Saturday 8 January 2011

BETRAYAL WITH A KISS by Menino Fernandes

Strange are the politics of India, a democracy un-understood in the west. More strange are the politicians of Goa who can never be understood given their educational qualifications. Rather strange scenes are following one after the other in the political arena of Goa.
A few years back this was unimaginable, when Jennifer Monserrate contested elections and lost badly against “MUMMY” Victoria Fernandes. Victoria holds the reins of the constituency firmly in her grip. Atanasio Monserrate the current education minister himself with no proper education was up in arms against Victoria and showed it by pitching his wife Jennifer against the Sta. Cruz MLA.
Was the enemity bitter or was it just an outer cover to the inner political dealings? Was it a cheap publicity stunt with no stakes to lose? However the Kiss of Mummy to her arch rival Monserrate clearly demonstrates that this is nothing but a game in politics where there are no enemies among the politicians. It is to be termed as I WIN YOU EARN form of politics. Is this kiss a kiss of betrayal like the Kiss that Judas gave Jesus to betray him? Or is it a kiss to avoid confrontation and safeguard the votes of the constituency. Or is it a kiss to betray the voters and supporters? Each one has to open their eyes and mind and study the concept of this kiss and what would be the outcome of it in near future
This kiss of "reconciliation" is nothing but a mockery of the voters, supporters who blindly follow these politicians little realizing that they can be betrayed with just a kiss. Our Goan politicians are habituated to betray the GOENCHI PORZA with such kisses. Churchill did the same. With an unseen kiss he betrayed the Mopa cause. With an unseen kiss he betrayed the Roman Script Konkani Movement. The politicians are expert in their kisses seen and unseen.
It is very difficult to guess what could be the outcome of this “KISS”. Monserrate seems to be playing his cards right. To fight Parrikar in Panjim he has to make sure that his power is safeguarded in some tight corners. The modus operandi is certainly clear but the motives are not. If Monserrate loses to Parrikar will MUMMY salvage him? Or is Monserrate going to withdraw his nomination against Parrikar at the right time to make an all backed entry back into Taleigao?
The standard of democratic politics has been brought down to such a low stoop that if one bends under the bed will not notice the pandora box hidden underneath. Will Monserrate succeed in his game of tug of war with Parrikar or will he quit at the last minute. It appears to be so that Monserrate will not contest against Parrikar
These politicians make a scapegoat out of the voter and the voters do not even realise it. A few pieces of notes or a single piece of note written 500 on it steals the show.
It is high time the supporters of these politicians should realise that they are now the enemies of the next door neighbour whereas the cause of it is none other than these filthy politicians. Our Goans do not realise that in fact they are betrayed by one single kiss. They do not understand that the political enemies are now friends but each voter or supporter is the enemy of his neighbour on opposite side forever.
This is the kiss of betrayal of the voters and supporters, but has to enter the heads of the common man who casts out his vote blindly. The system needs refreshing, a change and it is up to the common man to do this. The politicians who try to pull wool over the eyes of the people should be said goodbye. Wake up dear Goans please wake up and see the deceit behind this kiss of betrayal. Stop fighting with each other for these clumsy politicians. Wake up an exercise your franchise properly. We’ve got to say goodbye to these corrupt jokers of politics. Is this ever going to happen?


  1. Vicente E. Do Rego8 January 2011 at 08:36

    My humble advice to fellow Goans, no matter during election time what these politicians make offer, accept whatever they give but do keep Goa and it's future in your heart and do not forget to franchise your vote in right direction by giving proper mandate to clean Integrity person. That way these illiterate money powered rogues will learn the lesson. But I know some Goans and our own neighbours how much effort you put to educate them how to vote and whom to vote is like pouring water on empty vessel, as Menino said above "few pieces of notes or a single piece of note of 500 and good treat in a Bar takes away all credibility.

  2. Yes Mr. Menino, what you have written is absolutely correct. These politicians are fooling us and it is a pity that we cannot see the betrayals and realise its gravity

  3. Felix Mascarenhas8 January 2011 at 09:14

    These are all judases in Goa. One cannot say when they will betray Goa. They are used to betraying and selling of the motherland and what is so difficult for the to betray their own supporters and the foolish voters. I request all the Goans not to come into these dumb fools sweet talk and like Mr. Menino said use your franchise properly and with extreme care to kick such type of people out of power. The problem with the Goans is that they want and seek favours from these dumb nuts and bolts.

  4. Fantastic article, these are the true colours of the politicians and the article contains hidden meaning and ideas that one has to only read it with open mind and analyse it a bit and you get the full picture of the Porcellain (politician) dishes. Wake up Goans wake up and let us march in the right direction and get these rogues out of power forever.

  5. Alcantro Carneiro8 January 2011 at 10:56

    All the Goans should be aware of these devils in Goa who pretend to fight but internally roam hand in hand. In the corners they not only kiss but piss in each others mouths. But our foolish Goans do not know how to exercise their franchise and so this is the result of our Goa. Goans listen to Niz Goenkar and wake up now is the time to drive these crooks into wilderness

  6. Sudesh Khanolkar8 January 2011 at 11:00

    I just came across this site yesterday on 7 of January and I read one article "why goa was invaded by menino fernandes" and was just amazed at the true facts brought out by the author. I started reading more articles and now I have come to a conclusion that Niz Goenkar is the best of all the news on line getting the truth out to the Goans. Herald and the other news papers of Goa are all eaters of the fallen food from the tables of the politicians. Here on Niz Goenkar will be my prime site to read before I read anyother site or news paper.

  7. Wonderful appropriate for OUR Goa. The thieves are plotting and colluding to LOOT from our Goa. So very sad. Like so many have said here, from our observations in the west every politician in Goa would have been asked to step down a long, long time ago. Yet this rubbish goes on and on in dirty India. All rouges and thieves, even murderers i.e. this Victoria is implicated in a murder with her son. How long are we to allow this???? How long are we to look at these ugly faces of crooks, thieves, smugglers, murderers, traitors?????? Please, OUR Goa is weeping in pain. We are responsible for putting this people on a pedestal. They are a representation of us! They are a reflection of us. Please think before voting. Do we want an outsider to assume that all Goans are like their politicians? If yes, stop wasting time going to temple, church or mosque.

  8. All I can say is the consolidation of goonda raj. What happened to all the good Goans?

  9. Every current MLAs (be it men or women) in Goa do not have morals, it is a "colvontancha Raj" (Prostitutes Kingdom), selling their evil soul to the highest bidder. Unless we Goans learn to unite and fight these Goonda MLAs, Goa will keep on slipping downhill.

  10. If every Goan read this article, it will change the minds of least 50% readers and embrace the right path to develop Goa. Menino has rightly demonstrated how neighbours fight against neighbours, friends against friends by way of their alliance to parties or leaders. In the end, the kiss of Judas changes everything for he benefit of these politicians whenever it suits them. The friends remains enemies. A well written article.

  11. All 40 Ali babas are hand in gloves.For them to make money matters most by destroying Goa.We have seen this during Casino hatao movement where it fizzle like a gas in soda bottle.Why!all 40 thieves received their fair amount of share from Casino Owners.Then came Drugs-Nexus, the BJP,Youth Congress leader,some congress MLA's made big noise to transfer it to CBI but did they achived anything? No! Why..the answer is in GOA CHORCHILL BROTHERS HAVE INVENTED NEW SET OF DEMOCRACY "Give and Take".Chorchill family is like Cancer on Goans.we Goans have to cure ourself from this Cancer before it is too late.

  12. N.Fernandes-London9 January 2011 at 04:04

    I guess Babush must be shit scared, that Victoria (Mummy), will go on a "fast to death".
    She will then get all the attention (like a little cry baby),in the media, and all the other Politicians will visit her at her "death bed"(flowers in hand).
    As soon as her fasting stops she will be given a top berth in Congress.
    This kiss must be per-emptive and calculating.
    Bubush is a dirty "schemer" and a thug.
    History will never remember Babush as a Poitical hero.He will be remembered as a Thief/rapist/robber/thug/land grabber and producer of rapint children.
    If anyone, can come here on NG and comment that Babush is a decent person and an asset to Goa and explain why to support his view,and then to convince me and others, with concrete proof to change my /our view of him, I will be happy to buy him a case of beer or gift of equal or more value.
    Babush can then turn around and say he did all he could for Mummy.

  13. Anonymous the VIII9 January 2011 at 05:03

    Hey all you Niz Goenkar.
    Are you only seeing the kiss on one cheek?
    What about the other cheek? A slap with the full palm !!

  14. What is this evil woman doing to the evil man in the photo. Is she kissing him or eating him ? Eat him up you hag and then go buy ratol for yourself, there will be two corrupts less...

  15. I guess we will get top see mummy giving babushka a blow job

  16. I guess we will get top see mummy giving babushka a blow job

  17. Satish, Caranzalem9 January 2011 at 10:22

    Gonda and mother of another goonda, kissing, shagging and sucking is their business. Looting is their profession. Foolish peope rejoice and vote to suck the blood of Goans who want a change without violence. Both are immorals, thugs and goondas of the same area. Dog eat dog.

  18. Seal with a kiss; is it for the future or past relationship of this lady with Monster rat or his family? It seems he is surprised for this lovely kiss and accepts it with an open mouth for close off from public access. The next recreation of the kiss promotion will have to be watched in due course, which will be coming very soon. We will have to just wait and watch the forthcoming scene.

  19. Satish well said Dog eat Dog, I hope that was the Kiss of death, in the picture the male idiot seems to be crying.The right palm on the face suggest "you will join me in the Grave"
    I pray it happens


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