Wednesday 5 January 2011


Jackson Dias, an acclaimed composer of manddos and a beacon of Goan culture, has recently released his second Konkani album titled ‘Mogachi Kanni’ (Love story). A native of Santo Estevam, Jackson has won numerous awards, including the Goa State Manddo Award for his composition Orhad Ami Zuenkar.
The multi-faceted and talented Jackson opened the CD on the auspicious occasion of the feast of Santo Estevam on December 26. He unveiled his latest songs and singers at the end of the concelebrated mass to a loud applause from the people of Santo Estevam and from other parts of Goa who had come in their hundreds to attend the feast of their patron saint.
Produced by Bhenddekar Production, Jackson’s lyrics extol the virtues and the beauty of the island of Santo Estevam. With a line-up of young and talented singers, he has also highlighted in his songs the turmoil of youth and their confused state of mind if and when they fall in love for the first time. This is aptly reflected in the song Mogachi Kanni which is sung by a young Joylita Silveira.
What really caught my attention was the song titled ‘Goenkarank Fotoile’. Valeni, Snayha and Joylita have lent their melodious voices to spread the message of the plague that is afflicting Goa in the form of political corruption and the betrayal of the Goans by the government on the Regional Plan.
Songs like this are really required to create awareness among our Goans who have been taken for a ride for too long by our corrupt politicians in the name of development.
To be in Goa is another song which certainly will go well with Goans all over the world. Reniy (former India band fame) and Antoneta Dias match each other in their respective pitch of high and low in this beautiful and foot-tapping composition.
Tiatrist Xavier Gomes has chipped in with two songs – Viva Jua and Goencho Missionar.
Amchem Goem sung by Astria and Carran will definitely make most of the Goan diaspora nostalgic about their homeland. So too would the Dhekni (Marcelant Zatreak Vetam), which is rendered by Jackson, Tania, Veleni, Joylita, Aloma and chorus.
Music composer Mahesh Ghatwal has done a fantastic job with a fusion of traditional Goan and pop tunes.
All the singers are from Santo Estevam. They are: Aloma, Alwyn Gomes, Antoneta Dias, Astria, Chiara Gomes, Joylita Silveira, Reiny, Snayha, Tania, Veleni, and Xavier Gomes.
The price of the CD is Rs200. Those who want to help Jackson can contact him directly.


  1. I had sent an email to Jackson directly when I first came to know about his CD but did not receive any response. I have no idea how else to contact him except by email. I have not seen this CD in any of the music stores in Pangim or Mapuca but would like to get hold of a copy before I leave back from Goa on 13 Jan. Joseph, any diea how do I do that????

  2. Joseph de Santo Estevam6 January 2011 at 00:55

    Dear DLP
    Jackson Dias can be contacted on 00919657031787. He lives in Santo Estevam, Palmar Vaddo.
    Thanks for showing an interest in his CD.

  3. Yes we need to buy his CD and help him also we have to listen his message as the song compose of messages. I will also contact him.

  4. More power to Jackson Dias ... we love you.

  5. We should support local Konkani artists such as Jackson Dias. I hope we all should do our bit to popularise them.
    Joseph de Santo Estevam, thanks a lot for the reveiw.

  6. Marcel can you buy the CD for me hand is over to Alex he will pass it on to me. Yes we need to support Artists like Jackson Dias.

  7. Many thanks to Niz Goenkar for posting this review. I really appreciate your help and support.

    As pointed out by Joseph, anyone who wants to obtain the CD may contact me on my mobile 919657031787.

    Viva Niz Goenkar! Viva Goa!! Viva Jua!!!

    -Jackson Dias

  8. Jackson Dias : I want 2 cd's one I will give it to my friend Diago in UK. While you are coming to meet me get some more I will see if my friends can buy some

  9. Jackson... I've been trying to call you on the given number, but there's no response from you.

  10. @dlp: You may try contacting me again. Or, if you are in Goa, you may obtain the CD from the "Jameel" shop (which is owned by Soccorina Dias) in Marcel.

  11. @dlp: Oops! Correction: "Jameel" is the the name of Mrs. Socorrina Dias' house (not shop) in Marcel, Goa. It's right on the main road. You may pick up the CD from there.

  12. Mogall Jackson
    We praise you for bringing up the name of Zuenkars. All da best!


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