and are now settled in the US, UK and Canada.
That means the population of non-Goans in Goa is now more than 30 per cent and they control nearly 70 per cent of the Goan economy. No wonder, Digamber Kamat had said that he doesn’t want Goan voters.
Very soon Goa will have ghantti MLAs and ministers.
Wake up my Goan Hindu, Catholic and Muslim brothers. From this population trend you can find out what is happening to Goa and what Goa would be in the next ten years if we don’t unite and demand special status and autonomy for Goa. If we don’t succeed now, then we will cry in the wilderness. Goa is our mother and our mother is crying out aloud to save her from the abuses of the ghanttis.



  2. Bebdo you can sure write. You have all the knowledge.By the way your previous article was even great. Must meet you man for a drink at some good old tavern ( if they ever exist with the purification going on by FF)for a great chat.
    The editor Mr.Menino de valpoi , N.Fernandes, P.Cruz , Niser Dias the list goes on, you people are not behind , to really say with honesty I am catching up with the happenings in Goa after nearly 2 decades and I am learning a lot from you guys. By the way this Veronic is a huge dissappointment.

  3. Chandrakant Kankonkar6 January 2011 at 16:18

    Very good article by bebdo indeed. Mike the freedom farters are good for nothing thieves of Goa. They are the beggars who are begging more alms for their so called dirty work of bringing the Indians into Goa and destroying our Goa. India has systematically destroyed our identity and our heritage.

  4. I don't think our beloved IOG (Indian Occuped Goa)will ever get back its lost glory. The only way to get it is to start fighting for our independence from the occupiers, the Indian animals.

  5. Alcantro Carneiro6 January 2011 at 16:28

    It is hard to imagine that one day we will lose our houses too. This is exactly the plan of the Indians. Why don't we unite and start kicking these Indians out of our Goa? This is the result of the so called freedom and now our dirty freedom fighters are sleeping in their bunkers and are trying to ask for more money. These freedom fighters should be squirmed and I hope they die a very horrible death. May all the freedom fighters of Goa (ex-Thieves) be eaten by worms while they are still alive.

  6. I agree! I think it is time to kick the Delhiwallas, Bombaywallas, Bangalorwallas, Bollywood, out! Stop selling Goa. Stop all the projects being built for these people. Time to send them home. Every day they are drastically changing the landscape of Goa. What has been done to Goa in 50 years, the Portuguese could not have done in 450 years! Poor people in our villages have no peace fighting all these bastard builders! All the labourers have to brought in to build these projects and they don't leave either. Crime has gone to the roof with temples and churches being robbed every day. Our dirty illiterate politicians have sold us out to these builders receiving gifts of cars and money in bank accounts abroad. Please fight for a moratorium on construction in Goa!

  7. Bebdo you do write your heart out in true form
    The Indian Invasion and the forced occupation have destroyed Goa beyond recognition. The corrupt criminals did even better, by giving NON-GOAN’s Ghantis preferences to build their nagars all over Goa. The occupants of these nagars have now become their vote banks, to add the corrupt criminal politicians have turned some Goans into dependent crumb eaters. One of the many nails in our coffin is the major Mega Housing Projects uprising in Goa, these can only be afforded buy Non-Goans many being Hindus of outer states.
    Goans will systematically be driven out of their homes starting with the poor mainly mundkars followed by the rest of the Goans, to make way for these non-Goan mega projects. Our Catholics priests have done nothing better by selling church to non-Goans for development of Mega projects.
    It is time to take Goa back from these corrupt ministers, and reintroduce laws to safe guard Goa and Goans in it. Goans of all faith need to unite and be counted for a political uprising.

  8. Very good article by Bebdo. Sorry to say our Goan Catholics are only interested in feasta,feni and fun. They don't care what is happening in their backyards. Goans should unite and kill all the non-Goans in Goa.

  9. @Alcantro, what you wrote is already happening. Goans are not just losing houses to the “ghantis” and "baile's" but to our own politicians who are committed to construct a 4 or 6 lane highway from North to South Goa. This is not for development but for the benefit of filling their pockets. This project will destroy so many houses and deprive people of their right to stay in their own houses, their ancestral place and the vegetation and gardens. What right do these corrupt politicians have to dictate terms on these matters? Why is the highway alignment made through areas those are populated by our people and not through those areas that won't displace people?
    For Bebdo, a pat on your back for highlighting so much and educating the Goans on different fronts. For your kind information, we already have Ghanti MLA's and now Minister. Babu AZGAONKAR is from Azgaon, Maharashtra. Sharda, the Sarpanch of Chicalim is from North India. Azgaonkar’s brother is a Municipal Councilor of MMC. Yatin Parekh, the Dy. Mayor of PMC is a Gujrathi. Wait for a few years and you will see most of them in every place. Hereby, I consider Cowmuth as a real Goan Ghanti as he does not look after the interests of Goans but outsiders. He is locally known as the PAIGAMBAR of the migrants.
    It is true the Christians have migrated due to the Indianised brutality.

  10. The reason why my dad came to Portugal after the Invasion of Goa, because by that time he wasnt happy how things were going on in Goa under Indian rule.

    Sergio - Lisboa

  11. Well surveyed Bebdo, Hats off to you for bringing the numbers and the figures in Goa this is really all people should read and act.

    The Goan Hindus and Christians are wiped out from our own land, most of them migrated and the ghantiis have overtaken the Goans. So there was increase in Hindus population, and now Goans Hindus and christians, muslim should come on street and change the census by driving the non goans out of our land

  12. N.Fernandes-London7 January 2011 at 02:10

    Hi Bebedo:::excellent article.
    This will demonstrate, like the "DINOSAURS", how the original Catholics and Hindus and few Muslims are gradually getting "EXTINCT" in Goa.
    The Goan Hindus are "culturally" different from Hindus from other parts of India.So are the Goan Muslims.
    The confluence of these 3 groups is unique.It is unique in India.It is very Goan
    They share in each others cultures and have had a harmonious relationship for centuries.
    But now the Hindu radicals have arrived in the form of "Snantan Shaasta",the Muslim radicals are just at the starting line in Moti Dongor,and the Catholics are left as bystanders.
    If James D`silva is reading this , I can quite catogerically confirm right now, he will conclude this is all "YAPING"! "YAPPING "! YAPPING"!.In James`s opinion, change and winning hearts and mind,with facts, can only come, from being on the ground in Goa, and by no other method.The internet ..or in some cases "Free Internet"!! is not a viable tool of mass and instant communication.
    It looks like we will have to instead, get our old , dusty typewriters out, reinstall the Telex and Telegram machines and check if the Post Office still has a lot of prepaid "Air mail" or "AEROGRAMME" letter paper.Or perhaps get the old "WAR DRUMS" and BUGLES out!!!

    I guess Yogesh Marathe will suggest this is all revenge for the long forgotten Inquisition and Colonization.
    As I am bust today I willl re-comment later.
    By the way I asked you to get me an "LG" fridge Cardboard box, as my current one has been damaged by the recent snow on the "streets of Swindon" (also called London) LG state, in their slogan that "L"ife is "G" good (with them)!!!!.

  13. N.Fernandes.... Don't go for LG Fridge Cardboard Box. It 'L'ooks 'G'ood but stinks 'L'ike 'G'hanttis or like James d'Silva and Yogesh Marathe.

  14. Brilliant article Senhor Bebdo, This is the real truth behind the story of Goa. I would like to ask the Goans in Goa specially James D'Silva, why are they not demolishing the statue of the traitor Bandodkar who wanted to sell Goa to Maharashtra and make us "zalach pahije" remove the statue of the son of a b...tch Bandodkar and instead put up the statue of the Saviour of Goa Dr. Jack Sequeira

  15. @N.Fernandes... I thought you said Valanka would give you a better deal on commission? First sort that thing out. If you want a Mauser or Magnum to keep the rats away from nibbing at your feet, you can order them from Goa too. There are Israelis who are ready to give their arms for moolah!
    Anyway LG is good!

  16. @Sandesh Gaonkar, I think this question must be asked to the RSS Potato Yogesh Marathe, he would be in a better position to answer that. He is already a Historian himself by manipulating the history of Goa and distorting the fact therein.

  17. A very informative and eye opening article by Bebdo. U need to be commended for bringing the numbers and facts out.Only your name is Bebdo but you are not drunk like most of the goans who are still drunk and still refuse to wake up and come to their senses despite the changes that have already taken place which you have mentioned in your article. Keep up the good work some day they will wake up(Hope it is not too late by then).

  18. @Bebdo

    You are the one and the only one who can save Goa for the Goans, I've to drink a glass of wine for you my brother, maybe even the whole bloody bottle.

    What you quoted is absolutely true, Football brings us together, there is no other sport.

    This homosexual impotent Criket is ruining Goa and it's beautifull Football fields. A sport brought by Ghattis for Ghattis.

    Why don't you write an article, where we can join FIFA as a Nation, this will bring Goans together, even those to whom Goa is dead. (Not forgeting the invader Nehru who promised us special status.)

    One commentator in NZ rightly Commented.

    *****You can take us out of GOA, but you can't take GOA out from us.******

    *****Salazar said, to Invader Nehru, you can take my Land but you will never able to take my people.******

    This is true even today, we can never feel comfortable with gahttis, (exception Politicians who want them for VoteBank) The Portuguese passport today is our Birthright, is due to that very sentence.

  19. @ Bebdo I always claim you to be a wise and intelligent guy. Your writings have inspired many on this blog to take up the mantle in the right and earnest way. I think you are a God send angel to free us from the tangle of corrupt politicians. I think seeing the present situation created by the rogue politicians, Dr. Jack Sequeira must have interceded for all the Goans and send his incarnation of his aptitude to free Goa. Like Dr. Jack Sequeira keep up the good works and pray that the blessing of God be with you always. If you believe it is the inspiration that you get from above that gives you the grace and courage to proceed in the right direction. Hope this grace continue within you always.

    @ Sandesh Goankar you have rightly professed your contention. When RSS type people like FF and Yogesh Marathe are there, it will not happened because they have already eaten the crumbs of Bandodkar and they will feel bad to give up his legacy. Yogesh and his RSS party have gone in hiding to do the purification ceremony of his soul and upon they finish the pooja and patt then only he will come out with some distinctive answers.

  20. Vinod naik
    B.A Geography

    My dear goans,
    It is with great interest i started reading your articles and comments,
    its not so easy to collect facts and figures, some times from so many sources and make an article out of it. accept by best wishes to all of you, you all will be remembered as the real freedom fighters of goa San all the benefits from the Goa government.
    For last couple of years Iam working as a sales executive for a reputed paint company, my work takes me to entire Goa, visiting all hard ware shops, building projects and individual houses. below are some of my experiences which I would like to share with you.
    1)there are roughly 1000 hardware shops in goa out of which 800 are owned and managed by Gujrathis Rajasthanis Delhites, maharashtrians etc
    only 200 plus are goan owners every day one hardware shop is opened by a non goan
    2)The people who patronise this non goan shops are the goan themselves, here is how
    bulk of the customers are NRI Goans they slog for more then 10 hours send dollars home they have semilitterate wives who are more comfortable with massons, painters, plumbers, carpenters, tile fitters,electricians etc, if they dont have two / four wheeler they come pillion with this guys to this non goan shops
    depending on the nature of the customer their commission ranges between 10% to 50%, most of the time the quality you get is commercial.
    this could be happening to you, when you go on vacation please verify your bills, you will say i was not lying.

    a lot can be written on the mall ices affecting Goa the solutions are some tines very simple
    at individual level we can do small things in a great way dont expect others to do it for you
    a small example last sunday i wanted a few medicines most of the pharmacies were closed , seeing one open i went in to find that it was a nongoan
    i had to travel two more kilometers till i found one goan pharmacy
    the joy i got from this deed of mine was far greater then the time, energy and extra money spent on traveling more till i got someone who is goa

    will i get the same joy by writing this comment?
    definitely yes even if i have touched a single heart.

    thought for today


  21. Vinod naik
    B.A Geography It very true as to what you have said. Besides the politicians some of the blame lies with us individual Goans for supporting non-Goan businesses. Many Goans have to hire Non-Goan tradesmen because Our Goans are shying away from these trades. Goa is in need of a political uprising.

  22. Vinod Naik... Sometime ago I had commented here that our first step as Goans should be to boycott all non-Goan businesses in Goa. I for one go to any distance to buy all my stuff only from Goans. These includes buying vegetables, fish, poultry, medicine, clothes and shoes. I also eat at restaurants belonging only to Goans.

  23. Time Capsule...
    Honestly most of us NRI’s, Goan Origin People, etc. including me, are all stuck in a time shell, where we Picture Goa the way we want it or the way it was or hoped it to be, but in reality Goa is soon going to the Ghantis, thanks to our Beloved Politicians "Vote Banks", when in Goa esp. in the Cities or our own Village Market places, we have to actually search or look for similar faces or Goans for that matter, that’s the reality today, Goa is fast fading and we Goans will only have our Goan Stories and our Names to be identified by! Like me apart from talking and discussing we honestly can’t do much as Goa Fades away in the Abyss… Hats off to you "Menino de Valpoi" we have a ray of hope, keep up the good work, anyways i can help, please let me know want to be an member, if not active.. if possible ...... Viva Goa!

  24. @ Everyone; i read your comments and feel the frustration, but i fear it's too late my brothers and sisters unless we do something like the Egyptians are doing. We should rise up and demand for Goa to get a special status to stop these bastards from UP, Bihar, Delhi, Maharashtra and Karnataka comming into our motherland and defiling our culture which is older than the Indian Union.

  25. At least Hosni Mubarak can be better than our OWN Fox Digamchor Cowmuth!

  26. @Jovit

    Thank God we don't have to do what these Arabs are doing, first these Arabs are stupid, not because of their culture but it's their religion. Their religion make them comfortable with a system of Caliphate / Muslim Ummah (nation).

    Where one man controls every thing, (the whole state affair). 90% of the Arab states are Islamic republic or run through Sharia Law.

    Gandhi used the help of the Muslim to overthrow the British rule, (around 1920) but these Muslim wanted a Caliphate state in Turkey, (Where is Turkey and where is the Union of India) ultimately these very Muslims happened to have two states (W. Pakistan & E. Pakistan)

    We in Goa have democracy, only thing is here the Government has to buy votes to be in power. Special Status can only be acquired through the Government. Only thing what we have to do is to see we win many seats, run the Government and ask for special status. for E.g. when Traitor Bandorkar won, he introduced Marathi and Marathi schools everywhere. He even brought thousand of Marathi speaking people to enforce Marathi in the State of Goa. It worked, didn't it?

    We can do the same thing what Traitor Bandorkar did, just reverse it, we should not ask for Special Status (Personally for me asking for Special Status is like begging) but we should demand I N D E P E N D E N C E from the Union of India.

    We still have an open case in the UNO, unfortunately we don't have a representative to represent our cause. Our first representatives wanted to convert us to Marathi speaking people, so that we could be in par with the Ghantties , our second representatives wanted to eat Congress shit, this they are doing still today. This is the reason our present representatives can't fight our case no where, forget UNO.

    Our solution and answer lies at U N O and not in NEW DELHI

  27. thanx bebdo for an insite.. in2 various aspects..

  28. bandodkar was d son of a marathi speaking kothewali goan=== kolvont..n a portugese father..

  29. start vth a revolution lyk d arab staes there is no harm in a democeracy if there is revolt..there ve been coup uprising b4.... goa's 39 chors need a beating ..mathany is not a sinner im frm cuncolim n i support sum1 from cansaulim.....

    courtesy; meldon almeyda

  30. Thank you Niz Goenkar....

    It's through you that I have come across so many of my used to be friends in boarding school. After Perdro, two days ago, now I have seen Jalpran and also Amulsalvadore (of course they were called that way by the pet names). I am so happy that they are commenting on Niz Goenkar. I hope to meet them someday thru' NG. The funny thing is that they are all from Santo Estevam. What happened to my friends from Salcette? I had so many of them.

  31. any insite into it???

  32. u r stupid this website . goa is an integral just as kashmir, north eastern states, maharashtra. indain hindus were converted by force by barbaric portugese to christians. if u want to be portugese just leave india and settle down in portugal which is begging to imf and eu for money to support its people.

  33. N.Fernandes-London29 June 2011 at 04:15

    I am not sure if ,you are "silly" , "Stupid" ,an "idiot or all 3.
    You also seem a little dumb.

    Perhaps History is not your strongest subject.Neither is Current Affairs.
    India was carved up or made up of various dynasties and Princely states.
    Pakistan too was an intergral part of India.So was Bangladesh.Parts of Southern China were parts of India and are still in dispute So was Sri Lanka.
    Portugal has only had problems with its economy following the Banking Crisis in 2008.

    On the other hand, your beloved India has been using its begging bowl to get aid and loans from the IMF and several other Countries for several decades.

    The UK & USA provided huge aid to india over many many years and  are still doing so.That is a fact., you cannot ever deny.India is only an emerging economy.It still has a huge population that still live in dire poverty.
    Obviously, if you are blind besides being stupid, you may not see this around you.I forgive you for this natural disability.
    I appreciate you are not impressed by the Niz Goenkar website.I do not expect you to appreciate it either, with your limited knowledge & blindness , of World affairs.

    I think, if you have a chance , by some means to Telephone or communicate telepathically with Adil Shah, he might explain to you the barbarity of the Indians amongst themselves.
    If you speak to lower caste Hindus ,Dalits & untouchables, you also may see a different form or by product  of clinical barbarianism.

  34. Too bad you will not come to your senses feeding on the myths of the so called indian freedom, which is nothing but a licence to cheat, deceive, bribe, plunder and destroy. Atleast the money borrowed  by Portuguese will be put will be put to its intended use, the general development. But in India, you're so proud of, most of it is pocketed by the politicians on one pretext or another. Or just consider the excess food grains rotting in govt godowns, when many indians are going hungry, none of the bureaucrats have the will to do distribution to the needy, too much of red tape & callous attitude. Perhaps you can make the difference!

  35. Priya : When Portuguese arrived in Goa there was no such thing called INDIA. No Goan Hindu was Forcefully Converted to Christianity orelse Goa would be 99% Christian State today. Your So-Called INDIA came into Existence when British arrived in what we know today as INDIA and created an Administrative unit called INDIA. We Goans are aware of Your INDIAN PROPAGANDA.



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