Tuesday 11 January 2011


The other day I had a heated discussion with an educated friend of mine who has a very pessimistic view about Goa and its future. He agrees that Goa is gone to the dogs and it is now beyond redemption. He also argued that it is beyond anyone’s capabilities to stop the influx of ghanttis into Goa and stop selling of land and properties to non-Goans. His refrain was Goans will not be able to do anything because we have illiterate goonda politicians who are all out to loot Goa and make a fortune for their families and their next 10 generations.
When I asked him when was the last time did he voted, he replied that he neither casts his vote nor does he speaks against the stinking political decay in Goa. The reason he said was because almost all the politicians are illiterate goondas and he doesn’t want to cast his vote to any of them.
He is not the only educated Goan voter who feels this way and as such does not vote.
Our educated Goans with their lackadaisical attitude are to a large extent responsible for electing the illiterate goonda politicians time and again. Our educated Goans, be they teachers, lawyers, doctors, engineers, and other professionals have within them to change the political system by speaking out against the illiterate goonda politicians instead of complaining that Goa is gone to the dogs and nothing can be done now.
The middle class should not suffer silently and say que sera sera. The middle class besides being the catalyst for change also provides the spark to start any revolution, and history is a witness to that. Forget about the French Revolution, the Orange Revolution and the Philippines People’s Power Revolution to oust Ferdinand Marcos; in our very own Goa the educated middle class in the 1960s saved us from the Maharastrawadis and merger by fighting unitedly for a common cause to save Goa for the Goans. Just imagine if we had the present set of politicians then in 1960’s, today Goa would have been a part of Maharashtra.
In the first general election to the Goa legislative assembly, which had 30 seats, the United Goans under the leadership of Dr Jack de Sequeira won 12 seats (MGP won 16 seats, and independents in Daman and Diu). Among the 12 MLAs elected on the United Goans party symbol, there were five doctors. They were Dr. Jack de Sequeira elected from Panjim, Dr. Luis Proto Barbosa (Cortalim), Dr Alvaro de Loyala Furtado (Navelim), Dr Maurilio Furtado (Benaulim) and Dr. Sebastiao Mazarello (Cuncolim).
The remaining seven MLAs, J.M. D’Souza (Calangute), Orlando Sequeira Lobo (Aldona), J.L. Araujo (Santa Cruz), Teotonio Pereira (Santa Andre), Urminda Lima Leitao (Mormugao), Enio Pimenta (Curtorim) and Vassudev Sarmalkar (Margao) were either professionals or established businessmen.
None of them were corrupt and they sacrificed everything for a cause. I personally know the children of many of them and they all say that their fathers did not keep them any wealth, except for their ancestral houses or properties. Some of them were staying in rented houses in Panjim. Most of them still comprise the middle class and have taken up professions such as teaching, banking and medicine.
If those United Goans politicians were like those of today’s politicians, then their children would have been living a lavish lifestyle. During the merger issue, many of them were indeed offered bribes and positions of power by the politicians from Maharashtra and Delhi, but they turned them down because of their love for Goa and Goans. They were men and women of principles and never believed in self-aggrandisement.
I have seen first hand what a man of principle Dr Jack de Sequeira was. A year before he died, I was a teenager and a friend of his grandson Anil, who is in the UK now. I was visiting his place and when Dr Jack de Sequeira entered, it appeared as if he had a halo surrounding him. With his white beard, and white clothes he was radiating power. He enquired about our studies and about Anil who was studying in the XIth science class in Dhempe College. I then mustered enough courage and asked him only one question on politics which haunts me even today. The question was: “Papa, why did you leave politics and why are you not contesting elections now?” He replied: “My son, I am a politician as long as the people want me to lead them. The people have rejected me and I have no right to impose myself on them. As such I have left politics.”
For those who don’t know, Dr. Jack de Sequeira quit politics the day he lost the Santa Cruz constituency seat to Michael Fernandes. Will any of our present day politicians do such a thing?
The principles and values to govern Goa and change Goa into a better place can only come from those who are passionate about their love for Goa and Goan identity. The educated middle class has the passion and love for Goa. They only need to be woken up from their deep slumber.
Wake up my dear Goan educated middle class and spread the message of a Goan revolution. Let us join hands and kick out the illiterate goonda politicians out of Goa.
They don’t deserve to rule us.
Viva Goa, Viva Niz Goenkar, Goa for Goans!


  1. Bebdo has come out very intelligently again. Our youth in Goa back at home must read Niz Goenkar and hearken its Voice. Bebdo is giving the Goans the lead required. Wake up Goans and start the crusade.

  2. Bebdo has given a great insight into the history of Goa's Opinion Poll. Dr. Jack De Sequera led it as Good shepherd. I was fortunate to be part of that campaign many of the students and teachers played a major part in canvassing too. Many in the urban areas had to be coached on how to cast the vote and fold the ballot paper. Those were the honest and god fearing days. Today Goa has lost its way through the current corrupt criminal politicians. We Goans have to regroup with unity and fight to get rid of our current corrupt criminal politicians and bring our past Glory back. The Goan's students union can play a major role to mould the future of Goa.

  3. There are 40 seats to be contested in the next Assembly Election, is it possible to know which one is contesting where?

  4. Bebdo you hammered it again! Why I say this, my dad 89 years old , an ex portuguese army seargeant knew these very 1st leaders of Goa ,you mentioned in your article , and always spoke about them just as you have mentioned. Your words resound!

  5. Our beloved Dr. Jack de Sequeira was unique in this unique land of Goa.Today we are ruled by thiefs,goondas,smugllers,murderer,rapist,molestors,illiterates as we have unique types of voters in Goa who even after knowing how 40 thiefs & their kins are looting & destroying Goa end up to vote same thiefs again and again without realising the consequencies of electing the criminals.Selfishness and Greediness on the part of majority Goans is the main reason why Goa is turning into heaven for rich bastard Ghanties from across India.Next election would be between looted Money and Niz Goenkar and for this Goenkars should keep their greediness and selfishness aside and acts as True son/daughter of Goa by electing NIZ GOENKAR candidates.

  6. @ Bebdo - Your writings are always with intelligence and witty and carries a message to the young generation. Yes I too would like to share my thoughts on this note. During our school days we had been on a picnic in Salcette area and our principle and teachers took us to watch physically the functioning of the factory where coca-cola was being bottled and later on we were served free drink (approx. 200 students) at that time. It was a remembered experience which we still cherished in our hearts. Yes I agree with you, how true and sincere the politicians where at that time not bothering of any consequential aspects of any sort. But today’s politicians will think about their vote bank and Swiss bank accounts. With Niz Goenkar we can cross and go beyond all boundaries and can rock the world with our message. VIVA GOA VIVA NIZ GOENKAR.

  7. @ bebdo: My tears are rolling down when I read your article. Only to say people does not want good messengers.

  8. @Bebdo very good article for the true Goans to open their eyes wide and read and understand the real truth of Goa's history. Most of our caste people have joined RSS in foolish beliefs. Niz Goenkar is the site for the real Goans. Though I am from the bhat tribe, I stand for Niz Goenkar and all the articles here specially by Bebdo, Menino de Valpoi, Dalia & the stern N. Fernandes. It is really great to see our Goan Muslim Abdulla on the site a new entry. I wish all my BHATS who have joined RSS, gave it up and joined Niz Goenkar

  9. I agree cent percent with Bebdo. Comparison with those olden days with today has to be taken with a heavy pinch of salt. Gone are the days when people lived with values and fear of God. The scenario has changed today and as I write this, let me cite one example to sustain my comment.
    I met quite an elderly lady from St. Inez few days ago over a cup of tea and the next topic she brought out was about the recent development in her place. As discussion moved forward, she started praising Babush Monserrate, giving him all the credit. I was totally bowled out and for a moment, my thoughts were whether this lady is in sense or need some mental treatment. I wasn't sure that those words could be spoken by her as she is a widely travelled lady, highly educated and from a rich family. Then I realized that education and money is not what you need to understand values. A heart full of love for Goa that is filled with principles and values. This is rightly pointed out by Bebdo in the article. Freedom of speech is no education.
    In conclusion, the old lady is like a child who watch and believe television advertisements. She is a brainwashed soul by the hired advertisers of the Goonda of Taleigao. Everybody spends on advertising and since Politics is a business, it is the need of the hour for these goondas to advrtise themselves. And as I rightly understood in the end, the Goonda of Taleigao built a Chapel in St. Inez for the residents of the area and regular masses are held for those who could not reach far. This is advertising, in the name of God, in the name of development. But, did anyone asked the Goonda of Taleigao from where did he get the money? Therefore, the political game of today is widely advertised and even through a kiss of Judas as we had seen recently?
    Today's politicians are not with values or integrity but with muscles and sorrounded by crumb eaters. Crumb eaters also acts as advertisers for their masters. Slavery is taking it's shape again in Goa.

  10. @ Sneha Lata Joshi – I absolutely second you for your beautiful thoughts. I too agree the ideology and the beliefs of most of the Hindus that was vested on the traitor Bandadkor and his alliance with RSS. The Hindus’s mind were fed with money and pushed to vote only for the Hindu candidate. Nothing would have gone wrong if all the Hindus from North Goa were in favour of the United Goans because they differentiated between the Christians and Hindus and never gave their unity and still continue to do so and never see what is right and wrong and their mindset is filled with Jalas Paije.

  11. Brilliantly portraied again by Bebdo again,specially about the attitude of us most Goans who want change but are not willing to lift a finger to change anything, we have to start with ourselves first then blame the politicians. There is a saying in hindi "Jaisa Raja Waisi Praja"(The King is the Mirror Image of his People). It is time to giving excuses and start doing something ourselves,and if you cannot do anything at least do not try to demoralize those who are doing something good by criticizing them.

    Wake Up my Goans Brothers and Sisters.

  12. Tragically, it does worry me, what Dalia just stated. We can scream and shout about values and principles but when it comes to the elections will our people put these same criminals in office? I am not giving up yet, but I think we need to recognize that we need to reach out to people. I know some people will get upset with me for saying this, but I am going say it: For a place that has so many temples, churches and mosques, the people of Goa seem far away from their Higher-Maker when it comes to electing politicians. I know the system is corrupt to the core, with politicians that treat the electorate like ‘children’, making them 'dependants'. This is the dirty filthy corrupt system in India called 'democracy'. And if they have to choose between the lesser evil, what choice do they have? I believe the whole dirty Indian system needs to be thrown out! It is so orrupt-to-the-core! The only way to save us is 'Special Status' as it is never going to get better!!! Please believe me! So please let fight for ‘Special Status’ for Goa Now, we can’t afford to wait any longer!

  13. "Special Status"

    Only the Government, representative of the people can ask for "Special Status". for e.g. if Kamat will ask for Special Status for Goa, Congress won't allow him. If Congress does allow him, then congress will be a looser, this goes to BJP and NCP.

    UDGP is a regional outfit founded by Dr. Jack de Sequeira, unfortunately he never made it to the top, neither did his party.

    Before ever even thinking or talking about SS "Special Status" we should get / elect Niz Goenkar to run the Government. Only then we can ask for complete Autonomy / SS.

    Now the people of Goa and adopted people of Goa are voting for a Government, (From the time Goa was invaded) that's runs from Delhi or Maharashtra, which serves only their needs not the needs of Goa.

    But now the time is ripe, the people of Goa are fed up of our Politicians and their false hope and promises, they see how politics is becoming a family business and the voters are being used as Pawns in a chess board game. (Not forgetting a Pawn can also kill the King or the Queen.)

    We at NG are digital soldiers of our time, our weapon is the Net, our Ammunition is the knowledge of the past, unfortunately the Net in Goa is not wide spread and most of our Goans don't have access to digital media. Our elder generation in Goa know what they are loosing every day, but unfortunately they can't express themselves.

    It would be excellent if we could have a function / get-together once in a while in different cities in Goa to spread the message of awareness that Congress, BJP, NCP and Bailo (outside) Parties are our biggest enemies, if we've them in power, we'll always be known as "Indian Occupied GOA"

  14. Well said Pedro and thanks Bebdo for an excellent article.

  15. Right Bebdo why are the educated Goans sleeping in Goa. Are they also on the payroll of the dirty politicians?

  16. well said, i always believed that goa can be saved by the educated lot, but unfortunetly they have 'who's father's goes what' attitude. which requires to be changed. only then they will try to come out to save this golden land to preserve it for future generation


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