Wednesday 5 January 2011


Note( I have uploaded this comment as an article due to space limitations in the comments section)
The article that A Veronica Fernandes has written, is deeply flawed,very narrow-minded and has an element or elements of a deep rooted prejudice.
As Promised, here is a further comment TO CORRECT SOME MISCONCEPTIONS.
The Global Goans Organisation is purely an Organisation that has been created to represent the interests Goans living abroad and across the world.
It is more appropriate to call it an intermediary. “A link”
Goans living abroad have been looking for an organisation that will help protect their interests back in Goa. This could be for property, voting Rights, etc,
EAST AFRICAN GOANS (Includes Angola & Mozambique):::::
This group represents the earliest Goans that migrated to parts of Africa.
Many were invited by The British and Portuguese to fill up jobs in the civil services and Railways.
Many of these Goans migrated during the Portuguese rule of Goa.
Following, Independence movements in these countries, many Goans, either, remained in their ex-colonies, returned back to Goa or migrated to the UK, Canada, Australia or Portugal or elsewhere.
From my knowledge the bulk and majority of these Goans still own property in Goa.
Goan migration to these countries took place in the 50`s & 60`s.
Many Goans in these countries have re-invested their incomes in houses and property in Goa and still continue to do so. Perhaps A Veronica is one of them too
There is still a sizeable group in these countries. However many , have chosen to also migrate to the UK,USA/CANADA etc
DUBAI / U.A.E.:::::::
Migration to these Emirates was more recent, in comparison to migration to the other countries.
Many Goans, in these Emirates, still hold their interests in Goa and are increasing their assets.
Most of the Goans, based in the UK have still retained their properties back in Goa. Many too, have made further purchases OR ACCQUIRED MORE ASSETS. Some, in the form of land, and some in unmovable /fixed assets.
OTHER IMPORTANT FACTS TO BE CONSIDERED:::which A Veronica failed to do)
Many Goans and their off spring have spent their whole lives abroad. They have amalgamated into new cultures. This is the New real World we live in.
Many still retain their Goan identity and culture. But they have also inherited the culture of the countries the live in. Many Goans in Western Countries have the Right to Permanent settlement. They do not have to return to Goa either.
Goans in The Middle East “do not” have the right to Permanent Settlement or Citizenship Rights, so, at some time in the future ,will have to return to Goa or can choose, to settle elsewhere. It is not forsaking Goa, it is purely economics.
These are the Goans that are also making large investments in Goa.
Goans living in Western Countries are given Rights to buy land and own Houses /homes. These Goans can now, also, avail of Dual Citizenship or Nationality.
Gulf Goans on the other hand are unable to do so.
Owning and maintaining homes in WESTERN Countries, and also maintaining homes or property in Goa at the same time, can be a difficult exercise.
However many of the Goans I know in the UK, and all my relatives too in all countries still own and have held on to their family inheritance in Goa.It is getting smaller with each generation and property divisions
However there is a “CATCH 22” situation also. I come from a family of 6 children. By the time my Parents estate is divided, there is not much that each of my brothers and sister will inherit. This problem will also arise, when each of us come to a stage where we have to divide it amongst our children /HEIRS.
This “CATCH22” situation is now becoming widespread in Goa.
For this reason, many Goans have to make other viable choices.
Inherited properties have been stretched to their divisional limits and many Goans are now investing in Housing Complexes (FLATS).
This is the reason that I feel, that A Veronica has failed to understand, and taken into account, in his skewed article.
Accusing Goans everywhere except Kuwait for this is situation is incorrect and narrow-minded.
Goans living in the Gulf Countries are able to make large remittances to Goa. They are “unable” to invest their earnings in the Gulf. If I am not mistaken, Gulf Goans also do not need to pay income Taxes.(please correct me if I am wrong)
Goans elsewhere also make remittances, but on a lesser scale as they have to maintain Homes in their country of residence and can also make other investments. They pay large Income and social security taxes .For some, trying to sail on 2 boats at the same time is difficult. It is a matter of sink or swim.
The issue of diminishing Land in Goa has to be taken by the Government and enactment of New Laws.
By getting special status for Goa and the right educated Politicians & removal of the corrupt ones, we may be able to achieve this for Goa.
The current bunch of Goan MLA`s are all controlled by their “GOA DESK” in New Delhi. They all have selfish interests in Goa.
So I hope Mr A. Veronica Fernandes , will base his article on facts and reality, rather than any inherited prejudices.


  1. Mr N. Fernandes You have commented well without prejudice and detailed true issues more than you should have.

  2. N.Fernandes... you have hit the nail on the head. You can take a Goan out of Goa, but you cannot take Goa out of a Goan. Figuratively and literally. GOA and GOAn


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