Wednesday 5 January 2011


The Aldeia de Goa project that is developed by Goa Real Estate and Constructions Private Limited is another classic case of how the rich Indian ghanttis are parceling out the land of Goa for themselves. This project is being built along the Dona Paula plateau and on the hillocks of Bambolim.
The area where the project is being built in Curca-Bambolim is inhabited by mostly the Gowda community. The hill has a panaromic view of the Arabian Sea and the builders in cohorts with the local politicians have forced out the inhabitants from these areas either by offering them huge money or through intimidation.
Flats in this exclusive gated community start from Rs 1 crore and goes up to Rs 8 crore for a villa.
One Goan who had gone to enquire about the availability of flats in this project was categorically told that all flats and villas were sold out. When he argued that he had seen advertisements in the UK about this project, and that flats and villas were still available there, he was told that they were selling them only to high-net individuals and not to anyone. In short, only to rich ghanttis from India.
This project has flouted all the laws in Goa. The environmental law, the high-tide law and other rules and regulations. They have also encroached on the open beach and public access to the Bambolim beach is now under their possession.
The developers have also made the life of those residents who are still staying there unbearable. Besides, intimidation, cases have been also filed against them.
One of the prominent cases was that of Tulsidas Gauns and Rahul Gauns of Zoribhat near Bambolim Beach resort. Their ancestral traditional access road to their house was dug up while they were away at work. They now have no access and the case is in the court.
They had complained to the Sarpanch of Curca-Bambolim panchayat, Agassaim police, deputy town planner and country planning development and the manlatdar of Tiswadi but to no avail.
In another case, files belonging to a complainant against the project and the developers went missing from the local panchayat’s office and the Town and Country Planning Department.
Locals have also alleged that there is intimidation and use of police force to capture the lands from tenants there.
It was reported in the local press some years ago that officials of Goa Real Estate and Construction Pvt Ltd, with the support of local politicians and police, harassed Kamal Pereira, a mundkar, and her sister-in-law when they were alone at home. During that time, Subramanyam, Project Manager, Goan Hotels and Clubs Pvt Ltd, along with policemen in civil clothes, visited their house late in the night and without a search warrant raided their house. This despite the fact that there was no male member at home. Apparently, Subramanyam explained that few villagers had beaten up his worker and he had received information that the worker was held captive in the Pereiras’ house. Not surprisingly, Subramanyam and the police found no one in the house but two scared women.
Recently, Vinod K. Goenka, the promoter of DB Realty Ltd which owns Goa Real Estate and Construction Pvt Ltd was allegedly involved in the LIC housing loan scam. The firm was allegedly given a loan of Rs 200 crore through fraudulent means.
Interestingly, all the promoters and board of directors of this company are non-Goans. Yet, they are using the name of Goa to promote their projects --- Goa Real Estate and Construction Pvt Ltd. Their corporate house is based in Mumbai and there are rumours that the main patron of the company is Sharad Pawar, the NCP supremo and other Goan politicians.
The beautiful hillock and the beach below are now turned upside down and an area of 17 acres is being turned into a playground for the rich ghanttis of India with the help of our illiterate-goonda politicians.
Wake up Goans, our land, our culture, our heritage and our way of life is being destroyed by the rich ghanttis and our chor politicians.
Just ask one question… is this project Aldeia de Goa built for Goans or for the ghanttis?
Even if one of you say that it is built for the Goans and will benefit the Goans, then I will go and hang myself.
Fight for your rights my dear Goan brothers and sisters and stop the daylight robbery that is going on in the name of development.
Stop it.
Let us all join hands and say in one voice: Goa for Goans; long live Goan unity. Viva Niz Goenkar!


  1. The name of Goa in Real Estate is being used as a smoke screen, these non Goans (Ghantis) aided buy our politicians are systematically raping Goa of its beauty. As the article states the poor are either intimidated with dire consequences or criminal cases fabricated against them. Goa is in need of a political revolution before its too late.

  2. @ Bebdo : a good article and woderful research.

    Dear Goans our Goa is for Sale in Delhi, the promoters of the Real Estate put up boards, exhibitions and on net how Goa is sold and being sold still. I do not know how to wake these Goans up. Previously I have written lot of Articles and also raided lot of illegal construction, but still these projects go on and on. I do not know when our people will wake up and how much we have to write and act to make them wake up. This is our Goa and we should protect our land. I would have said nothing if these was helpful for our Goans.

    Bebdo : Let them all sleep, I think you are not drunk as you are awake my bros.

  3. @P. Cruz.. Goans will wake up when they will have to sleep on the roads of Panjim and Margao. Look at the East Indian in Bombay now. The same fate awaits Goans if we don't make a noise now.


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