Saturday 15 January 2011


PANJIM: If people unite and start expressing themselves, it can be the biggest tool to bring about social change, Anil Awachat, a Marathi writer and social activist said.
Speaking at an interactive session organized by the Goa People's Forum in Panjim on Friday, Awachat said that mining is a disaster in Goa and hill after hill is being cut to extract ore. But to fight injustice, people need not resort to violence.
"It is more important to eliminate the evil in man rather than eliminate the villain himself," said the social activist who runs a de-addiction centre in Pune. He added that naxalism will not solve a problem but Gandhian ideals will.
Elaborating on Goa, Awachat said the state is unique with its rich biodiversity, but being beautiful is also a sort of curse as there is fear of threat to nature's endowments.
He fielded questions from spectators and from Vishram Gupte, a writer who coordinated the interactive session. Earlier, Yogesh Gajana Kapdi showed three documentary films related to digging of the earth for varied purposes. (TNN)


  1. People are infiltered with the political crumb eaters. Kick the fist of these crumb eaters, reject their doles and set a different mindset that can bring a change in Goa. Stop voting the same faces now and again. Make use of RTI Act wherever required, nobody can steal your freedom.

  2. N.Fernandes-London15 January 2011 at 08:49

    I fully agree with Anil Awachat.
    Goans for too long have been made to feel like second class citizens,in Goa by the Corrupt Politicians and even more corrupt and deadlier and murderous, Goa Police.
    Goans are being suppressed at each and every level.
    The Lands in Goa are being stolen,right , left and center.Not for the many...but for the few.

    Just today I have heard from a close aide of Ravi Naik,that works in the Home Ministry,and is PRIVY to documents, that he has asked his Police henchmen and the despotic tools that keep him inpower to monitor Niz Goenkar.
    He has selected Niz-Goenkar, as he cannot face the truth being told about him, his family and the errant Police he controls.He apparently is having sleepless nights and losing more of his already scanty hair.His testicles are gradually becoming dysfunctional too.
    The Goa Police are not faring any better.They are being exposed now on a daily basis.Continuance of their profitable nefarious activities is becoming extremely difficult.

    Apparently the Goa Police and notably Ravi Naik are very afraid of what is being said and revealed about them on Niz Goenkar.
    Goan Newspapers are tied down by Press Laws and Political Patronage.They are limited to what they can express.This sort of limitation, in The Press, around the world is called "GAGGING"....or curtaling Press Freedoms.
    Goan Politicians do not like bad press about them.But then again, they are not "Pretty boys".The Goa Police also want to see themselves as worth their jobs.
    However the Public perception of the Goa POlice is different.They are viewed as Corrupt Thugs and finiancial mercenaries.They see m to be collectng blood on their hands from innocent people.
    Instead of protecting the public,and the Democratic institutons, they have become 1st Class crooked Bankers and merchants of cash,drug merchandise and haftas.Many of the top echelons of Goa Police are also nowadays into Real Estate accquisitions.Many of these accquisitions are in 3rd party names.
    I am also sure that the ex -Israeli army personnell, many in Goa, are monitoring Goa Police.The recent "sting operation", conducted by Dudus sister is one such incident.
    Goa Police are not aware that their ranks have already been penetrated.They would not know this as most of them including Ravi Naik are not sufficiently educated or well read.The only books the Goa Police read well,are the ones that contain "Challans".
    The Police under, annonymity are revealing quite a lot their own folk.
    Being clothed in a Khaki Uniform, lathi in hand having big pot bellies,or driving a white Jeep does not mean you are educated or possess simple "commonsense".
    The Goa Police should also know,if they do not by now, that Goans living as residents and citizens,in Foreign countires are highly protected.
    Monitoring comments,made by concerned Goans living abroad and which are within the purview of Law, is no criminal offence.
    Why should the Goa Police fear, if they are doing their Job properly and within the frame work of the Law...Indian or Foreign.
    How come they are not monitoriing comments made on Goan /Indian Newspapers.
    The Goa Police should also be aware, that following all the Drug Nexus cases they are being monitored by Drug enforcement agencies around the world.They are being seen as Ground mules and abbetors of drug crimes.
    In conclusion all I can say, to the Goa Police, who are reading and monitoring my comment or comments and those of ohers ,at the behest of that Crook and guilty idiot Ravi Naik,continue to do so at your own peril.
    Ignorance of the Law, Indian or Foreign is never a defence.
    Also be fully aware Goa Police,that any stupid and coercive action by you against any Niz-GOENKAR IS AN AFFRONT TO ALL NIZ GOENKARS.
    It will be met without any impunity.
    and do not forget the "RIGHT TO INFORMATION ACT"

  3. Look at the people of Tunisia, they were finally able overthrow the corrupt politicians and their families out of the country via the Internet! We can do the same! This website, thanks to the dedication of Sir Menino and the contributors and all of you that take the time to comment, we can light the fire to bring change to OUR Goa. We want OUR Goa back! Ravi and all his corrupt and immoral cronies have good reason to worry. Please get the word out to our people, to join in this fight. We must do it, in the spirit of Dr Jack Sequeira….he has passed the torch to us! Lets not let him down.


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