Saturday 8 January 2011


PANJIM: With meager 450 square kilometers disposable land left in Goa, the civil rights activists have decided to propel a movement demanding Special Status for the state by amending the Constitution of India.
“It’s never late. The constitution was amended many times,” renowned social activist Mathany Saldanha told an informal meeting at Goa International Centre, Dona Paula on Saturday evening.
“We welcome everyone to come here but don’t buy the land and make us stranger,” Saldanha said in his half an hour speech which led the discussion on the roadmap to move the state government give special status to Goa.
The participating activists including Rui Da Gama, Florian Lobo, Yatish Naik, Julio D’Silva and others resolved that the state legislative assembly should pass a resolution pressing for the special status.
Saldanha said that the land in Goa is already under forest, agricultural, coastal belt and already utilized. “We are left with only 450 square kilometers of land which needs to be protected for future generations,” he said. He said that soon after the liberation the Goans were either divided on the basis of caste and religion or also terrified after facing 450 years of Portuguese rule.
“We never had guts to tell the central government what we want. That’s why we had to fight every time. May it be opinion poll or Konkani language agitation,” Saldanha, who also chairs National Fishermen’s Forum, said.
“Then fathers of constitution did not feel it wise to give representation to Goa in the constitution. That’s why we are suffering now,” he said adding that there is lot of insecurity which has come in the fate of Goa.
Saldanha has said that with no provision to protect the land, majority of it is being given for commercial activity. “This has resulted in large influx of people from outside. Does Goa have capacity to contain this population?” he questioned.
He said that special status is the only thing which can protect the land of Goa. “People are feeling insecure. The special status will cease buying of any land in the state,” Saldanha said.
During the interaction, the activists reminded the assurance given by Congress President Sonia Gandhi during last assembly election to give special status to Goa.  They recalled that even after the liberation, then prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru had promised that Goa’s special identity, language and culture would be protected.


  1. Please all Goans all over the world, all nizgonekars please lets do this. The only way to save us is 'special status'. How long can we keep fighting and fighting in our villages, with no peace against non-Goan development. Development that does not help our people, but only brings hundreds and hundreds of non-Goans into Goa. I believe this is what Dr. Jack Sequeira would want us to do. I don't think he could have imagined so much harm done to us in just the last five years. Our land is always going to be valuable; we were blessed with a paradise. They will always be lots and lots of money from builders, so-called developers to tempt our people. We cannot blame them sometimes, but we can stop it once and for all and give our people peace. We need to safeguard our culture, our Goan culture. Look all the young people fighting for Goa, the recent case of young Goan boys reporting on illegal dumping of garbage. They had to take a lot of insults and almost threatened with being beaten up. We must do this for them!! I am even willing to forgive our corrupt politicians if they will give us 'special status'. This is our only hope. Trust me, if we don't do this, it will never end. Someday our people are going to get tried of fighting and fighting and give in to the temptation and our homeland will be lost forever. We will be homeless, lost forever. Please push for 'special status'! We can do it! We must do it!

  2. Dear M Saldhana,
    Hope this is not a publicity stunt for upcoming election campaining purpose & we could see some sincere efforts in that direction. Also request you to inform us also about your next move, so that we could also join you in the movement.

  3. Vicente E. Do Rego8 January 2011 at 22:50

    Loud shout to Niz-Goenkars all over the world to unite, spread the word whatever way it is possible and lend full support to person with Integrity Mr. Mathany Saldhana who has started campaign for Special Status to Goa. Special Status means we Goan's do not need financial Special Status that is what these current rogues Politician thinks and dream of specially our dummy corrupt CM. What Mathany is asking for special status to save Goa from selling to non-goans ghantis so that no Indian ghantis could buy land in Goa. And not only that he is also asking to include Cut-of Date of 1967 when the amendment of the constitution takes place. So that who ever Indian Ghantis moved after that period will automatically be considered as Non-Goans.
    Non-Residence Goans can spread the word through their various Organisation, Associations when they have various functions within their community to make Goans aware that something is happening in Goa and to bring them closer to Goa.
    My full support to Mathany Saldhana who has always raised this issue many a times but never got any encouragement from any of these MLA's so far. Mathany has put the foundation and now it is upto we Goans to bolster this endevour.
    Mathany keep it up we Goans are with you!!!!!!!!!!

  4. I am happy that the message of Niz Goenkars is finally finding a voice in Goa. Now those who were criticising us for 'yapping on the internet' should eat their own words.
    Viva Goa, Viva Niz Goenkar, Goa for Goans

  5. Swapnesh - Mathany Saldhana is the only sincere politician & uncorruptable politician who has Goan interests in his heart,a pure Niz Goenkar.Just by associating with BJP in the past he is not crumbeater or need not depend on the crumb of two corrupt and communal National Parties.If he was then today he would have been member of present choracho sarkar.Every Niz Goenkar should support him to achive Special Status for Goa.I wish NIZ GOENKAR should support him during next election against Maha chor Mauvin Godhino.

  6. Bebdo... They must be already chocking by eating their own words.

    Mr. Saldanha... Niz Goenkars are with you. It's a thrill to see the seeds Niz Goenkar has sown are taking effect and it won't be long before we see our dreams for our beloved Goa come true. Viva Niz Goenkar!

  7. @True Goan... Most likely we will have our own candidate in Cortalim. We are working on that. Niz Goenkar has their own ideology and we don't want to compromise on our ideology. We are a cadre-based organisation whose members are wedded to the ideology of Goa for Goans.Since we are a cadre-based outfit and our members are even ready to die for Goa, we do a thorough check of our members. That's because, once someone becomes a member of Niz Goenkar, he/she is a member for life. We don't trust monkeys who jumps from one political tree to another.
    As for Mathany, I do have high respect for him right from the days when I was a young student. I do remember how Sir Mathany used to taunt Sameer Kakodkar, just because his mother Sashikala was the chief minister. Sameer finally had to change school.
    I am happy that Matany finally became an MLA as at that time we used to make fun of him saying "sir your bicycle has flat tyres and it won't be able to transport all the ghanttis out from Goa". "Bicycle" was the symbol of his Gomant Lok Poxx.
    And yes, how can I forget about the ramponkar agitation and especially the slogan, "Shasikala Kakodkar, zho..n ghele ramponkars".

  8. N.Fenandes_London9 January 2011 at 04:13

    It is a great pleasure to know that comments on Niz-Goenkar are being followed actively in Goa, and slowly but surely producing results.
    I am sure the Political establishment in Goa is slowly taking notice.They will not admit to it just now.
    The Goa Police is fully aware there are frequent comments about their activities here on Niz-Goenkar.
    MY Goan brothers and sisters,please spread this message around...."special status " for Goa and real comments and sentiments on Niz-Goenkar.

  9. @ A True Goan,
    Dear Sir, I sincerely wish and pray that you may be right and i may be wrong. Ultimately, we are interested in safeguard of our mother land GOA, whichever way or direction it may come, i really dont mind.

  10. Dear Sir Menino, Please make this article a main news item to be viewed at all times like some of the other articles on the left of the website. I think is it worthy enough that we all start the discussion of getting 'special status'. I do not know Mr Saldahna, but judging from the comments here he is a very respectable and good person. It fills me with joy that we finally have a savior in OUR Goa. He maybe the next Dr. Jack Sequeira that can save us. I believe we need to dedicate our energies to this cause now. All the discussions on drugs, prostitution, looting, land scams, smuggling, raping, crimes every day on our people our temples and our churches etc is immaterial to this cause. I believe with ‘special status’ we will be able to curb these crimes and all the destruction of OUR Goa. We have very good reasons to obtain 'special status' for our small and tiny homeland. I urge our people not to be nay sayers and instead believe in and fight this one battle for our homeland, our identity and our culture. We must do it for the Goan youth of tomorrow. We must keep our culture going, our ancestors will require that we do this. Someday when we die we will meet them, and they will ask us, what we did when we saw our homeland being destroyed. Goans have produced great civil right fighters throughout the world. We have the potential to produce our next Dr Sequeira. Please lets get this discussion going around the world and in every home in Goa. We will never have peace until we get 'special status'....We must have faith that it can be done. They were nay sayers when it came to the Konkani struggle, yet we succeeded! If we have to shed blood to achieve this cause, then we must, to save us! We can do this! Time has run out, we must do this now! Please, to all Nizgoencars, share your comments of support; we need to let our people know in Goa, and in every corner of the world, we are in this fight for our homeland. May God help us in this struggle! May God Bless Mr Saldahna and all the ‘true’ civil right fighters/activists of Goa! Special Status for OUR Goa!!!!!!!

  11. That is why we need the special status. These ghantis have made life miserable for everybody including the foreign tourists. I am very happy that the civil right activists have taken a heed of Niz Goenkar and have decided to come out in the open to wage campaign for special status. Long live NIZ GOENKAR

  12. GREAT - Bebdea - I am happy to learn that NIZ GOENKAR will have their candidate for Cortalim seat but knowing Mathany Saldhana very well from my childhood I wish NIZ GOENKAR should support him.He is our modern Dr. Jack de Sequeira.
    Also pls finalised candidates for Benaulim and Navelim constituency at the earlies so that Niz Goenkars get all the anti-congress & anti-BJP people together to teach Maha chor of GOA Chorchill a lifelong lesson by senting him inside Judiciary Lockup.

  13. Initially it was the inspiration of every Niz Goenkar those who read and commented over this blog and especially the founder members of Niz Goenkar with their respective agendas and especially to have a Special Status, which was kept only internally to be implemented in due course. However, since the inception of this site, now there are numerous outdoor meetings and gathering of other activities, who have come forward with some concrete agitations and agendas, which I feel is another good sign for every Niz Goenkars. Even the editor-in-chief Raul Fernandes of OHerald with his two impressive articles about the present situation has ingresses upon the people to wake up and act on this matter. I wonder how far it may take them and then suddenly succumbed to their corrupt bosses. But I feel Niz Goenkar will never come under their purview to give away easily. Anyway, let us not divide among ourselves, whoever takes the inceptive to proceed with the movement to get freedom of our motherland with everyone’s unity.VIVA NIZ GOANKAR, VIVA GOA.

  14. Mathany saldanha is not a Niz Goenkar but an opportunist,he aligned with BJP to benefit himself,and has spoilt his reputation by supporting communal party who were against all the Catholic Holidays,etc.why didnt stand up then?
    Niz Goenkar should field some new and young candiates.

  15. There are 40 seats to be contested in the next Assembly Election, is it possible to know which one is contesting where?

  16. raja6447..Sorry friend you are mistaken.Mathany Saldanha is definitely not an opportunist.I totally respect your views with regards to his alliance with communal BJP and his surprise silence with regards to plan cancellation of Holidays.But for me he is True Goan,a uncorruptable person and very good fighter for the cause of Goa & Goans.If you have chance to meet Mathany just ask him Why he prefer BJP and not congress & why he was silence during BJP wicked holiday policies and I am sure you will satisfy with his reply and support him as a NIZ GOENKAR.


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