Wednesday 12 January 2011


A group of known communal troublemakers of non-Goan extremist groups are all set to pollute and hijack the sacred Hindu institutions and temples in Goa. Currently, they have taken advantage of the ongoing desecration of idols and temple thefts in the state.
The idea might sound great for some ignorant people, but it may assume dangerous proportions, because, over the years, they have been silently spreading hatred against the minorities and instigating our peace-loving communities, thereby making serious attempts to disturb the centuries old communal harmony of Goa.
Therefore, all sensible Goans should take serious note of such elements by being vigilant for the betterment of Goa, and its future generations.


  1. Chandrakant Kankonkar12 January 2011 at 03:32

    RSS, Bajrang Dal, VHP & Sanathan Sanstha which is inwardly run by Sudin Dhavlikar and his wife are all terrrorist and communalist organisations. We the Goans should not listen to them. They have to be kicked out of Goa. High time to teach these stupids a lesson.

  2. N.Fernandes-London12 January 2011 at 04:32

    I wonder what Yogesh Marathe has to/ or would say on this?
    Blame it on the Inquisition?The Portuguese?
    While world communities are buildng bridges, these madmen are wishing to create "Rivers of blood."
    History has not taught them much.So I must assume these are uneducated idiots.
    Ethnic and religious cleansing ,every where in the world, has led to uneccessary bloodshed.
    But I am sure it will also be met, with greater firepower.
    Anyone remember Yugoslavia.?

  3. Jerry Fernandes is right we peace loving Goans have to worry more from these right wing hate spreading Idiots . The so called liberation has brought Goans nothing but misery and destruction. Our successive governments have never condemned these right wing organisations.


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