Wednesday 12 January 2011


I was having a debate with some of my close friends in Panjim yesterday on different issues choking Goa. Some of these friends are associated with different organizations in Goa and elsewhere for social causes including the now partly defunct GBA. 
As I pointed out that NG is read by over 10, 000 people on every single day that was just unbelievable for some. Almost everywhere one can year people saying "I am a Niz Goenkar" or "I am the member of Niz Goenkar".  Amongst my friends were a few NG commentators who are registered members of the site. This will give a boost to many readers and writers, commentators and well wishers to see the site growing in strength and reach out to many Goans Worldwide. Be a proud member of NG and show your solidarity for the cause of Goan issues. You may not physically turn the tables but your comment, writings and views will make a difference for good.
NG have decided to reach out to you and others like you because the problems of Goa should command the attention and involvement of all of us who share deep beliefs and treasure the fundamental value of sustainable stability, peace and development of Goa. This is for our children, grand children and for the generations to come. For the present generation, it must be the utmost goal to save what is left of Goa. To stop the loot. To stop these same politicians and their family members to getting elected now and again. By doing so, we are adding strength to their muscles to destroy Goa, sustain goondaism and multiply their force. We want to live in peace and harmony.
Read NG, post your feeling in a comment, positive or negative, does not matter but what matter is that you take a few moments for the betterment of Goa. Let your voice be heard and it will surely make a difference. When Menino can spend so much time and efforts to maintain the site, why not we take a few moments and post our comment? Why not we submit articles that can open minds of our beloved fellow Goans? Let’s strike a change, a change to educate our fellow brothers and sisters that it is time to kick the corrupt government run by history sheeters and some corrupt elements.
Your participation certainly plays a critical role in addressing the social needs for the betterment of Goa and Goans. We need to do something right now and your concern depends on it. I hope that all the Goans will soon join forces and become members of NG right away.
You see yourself as a part of Niz Goenkar for saving the remnant of our beloved Goem. Dev Borem Korum.


  1. Dalia bai, we have long back joined Niz Goenkar, when we saw a light of hope in Niz Goenkar. We are happy that we have writers like you and others on the block. Bring more articles on the frontline.

  2. Felix Mascarenhas12 January 2011 at 09:11

    Based on Dalia article I request Mr. Menino and his team of Niz Goenkar to please make the membership forms available at the earliest. We are all eager to join Niz Goenkar. Please do not delay.

  3. Goa really needs a change and for that all the Goans must join the Niz Goenkar and go ahead with the work of purifying Goa. The purification of Goa is the most important thing. For that all the Goans must join NIZ GOENKAR

  4. I myself was not bothered to register but read NG on a daily basis. I do not touch Herald or other Goan dailies any more as i get better news coverage than the local Goan newspapers either through hard copy or online. I wish NG a long life, strength to Mr. Menino to carry on with the good work, the writers and bloggers a very best life. Thanks for educating many of us. May your success grow day by day and hope to see your edition in print in Goa. J. Goes, Raia, Goa.

  5. We are members now. Please give us the best and your membership forms available online. god bless you Niz Goenkar and Menino D' Valpoi.

  6. Dear Utt Goenkara, Membership forms will be available. Things are under process and soon we are going to come out with the forms - Menino de Valpoi and his Team

  7. We have to give our full support for Niz Goenkar. Surely he & his team are giving us their best, informing us on the state of affairs in Goa. Niz Goenkar, should make arrangements for online registration. Many Goenkars will definetly join, along with the spies for the corrupt establishment for which Niz Goenkar have to watch out.

  8. Dalia that's amazing, wow - I suppose you were not in a rat hole or up in some hills like the ever inebriated Bebdo, or the Cardboard box blogger who lives life like that once lived by Ted Williams or may be like Saffron Sawant the Buffoon who seem to find solace in an underground sewage of London and occasionally rant tirades which resemble Raj Thackeray. My dear lady, your persistent sounds of the drumbeat to join and be the member of the Niz Goenkar bandwagon is falling on migrant’s ears and not the genuine goans as there are no Goans to be found here. There are no Niz Goenkars in Goa who can live up to the dream of reverting back 49 years. Goa is become another Maharastra, India's cosmopolitan cities and all that one sees around is a migrant walk side by side and speak Konkanni into a hybridized Ghantti language. Oh yes, Konkani is deliberately crossed by the spurious, the b..t...ds the unweds of Churchill Alemao's lineage. There is nothing new to your talk and if someone has commented positively on in here than they have never been on another media that is vastly fair, disciplined and secular. Benazir Bhutto’s and the the Eva Peron’s did it differently and against the undemocratic nations. We live in a democratic India and live by people’s power and that is the formal expression of the population we call VOTE.

  9. Johnads, have you done a good checkup lately? Are you regular with your medicines? We love you dear! You are just another fantastic person like James with the mentality of Marathe.

  10. Johnads is like a mushroom, poping up in light rain and gets washed away in heavy downpour. But it leaves it's seed to bloom again on another day and repeat the show. What a waste! If it was like in the olden days Goa, someone would have consumed this local mushroom called Johnads as a delicacy. Now since the hybrid mushrooms are easily available in all supermarkets and veg vendors of Goa, none must be interested to pluck this mushroom called johnads. Let it pop up, wash away, leave a seed and grow again after a while. Cheers Johnads.

  11. Niz Goenkar is not just making a change but we can feel the change. Lot of my colleagues now call themselves Niz Goenkar and spreading the word. Unfortunately, only 5% of Goans has regular acces to internet and that is a pity. Other side, those working in offices can't glue themselves to NG to watch all happenings but a lot more people are getting used to. Thank you NG for being very bold and exposing the corrupt fellows in Goa.

  12. Long live Niz Goenkar and down with corrupt Government of Chor Kamat and pongodd of corrupt animals of the Porvorim Zoo.

  13. @Johnads, Ohe, Benazir Bhutto ka aulad, what do you want to say, say it in a simple sentence.

  14. Mrs. Arsekar, Goa13 January 2011 at 01:46

    I always read Niz Goenkar from my office for a few minutes to know the feelings of the readers. From my office, I am afraid to comment as this is government office and someone told me that it will be recorded int he system
    NG is very bold and hope it will make a change in Goa. Dalia is a all time commentator and I understand she is either Menino or another full time commentator of NG. I have praise for you and other regular commentators like Bebdo and N Fernandes. I have my respect for you all guys. God bless you all for bringing the change.

  15. Dear Mrs. Arsekar, Thank you for your comment. But let me bring to your kind notice that I (Menino) is not Dalia. Dalia is a lady that I know very well and she lives in South Goa. I am based in England and Dalia is based in Goa. And for your kind information I do know Dalia very well. I have a feeling that you are MISLEAD. We do need support of people like you and Dalia, Ladies too should come forward and comment without any fear. Dalia even writes articles for the blog, and people like you who love Goa should be brave and come out openly. Ladies can do a lot for the better of Goa. And I do need ladies like Dalia. The reason Dalia knows a lot about our Niz Goenkar hits is because she is one of our TEAM MEMBERS - Menino de Valpoi

  16. N.Fernandes-London13 January 2011 at 07:45

    To Johnads:::Thank you for the wonderful compliments you have paid me, Sawant and Bebdo.
    It is the type we expect from you.
    Hope you enjoyed your long hibernation over the Christmas holiday season.
    It looks like your poor mummy and daddy have, with difficulty, given you another new "cosmic", "Comedic" and hybrid English Dictionary (Volume 2), as a Christmas present.I can read some of the new words you have already learnt and used here.
    Your STD.V exams will be in April this year.I hope this new dictionary, Mamma & Pappa gave you will help you pass your English Exams, so you can progress to Class VI.So Please do not let down your Headmaster,Teacher and classmates.
    Niz-Goenkar readers too, would be very disappointed if you did not show signs of improvement and development.
    You see Johnads,Miccky Pacheco , Churchill, Ravi Naik and Babush Monseratte and a few others too that Rule Goa, never completed their education.This is why Goa today is badly managed.It is, as the saying goes "Is going to the dogs".
    Many readers and commentators here are worried that you are not only following their example...but are becoming like them.I am sure they will be happy to have you amongst them...but I am afraid Noz-Goenkar will not be interested in you and your style.
    One person that I know,who will fall for your charms is Valanka.Victoria (also known as MUMMY),has bee showing signs of liking "TOYBOYS".
    Have you see her kiss Babush Monseratte recently?.Following that kiss , Monserattes teeth too have fallen off.some are also dis-coloured.Her kiss was indeed infectious.
    Anyway I hope my advice will assist you and alert you, in your further under -development.
    Dont forget to collect your award from me for Service to Goa 2010.

  17. @N.Fernandes... The staff of The Institute of Human Pyschiatry and Behaviour at Althinho are in a panic. They are running all over Althinho, Panjim and Mira-Mar in search of their most intelligent missing patient.
    His name is John Anthony D'Souza also known as Johnads and one of the doctors told me that when he doesn't take his medicines, he runs to the nearest internet cafe to post comments on Niz Goenkar blog.
    This Johnads is suffering from debilitating schizophrenia, dyspraxia (poor coordination)
    anhedonia (inability to experience pleasure)
    aphasia (loss of ability to talk)and alexithymia (inability to express emotions).
    He also goes through bouts of acute depression and suffers from bipolarism too.
    Have you seen him around?

  18. To all you “Annoymous” and Freakazoids on this blog. By using such names you have made yourselves evidently clear that you are the sycophants, Goan politico discards and the elites from the exclusive Swinger clubs playing a double standard role of abusing your masters on this blog and swaying to praise them on a different media. Get out of your maskharat buffoon clothings and project your true colors if you are men enough with those testies in you.

    Dalia – you have said and I quote “Read NG, post your feeling in a comment, positive or negative, does not matter but what matter is that you take a few moments for the betterment of Goa. Let your voice be heard and it will surely make a difference” Unqote. I believe, my positive comments have disturbed you and is detrimental to your present state of mind. I h’d recommend you to James or Marathe for your health awareness tips as they will certainly oblige because, yours may sadly disown you.

    Ratol Baba - You are an unpaid Sai Baba for Ratol’s advertisement budget, who has stoop so low and bent his reverse to suck in the innocent youngsters and freaks to the paste. You got to try yourself a little neat and feel the heat and meet the past Ratol recipients. What a disgrace to society and the Goans!

    Ek Goenkar – Ohey Mundea, Urdu ka putr, batt somzoutem ki hai. Na samzem tho Ratol Baba se thoddi si paste pihi le ya tho kuhye meh dub mar. I guess, these lines are simple enough to arouse your senses in your dead skull. Finally, you have said it and I believe you so should, all your paradoxically minded bloggers here that you are the only (Ek Goenkar) within the Ghanttis. You are so true!

    N. Fernandes- You are welcome. My Indian Hinglish was meant for the eyes and ears of the fake Englishmen and their associates understanding. I sincerely appreciate, that you have taken the time to go through the English Dictionary volume 2, 2010 for words that you have never known the definitions of and simultaneously it made to reflect on Mickey Pacheco and Valanka as always so, dear to your heart.

  19. Being a member of Niz Goenkars our aim is to achieve the goal of a better Goa. Our uneducated Criminal politicians and their crumb eaters have made it their mission to destruct Goa .

  20. N.Fernandes-London13 January 2011 at 12:17

    To Dalia:::: I am very disappointed with you for not presenting Johnads his award , for meritorious service to Goa 2010 (see list on right-in red).
    I hope you will dispatch this A.S.A.P.

    To Sawant:::I warned you ,that if Johnads did not get his tumeric (Haldi), to give to his Masters to cook up a free Biryani (for election purposes), he would be upset.
    I know the price of Onions were very expensive this year at Christmas. People were crying (not from the peeled onions).But you never told me HALDI too was expensive.
    So as soon as you read this comment , please can you get some HALDI esctasy tablets to JOHNADS.Pronto!!!!!!"JALDI , JALDI"

  21. @Johnads, you are remarkably above all idiots and need good understanding about what you write before you invite the ire of others. Like Ratol Baba said, you grow seasonal on this blog just to take a heavy shower of people's wishes over you. You start this personal war and then when you can't handle it, you dissapear. Please heed to the advice of N. Fernandes and grow! Wish you success in your exams.

  22. Dalia - My dear lady if you were sensible enough and required any respect on the forum than You would have not got to the point where you have mentioned someone on this forum to be "Rama CUNT". For that matter even a Ghantti is better than what you have projected yourself to be. What do I call you a whore or a transverstite?

  23. Bebdea - Ha ha very funny yet serious enough to haul all those innocent John Anthony D'Souza's in the wrong place. Be responsible for your deeds and surrounder to the authorities before they get you whilst you are in your drunken stupor.

  24. @Johnads, it is difficult for the people living in cardboard boxes to read properly as illumination in these boxes is zero. I don't think any cardboard box is electrified by the ED, therefore, you need to come out of your cardboard box and read properly. I understand the whores deserve more respect than you think that you wish for yourself. In your eyes, you say that there are no Goans or Niz Goenkars left in Goa, get out of your LG box and look around.

  25. William, Cansaulim14 January 2011 at 22:04

    Johnads, you deserve to be called a pimp of the ghantis as you don't show love for Goa or Goans. you seem to be the agen of the looters of Goa those include politicians and police. You are on the blog to create controversies and sink in it. You invite curses on yourself nd show that you are one of the Goan Ghanti. I have been reading and watching your lips for a long time, you spill venom all the time that does not make any effect on the readers of NG.

  26. Jovi Fernandes, Kuwait14 January 2011 at 22:10

    Typographical mistakes? If Johnads a graduate in grammar but why N Fernandes pointed out that he is still in std IV. Is his Mama teaching him or helping him to understand words? What about his dictionary or the Tution teacher? Johnads must be a wonder boy in grammar and spellings. Let us nominate him for a spelling competition at primary level? What do you think guys and gals there?
    I am sure he is a political chamcha Goa and against Goans working outside who send millions or in that case billions of rupees through the banks that adds to the economy of Goa.

  27. N.Fernansdes_london15 January 2011 at 03:00

    To Jovi and William::::What Bebdo and Dalia and you too have said, best describes Johnads.
    He comes on Niz-Goenkar and uses superficial English words, in hope that he will be taken seriously and be seen as a "WONDERBOY".
    Sadly we see johnads as a side show and clown.He is a bit of LIGHT ENTERTAINMENT.
    He also has no shame or doesnt seem to suffer with one.I wonder why?

    Johnads will make a good entertainer of 5 year old kids.His English words will also make these 5 year olds laugh.

  28. Mr. Menino I am sorry that I thought you are Dalia. Your explanation is fair enough and I apologise for straightaway calling you Dalia. I was mislead and I misquoted the fact. Please understand me. Now I know that you are only the editor of the site. But I would also like to know the other smart and intelligent persons like Bebdo, N. Fernandes and Dalia. They write very well and their articles are interesting. Also Shyam Sawant is a brave man, hope to meet these persons someday

  29. Mrs Arsekar, I do now know if you are a Cop investigating me but I do have my doubts now and I will confirm the same. Well for your kind information, I post news and not comments. To me it certainly appears that you are a cop or someone asked to check on the identities of the commentators. VERY DEMOCRATIC! Further Mrs. Arsekar, I would like you to know that I post news and not comments. If I wish to post any comment I would do it in my name and not use any aliases or someone elses name. That is not my habit. I have a name and that is Menino. I AM A MAN OF PRINCIPLES. I AM VERY DISCIPLINED PERSON TOO. So remember that if you anytime feel that Dalia is Menino you are wrongly mistaken your apology is accepted. REMEMBER THAT I PUBLISH THE SAME NEWS THAT OTHERS TO IN GOA MAY BE A LITTLE MORE IN DETAIL. I suppose my stand is cleared and thank you for getting to know that Dalia and Menino are two different persons – Menino de Valpoi

  30. N.Fernandes-london15 January 2011 at 09:53

    To Mrs Arsekar::::
    Your polite comments and unusual request to me Bebdo,Dalia and Shyam, seems to be good to be true.
    Never in my life of Commenting here on NG, has anyone been remotely interested or expressed a very personal interest in who I am or who the others are.
    Your sudden interest, is astounding, and beggars belief.
    Please do not treat me or others here as "Fools".
    If you would like to know who I am ,please leave all you details here.Following that and verification through my intelligence channels and agents,within Goa Police,of whom I have many, I will respond to you.
    If your Police bosses are afraid of the truth ,then they have asked for it.
    I will continue to excercise my rights.
    But thanks for your interest in me.I am not interested in your request, quite honestly.
    If your Police bosses and Ravi Naik cannot sleep, some valium tablets will help.
    Ratol too has been known to have mild sedative properties if the correct dose is administered.
    Mickky Pacheco may help you ion this.
    I will not be surprised if some Ratol, will make Ravi grow more hair either.Yiu may also recomend some Ratol to Babush Monseratte as it might his help his libido.

  31. Madam Arsekar or whatever your real name is. Let me introduce you myself. I am Shyamsunder Sawant from Ponda. I am a Portuguese Citizen and I live in United Kingdom far from your corrupt country India and your corrupt officers of Goa Police. If you think that you can monitor me I am not afraid of you or your Deshpande who has asked you and the other lady to check on the commentators of Niz Goenkar. Do not worry about my bravery but think of your foolishness and that of your officers who told you to do this or keep a watch on the commentators. I have lot of time to reply to you as I am now a retired man. My email ID is Give this to your bosses, the SP Deshpande, or your chief of police or your home minister 5th standard Ravi Naik who has directed his puppets like chandrakant salgaonkar for this project through you two ladies.

  32. Nisha Pednekar, Savita Mandrekar and Sumitra Hegde15 January 2011 at 11:04

    Sir Menino, do not worry about anything. You and your team are doing a great job for Goa. If any harm comes to you or any of your team we the Goans and all our student Unions will come out on the roads of Goa and they will need a military force to stop us. Sir, we wish you, me, Savita and Sumitra pray for you and wish you all the best. do not worry about any thing Sir just carry on the good work from Nisha, Savita and Sumitra

  33. Mrs Arsekar and Curious Goan, you can put my name too on your police list. I too blurt out against the Goa Police and all the ministers of Goa. Why not try to check on me. If you want my details please put up a comment here and I will give you all the information about me. Deshpande do not send people on this blog with names like Arsekar, Curious Goan or Save Goa Front. We too have our friends who are police constables to SPs. Goodluck Bhimsen Bassi and Deshpande

  34. N.Fernandes_london15 January 2011 at 12:17

    To Shyam Sawant:::: Well and bravely said.
    The 2 Lady, Goa Police Cops could be compared to Prostitutes.They are trying their best to provide a pleasurable service to their Goa Police Bosses.
    I have never asked any commentator here ,who they actually are,where they actually are, what they do or what they ate and when they "SHIT".
    This goes to show you the state of the Goa Police.
    These 2 "decoys",are using "HONEYBEE" tactics to trap some people here.
    They are now using aother tactic to tell people they know them from the past and to get in touch. HA HA HA.
    The comments are hurting them badly and the Politicians too.
    The Goa Police do not know that their own realitives and friends have come here to reveal information about them.They should ask themselves why this is happening.It is most definetely NOT for providing the Goan Public good Police service.
    These relatives have a conscience.Many of the Goa Police are amassing huge wealth.
    Based on their earnings,it is disproportionate.
    However they have failed miserably.
    I now await thenext move by the Corrupt Goa Police.

  35. N.Fernandes_london15 January 2011 at 12:45

    To Joe Rebello:::
    Here is another classic method of Goa Police entrapment.

    "Curious Goan said...
    Hi Dalia, I think I know you. I had a friend called Dalia who is a doctor and is married to Bhandare. Are you the same Dalia? If so, how are you. We should reconnect, pls give me your email id. "

    The next one may be..
    You have won Rs 50 Lakhs in the Goa State Lottery.Please leave your name and i.d so we may contact you with deatils on how to claim your winnings....
    Your name has been selected to win Rs 50 lakhs in our lottery.Please leave you name and address so we may send you your Prize.

    The best Goa police should do is "get in touch with their" conscience.

    The names of these 2 Goa Police Lady cops will be revealed at the appropriate moment.I hope they have considered the implications,this will have on their families, children and their reputations.

  36. If this is a ploy by the concerned Arsekar, Curious Goan or Save Goa Front, to get the details of the prominient members of Niz Goenkars, it is surely shot down. You wont succeed. Others on this blog dont go chasing their details, for so long, we want them to be secure. Time to be vigiliant, dear Niz Goenkar team. Be brave, our wishes and prayers are with you. Surely Niz Goenkar is creating a stormm.

  37. (Mrs Arsekar, some typographical errors in above comment corrected and re-published)
    Mrs Arsekar, I do NOT know if you are a Cop investigating me but I do have my doubts now and I will confirm the same. Well for your kind information, I post news and not comments. To me it certainly appears that you are a cop or someone asked to check on the identities of the commentators. VERY DEMOCRATIC! Further Mrs. Arsekar, I would like you to know that I post news and not comments. If I wish to post any comment I would do it in my name and not use any aliases or someone elses name. That is not my habit. I have a name and that NAME is Menino and not Dalia. So stop shooting blindly and in the dark. I AM A MAN OF PRINCIPLES. I AM VERY DISCIPLINED PERSON TOO. So remember that if you anytime feel that Dalia is Menino you are wrongly mistaken AND your apology is accepted. REMEMBER THAT I PUBLISH THE SAME NEWS THAT OTHERS DO IN GOA MAY BE A LITTLE MORE IN DETAIL. I suppose my stand is clear and thank you for getting to know that Dalia and Menino are two different persons – Menino de Valpoi

  38. Tulshidas Shirodkar15 January 2011 at 23:58

    @ GOA POLICE SATISH AND LOURDINA: Good luck to you two for trying to comment in the name of Arsekar and Curious Goan. I know what is going on in the police department

  39. Nisha, Savita and Sumitra - These bright students have sparked their enthusiasm to carry on the mantle of our struggle towards freedom. You girls have got the guts in you to challenge any person. I hope others ladies imitate your proceedings as true models of Niz Goenkars and keep up the good works whether it is in a very minute way. Hope this flicker of hope brightens everyone minds at Niz Goenkar to fight the freedom of our golden Goa.

    As for Arsekar, I think this lady can only suck, she first states that she is a Government servant and her mails/comments may be scrutinized. Now after sending so many comments on Niz Goenkar why she is not frightened to comment? These are all falsely fabricated stories within the Government to catch on the activities on Niz Goenkar. Lady Aresekar don’t worry you will get your part of the share from these corrupt politicians and Goa Police and please don’t let your family eat it lest they get the curse of the corrupt loot.

  40. N.Fernandes-London16 January 2011 at 02:33

    To All Readers & Commentators::::


    The Goa Police have been deeply concerned about negative comments against them.
    There are also 4-5 Politicians who are gravely concerned about the comments made here on Niz Goenkar.
    The Politicians, have asked Ravi Naik and the Goa Police to monitor and investigate Prolific (regular) Commentators.
    The truth being revealed here is hurting them badly.
    Their first attempt at infiltration and penetration of Niz Goenkar was a couple of months back.
    The Goa Police and Politicians (Churchill,Monseratte & Naik) to name a few,recruited a Y.Ghante to penetrate NG.
    Y.Gante is a Goan,that is currently working in PUNE.He is a computer programmer.
    Y. Ganthe is an ex-student of the Farmagudi College of Engineering.He is also a resident of Parra-Goa.
    Y Ghante was asked by his Police & Political recruiters to get hold of the Niz Goenkar server and codes,in order to sabotage it.
    It is but logical, that Y Ghante was asked to find out the identities of some commentators in order to BLACKMAIL " them and their families.
    This is a typical tactic used by Goa POlice and Politicians to supress rebellion.
    I hope the current turmoil in Tunisia will teach them something useful.But I doubt it, as many Goan Politicians are plainly uneducated.
    The Politicians are more used to "GET RICH QUICK" schemes.The pooor Goans are used for this purpose.
    The Goa Police and their Political masters are now frustrated, as they do not know how to take charge of Niz Goenkar, which has become the VOICE of GOANS and is read Worldwide.
    The Goa POlice under the guidance of ATAMARAN DESPHANDE, has recruited two Police personnell...Satish and Lourdina (more info to follow), to find out the identities of some Niz Goenkar Commentators.
    These Police Personnell are now using "decoys" and a "Honeybee" approach to penetrate Niz GOENKAR.
    The decoys are using the names of Curious Goan, Mrs Areskar and SAve Goa front.Others are being closely watched and investigated.
    Now that the attempt to lure commentators to reveal their indetities has failed miserably, The Corrupt Goa Police and Politicians will try , yet another trick.
    What the Goa Politicians and Police must know is that the readers and commentators on Niz GOENKAR (INCLUDING JOHNADS), are highly skilled &educated.
    If the Goa Police and Politicians have nothing to hide ...they shouldn`t RUN LIKE HELL.
    In due course more information will be revealed.
    The Lower ranks of Goa Police are also not happy with their Masters.
    The Lower ranks have been providing me with priceless information.
    I welcome information from the Goa Police
    and ask them to do so using a fictitious name.

  41. Time Capsule...
    Honestly most of us NRI’s, Goan Origin People, etc. including me, are all stuck in a time shell, where we Picture Goa the way we want it or the way it was or hoped it to be, but in reality Goa is soon going to the Ghantis, thanks to our Beloved Politicians "Vote Banks", when in Goa esp. in the Cities or our own Village Market places, we have to actually search or look for similar faces or Goans for that matter, that’s the reality today, Goa is fast fading and we Goans will only have our Goan Stories and our Names to be identified by! Like me apart from talking and discussing we honestly can’t do much as Goa Fades away in the Abyss… Hats off to you "Menino de Valpoi" we have a ray of hope, keep up the good work, anyways i can help, please let me know want to be an member, if not active.. if possible ...... Viva Goa!

  42. Dear UskoGoenkar, we are shortly starting with membership drive and forms will be available soon. Anyone who loves Goa can be a Member and a permanent member of NIZ GOENKAR. All of us together can realise my dream that I have of a GLORIOUS GOA and for Goans only - Menino de Valpoi

  43. Yes, please do, have a hard time follwoing up on my comments and also have a hard time trying to post them, half the time am not sure if it gets posted..... i'll be a Member for Life... my Promise!


Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.