Wednesday 12 January 2011


MARGAO: In a caustic riposte to remarks made by state RSS chief Subhash Velingkar, who referred to South Goa MP Fransisco Sardinha in derogatory terms at the VHP's meet at Farmagudi recently, the senior Congressman billed the right wing organizations as "worse than terrorists".
"We should shun those people who try to divide the society. They are worse than terrorists. We want people who can unite the society," Sardinha said, even as he advocated that the government prevent fundamentalist organizations like the VHP and the RSS from holding such events in the state. "These are the same leaders who instigated the culprits behind the Margao bomb blasts," Sardinha added


  1. Goan Politicians including Sardinha, RSS and Terrorists are the same for me. They all destroy mankind. Tell me Sardinha one good thing you dirty politicians of Goa did for Goans? You all fattened your bank accounts and properties increased on your Asset list and nothing else. You all are the same.

  2. Chandrakant Kankonkar12 January 2011 at 03:29

    what about your ruling ministers Sardinha? are they not terrorists? YOu all Congress, BJP & NCP along with RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal and Sanathan Sanstha are terrorists. Get this in your big head.

  3. N.Fernandes-london12 January 2011 at 04:08

    The most notable Terrorist organisation in Goa today is The uneducated Goan Politicians and Police.Following these 2, are the parasites that feed off them.These parasites in Goa are also known as the "CRUMB EATERS.
    Babush Monseratte,Ravi Naik and Mickky Pacheco and even Churchill, are at the top of the table of the Politicians league.
    On the Police side, we have the likes of Chandrakant Salgaonkar,Jivba Dalvi,Veenu Bansal,Gudlar and many others.
    The Goa Police are one of the most corrupt in the world.
    If any one looks at their assets and bank balances, one will understand the nature of criminality.It would be truly shocking.
    By day they pretend to be good( but useless in the mind of the public)and by night they practice all the vices known to man.Gambling,prostitution,drugs,goondaism etc.
    If I was to provide a statistic on Goa POlice , I would state that 95% are corrupt to the bone.
    I hope in the coming years a few heads will roll.
    The biggest and most Corrupt Policeman to day, as per all opinions and comments, is Chandrakant Salgaonkar.
    The Goa POlice and Politicians are inter-dependant on each others corrupt,nefarious and clandestine activities.
    I sincerley hope, a few of the recent cases, will reveal the full truth of the corruptness that prevails between the Police and Politicians.

  4. What has Sardinha and his government done to openly condemn and ban these organisations in Goa. The whole world knows the motive of these organisations. How can the corrupt politicians be the saviours of Goans when their members are involved in criminal activities? It is time for the Goans to stand up and fight for themselves.

  5. John R. Fernandes12 January 2011 at 21:28

    Sardinha is a can of worm instead of a can of sardin(fish) available in Goa , they get bugged up when others attack them personally, their inflated ego gets bruised,it is a wake up call for sardinha nevertheless too late in the day for him to react, the damage is already done in Goa by outsiders, Sardinha appears to be an ivory tower politician who does not like to get his hands dirty, Sardinha, to my knowledge has not fought for any worthy cause of the Goans, be it our language konkani,our identity, migrant issue,special economic zones, he is a chamcha of Congress President, the party which is working against the interest of Goans, woe to you Sardinha.He was elected because there was no other choice for the people of his constituency,in the next elections Niz Goenkar candidate should take his place.

  6. Sardinha is also know as "Kaxti Bamon" by so called other higer caste Brahmins of Goa. These Christian Brahmins take the glory of christening themselves by class though they don't have one. Dirty blue blood that ruined Goa.


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