Tuesday 4 January 2011


Many of our readers may question me on the title of the article that I have chosen. They would say that it is fait accompli that Goa is now a part of India as it is a state of India. To them, I would say that East Timor too was a province of Indonesia till 2002!
Let us draw a parallel in the case of East Timor and Goa.
1. The Portuguese established the Estado do India which is Goa in 1510, whereas East Timor till the late 16th century was just a trading post.
2. Goa was used as the eastern capital of the Portuguese empire. All Portuguese colonies in the East and Africa were governed from Goa. The Catholic Church of Goa too had control over all these colonies. Per se, Goa had a prominent place among all the other colonies of the Portuguese as Goa was considered as an overseas territory of Portugal and not a colony. All the Portuguese colonies are independent countries today. Even Macau has a special autonomy under Chinese rule. Whereas Goa has become a colony of the rich Indians and the ghanttis who are slowly changing the demography and the culture of the state.
3. Goa was invaded by India in 1961 and till 1975 Portugal did not sign the treaty of surrender. East Timor was invaded by Indonesia in 1975 and used force to repress the resistance of the East Timorese to the Indonesian rule.
4. The church in Goa in 1961 gave in to the Indians and did not even raise its voice at the atrocities that were committed against Goans by the military rule of General Candeth soon after the invasion of Goa.
The church in East Timor was in the forefront of the resistance and Bishop Belo was forced into exile. From exile Bishop Belo created awareness among the Western countries about the plight of the East Timorese under the Indonesian rule.
5.India propped up the Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party to merge Goa with Maharashtra and thereby destroy the identity of the Goans and Goa itself. The MGP did exactly that for 17 years of its rule during which time, most of the educated and elite Goans left Goa and settled in foreign lands.
Indonesia too did the same thing with East Timor. Nehru’s friend Suharto who was the president of Indonesia suppressed the East Timorese, who were hopelessly outnumbered and outgunned.
6. By 1979 Indonesian forces had killed most of the East Timorese resistance leaders and spread a reign of terror in East Timor. Outside of East Timor hard-line attempts by Indonesian generals to eliminate the population went all but unnoticed.
A similar thing happened in Goa too. The ‘Babus’ who were sent from Delhi to Goa started harassing the educated Goans and with the help of the MGP used draconian laws such as the Mundkar and Tenants laws to silence the educated Goans who were resisting the Indian invasion. Most of the resistance leaders were small time landowners, but overnight they lost their land to the mundkars and tenants. This is how they were forced into submission to the Indian rule.
7. Both Goa and East Timor had referendums. But the difference was the referendum in East Timor was supervised by the UN and had the option of either union with Indonesia or independence. In Goa, the referendum was termed as ‘opinion poll’ and the option that was given was either merger with Maharashtra or union territory.
East Timor voted for independence and Goa voted for union territory. Actually if Goans were given the same option as the East Timorese, then Goans too would have voted for independence. The Indonesian army used all sorts of force in East Timor which is as small as Goa, but the East Timorese despite being outnumbered fought for their rights.
In 1989 young East Timorese students from the Clandestine Front used the Pope John Paul’s visit to launch a new phase of resistance. Young people knew that the Pope’s visit would bring many journalists, reporters, and TV crews to East Timor. Here was a unique opportunity to communicate to the outside world.
After Pope John Paul II gave his final blessing at a large open air public mass, a young East Timorese ran up to the front of the altar, unfurled a banner in English that read “Free East Timor and Indonesia Get Out!” and began shouting “long live the Pope!”, “long live East Timor!”. Before the Indonesian military could react most of the demonstrators melted into the crowd. A small number, however, were captured, tortured and killed.
The audaciousness of the student protest electrified the population. Despite the repression the Clandestine Front’s numbers swelled and new underground cells were formed. Finally, in 2002 East Timor got its independence.
What about Goa? Today, we the Goans have become the servants, pimps and prostitutes for the rich Indians who have bought all the prime properties in Goa, own all the prime hotels and business in Goa and indirectly control the entire economy of Goa. They look down on Goans with disdain and are treating Goans as colonial subjects. When will Goans rise and demand a special status or autonomy for our land?
Wake up my dear Goans, wake up. Stop smelling the feni, and wake up to the reality. The Indians have invaded your homes. If the trend continues, then there will be no Goan left and the one who is left will have to sleep on the roads.
Viva Goa, Goa for Goans, long live Goan unity!


  1. Being mearly 40 nos of puppets, they are trying to confuse us by proposing policies / schemes like NH, RP 2021, etc. Instead we should form groups as per our expertise & should start questioning through RTI each & every thing these fools are proposing.

  2. @ Bebdo

    Thank you Bebdo, hat's off for you. :-)

    We were fooled by the Indians then, we are even fooled more today by the Indians unfortunately.

    Our Children are forced to learn Hindi in School,(Where Portuguese should have been a subject as we had Portuguese influence in Goa for 451 yr's) forced to see Bollywood films in Hindi, Now the TV 70% are Hindi Serials / Films which we Goan watch. (Well China is doing the same with TIBET too, where Tibetians are given free TV to get integrated in Chinese society.)

    As I've mentioned before, it's never late, we can still make it as an Independent state. For that we've to get rid of the Congress, BJP, NCP and all Indian administrated Parties.

    To Voice our Goan needs, can only be done through the Government. But todays state the Government is voted "by" the people, "to" the Congress, BJP, NCP and all Indian administrated Parties and "for" the families of the Politicans who are remotely controlled by the Indian Bosses from Delhi and Maharashtra.

    The Catholic Church of Goa is IMPOTENT, Cardinal Gracias is too blame, Goans find out more about this person, he made the Goan church impotent. (He is the main cause we're indians and not Goans today.) surely traitor bandorkar did the rest. (buried our rights)

  3. I hope Nagesh Karmali who claims to be a freedom fighter should read this. Goans are definitely different from Indians.

  4. N.Fernandes-London4 January 2011 at 23:48

    Hi Bebdo:::Once agani you have written a very factual account .Well done

  5. Vicente E. Do Rego5 January 2011 at 00:21

    Well written article Bebdo!. This is an eye opener for Goans whoever read NizGoenkar. Actually what is written in the article is correct, Goa is not a state of Goa but mere Colony and those who are running are pimps and slaves of Delhites. I feel noted and respected like minded people of Goa should give the lead and make awareness among people what actually was Goa to Goans. It is not too late to demand independence from India considering the Conquest of Goa and not liberation. Can someone give the lead and I assure everyone people of Goa will definately be with them.

  6. I think just like East Timor we should have had independence and clear out of Indian hands. After the Occupation Goa has been destroyed and now it is time to term Goa as IOG (Indian Occupied Goa) commentators please here after refer to Goa as IOG

  7. In East Timor, the Church supported Guzmao and the pro independence groups and with the help of the Church it was possible to achieve and Independent East Timor. Whereas in Goa our Church is supporting the Occupiers and their crooked and corrupts puppets or the traitors of Goa the politicians. In fact the Church of Goa too has started destroying Goa along with these B...st.....ds.

  8. Shyam Sawant, right henceforth we should use IOG(Indian Occupied Goa) while refering to ours once lovely place.Indian criminal culture have already infected many of Goan families but as Bebdo said it is never late to save Goa only for Goans and drive Indian bastards to their respective place.

  9. Susegado Goan philosopher5 January 2011 at 02:33

    Bebdea, I have the answer to your question why Goa is still a colony of Goa. Because, Nehru screwed Goans left, right and centre. And what did the Goans do, they allowed Nehru to rape them. Maybe, they did it out of fear. It is like this, when rape is inevitable, don't resist, spread your legs and enjoy. That way no harm will come to you.

  10. Bebdo: Happy new year to you and thanks for another great article.
    Our church in Goa not only supported the invaders but still support today's corrupt leaders. Land donated to the church by Goans is being sold to ghantis for mega projects..
    The Indian Invaders gave us a choice of either merge with Maharashtra or be a union territory, Although we voted for union territory it wasn't an easy task, During the voting campaign many Goans of all three faiths were intimidated and physically attacked by gangs from Maharashtra. (Mupca area, Panjim and Vasco were the hot spots for these attacks) With Congress in power came added misery to Goa, creating many "dependant crumb eaters" who keep voting the same corrupt ministers to power and help establish vote banks (Ghantis) in Goa .
    Our elected MPs from Goa could have demanded greater autonomy for Goans, BUT were busy filling their own pockets.
    It is only if united Goans will achieve that Goal. We also need to break away from the cycle of "Dog eat Dog".
    God Bless Goa and Goans.

  11. What Indian Occupied GOA needs is an incarnation of DR. Jack de Sequeira.

    We need only one Person "Man or Woman" to start the campaign of Independance, at the present state it will spread like fire. Like the Quit India movement.

  12. Bebdo, welcome back and out of your cardboard box. A good article and food for thought. Do you think that we, Goans can ever achieve a decent life and living when majority are turned out to be political crumb eaters? Unless Goan mentality changes for better, people don't worship criminal politicians, we will not change. sorry for my comment but that is the reality back in Goa.

  13. The prestigious Padma Vibhushan award, was awarded to Cardinal Gracias on January 26, 1966.

    5 years after Indian invasion.

    This award was not given to him because he brought Harmony between Hindu and Muslim. NO way

    This award was not given to him because he converted all catholics into Hindus. NO way.

    This award was not given to him becasue he let the missionary school be continued in English. No way.

    This award was not given to him because he showed courage in the battle field. No way.

    This AWARD the "prestigious Padma Vibhushan award" was given to him because he gave a green light to NEHRU; hence we became overnight "Indian Occupied GOA"

    He died of Cancer at the age of 77, If the Goa church is impotent, he is one reason. The church couldn't go against Cardinal Gracias.

    If you research more!!, you will develop your self.

  14. We Goans are not prepared to die saving our land. We go to save other people as depicted and glorified by Valmiki Faleiro in his book Patriotism in Action.


  15. Yes sadly we have to agree with our Christian brothers that the Goan Church did nothing to oppose the invasion and the invitation by the FREEDOM FARTERS of Goa who invited the dirty Indians to invade Goa. And now we have some idiots like the RSS Yogesh Marathe to distort our original seen with my own eyes history.

  16. Welcome back Bebdo. 'Special Status' is the only way to save us now! We need to put all effort towards getting it. I am sure they will be lots of deals to try to get us to back down from it, for something less, but we should not back down one iota, and keep our eyes on the prize...This is the only way to save us now. Yes, excellent clarification Shyam, we need to call it for what it is, Indian Occupied Goa - IOG. We need our people to start using this term in everyday conversation. Unfortunately we have beggars - FreedFarthers FF working for the Indian government that will come out of their caves, to attack us. They get paid to sit on their behinds to stop us. Why do you think India pays them? The idiots think it is because India loves them, they don’t realize it is to use them to work against us and keep us down. If you ask me the FF are now the true traitors of Goa. We are too small a state and we have to take drastic action as our culture and land is in great danger. Delhiwallas, Bombaywallas, IT Bangalorwallas all coming to grab our land to build their gated mansions and their golf courses, all while our people are struggling to put food in their mouth. I am very angry the even the Catholic Church joined in this and sold OUR land to allow such rubbish and now claim they are looking out for the poor. Send all the Bollywood types to live in back in Mumbai. They need to live in Mumbai, not in Goa. This is our home! Otherwise we really are IOG – Indian Occupied Goa. Thanks Shyam, for the correct name. Please 'Special Status' for Goa.

  17. N.Fernandes-London5 January 2011 at 12:52

    To B Colaco ::::
    Not a lot of people have the previlege of reading the book by Valmiki Faleiro.
    Perhaps you could give us a summary of some sorts.
    You are free to put an article up here.
    Goans are not terrorists by nature.They are not reared or brought up with such ethics.
    Valmiki is obviously a previledged person.I doubt he is otherwise.?
    I do not think that we are taught,that there are 7 (seven) "Virgins" awaiting for us in heaven if we give up our lives,blow-up ourselves... in the name of GOD or a POlitical cause, for some sort of salvation or a better form of "after life".
    This is not taught to Muslims,Hindus or Christians.
    We ARE NOT CHILDREN,schooled or indoctrinated,in some sort of " GOAN maddrassas".
    If your version, or that of Valmiki is acheiving our goals by Violence...then keep it for yourself.
    If Valmiki has stated,in his book that Goans have gone to "save others", then please specify whom,where and why.
    I applaud Goans that save others.
    Perhaps you and Valmiki differ.
    I do not know, in the most recent history where Goans have gone to save others in a major historical event or conflict of a "Political" nature.
    Perhaps you may help on this.

  18. We really need to arrange meets and set up an organisation and take to the streets..Remember we are goans first and christian,hindu,muslim afterwards...Lets all unite under the banner of Goa....Jai Goa.Viva Goa!

  19. Before commenting on this article, at the outset I would like to wish everyone Happy Feast of Epiphany of the three wise men who paid homage to the infant Jesus with gifts.

    @ Bebdo you are always one of the wise man in your writings and comments. Excellent thinking power. To be precise on the topic, it was during the liberation of Goa that we lack such wise man with the exceptional of Dr. Jack Sequeira. Besides the church of not giving true support, the MG Party under the leadership of traitor Bandorkar dominated the proceedings in the liberation and destroyed the true justice we deserved. He tried to keep his more contacts where the densely populated areas of Hindus population and appoint leaders in each and every village and tried to influence all the people under his money and power. I wonder how much money he must have accepted to betray the Goan people. But finally what happened to this family, it was a pathetic end to this dynasty. Hope the similar fate awaits all other chor politicians who have a mass their wealth through cheating and betrayals. There are still such fanatic persons in Goa, who are still loyal to this Party and are demanding dual status for Marathi language. I can say constipation is dry and hardened and evacuation is difficult from their asses and this disorder can only be cured by using excessive laxatives i.e. unity and throwing out all the existing ruling parties.

    The saying goes that time and tide waits for no man, and we cannot bring back the past but let us look forward for brighter future for our next generation to enjoy with utmost determination and sincererity in our hearts and minds, to achieve our goals for which all Niz Goenkars are dreaming of golden Goa.

  20. @ franco well and truly commented, Going forward in unity is the only way.

  21. Buyarantlo Monis6 January 2011 at 13:01

    @ Bebdo

    I don't know how to thank you for your article.

    Correct if i m wrong .

    It seems Goa was offered a special status as overseas provience by portugual like how madeira is now.

    Dear Niz Goenkars I can see our generation & max our children .... after that it will be difficult for our generation to live in goa.

    We should do something.

    First we should kill mr Marathe

  22. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goan_Catholics

    This ia an interesting article

  23. Buyarantlo Monis15 January 2011 at 11:45

    Dear Pedro

    I guess u r a Kid.

    You should read more history of Goa, like how we say " who was first the chicken or the egg"

    the same way Goa or India

    I firmly believe India was nat at all in existance when the Portuguese arrived in goa.

    pls revert with your comments

  24. @Buyaranto Monis

    Are the Goa Police selling you drugs? what are you saying?, idiot when and where did I state that India existed before Goa, there was this sub-continent India, India itself was born after 15. August 1947 and Goa existed few 100 yrs before Afonso de Albuquerque could officialy pronounced Goa in around 1510, the year of the lord.

    Goa and India have nothing in common, only we have the same skin colour like them, in Dec. 1961 they invaded us with false hope and our politicians sold us to them.

    Please take some private tutions from Bebdo or do a lot of reading in the NZ site.


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