Thursday 13 January 2011


VALPOI: A site for the garbage treatment plant for the ten wards of Valpoi Municipal Council, has been identified in ward 7, just 600 mteres away from the kabrastan. Residents feel this will ease the severe garbage crisis that the town is facing presently.
An official from the Valpoi Municipal Council disclosed that directions in this regard have been issued to the concerned authorities and the relevant file has been sent to the forest department for processing and approval.
The source further informed, "The road adjacent to the kabrastan will be the access road to transporting the garbage to the site, where it will be treated. However, the forest department has to permit us as there are a number of trees which have to be axed to clear the route."
It may be recalled that the land bearing survey number 54/6 admeasuring 90,000 sq mt was acquired. Of this, 40,000 sq mt will be used for the purpose of a garbage treatment plant. It is further learnt that the town generates about two tons of garbage daily and on the weekly market day, around 4 tons of garbage is collected.
In order for the identified site to become a reality, the VMC has to get the green signal from the forest authority, as the site is located in a dense forest area.
A forest department official informed that the file is being studied and that the number of trees that will have to be cut down will be decided only after an inspection of the site.
Incidentally, the municipal authorities recently built another access road from the residential area of Sayyed Nagar, in order to dump garbage at the site, where a pit for the purpose was dug. The locals informed that the VMC had dumped two trucks of garbage at the pit, before the locals opposed the move.
Council members along with the engineer visited the area and appeased the public with assurances that the road will not be used henceforth for dumping the garbage. Moreover, the locals here are against the setting up of a treatment plant in the close vicinity of their houses as they fear that the area will be polluted. Others also pointed that the hospital is situated quite close to the proposed site.
A visit to the site revealed that the pit dug for temporary dumping of garbage is less than 200 metres from the residential area of Sayyed Nagar. A local informed that more than 80 families live in this area and the VMC should not have identified the said site for a garbage treatment plant, without taking the residents into confidence.
Another local informed that presently the authorities have assured that there will be just a few tons of garbage a week, but this local pointed that Valpoi is developing and its population is also growing. He said the amount of garbage generated will also increase in the coming years and questioned whether the authorities would be able to handle the treatment process efficiently. They expressed fear that the site may turn out like Sonsodo in Margao, where the residents in the area are the ones suffering. The locals questioned whether the site identified will be safe and hygienic for treating garbage in the long run.


  1. Valpoi Municipality has all chor working there. Gaju will take money from the sellers in Tuesday market, Revati will ask for money for paper work to put up before C.O. the present chairperson UMESH GUDELKAR is an idiot, a man with little knowledge who thinks he is a doctor when he has just done his SSC and With his horrible English. A monkey that he is I do not understand how can Baba Rane have such donkeys and idiots in his group

  2. N.Fernandes_london14 January 2011 at 04:54

    To Iqbal::::These Goa MLA`s do not recruit these guys for their brains or intelligence.They do it for goondaism and profit for themselves.
    You have just witnessed (on video) how Goa Police have "dogs" or Slaves, that take bribes to give to their superiors.
    Gudlar asked Dudu`s sister for a bribe,of which Veenu Bansal would get a percentage.
    Baby Viswajit Ranes arse is currently being whipped by the Income Tax sleuths.Baby Rane will also have his arse whipped over the Compound wall Scenario.
    I am also sure there is more criminal activity to come out of the Ranes household.
    Just because they were known to be Freedom Fighters,it does not give them a license to do as they please in Goa.
    Naguesh Karmali the fake Freedom Fighter must be getting his percentage cut from the RANEs.
    This Karmali has the "BARK"...but not the "BITE".
    His TESTICLES need to be squeezed a little to bring him into reality.

  3. Garbage seem to be the stinking main topic in Goan history. The influx of non-Goans through major Residential Building Projects have created mountains of garbage. Goa has the poorest infrastructure and yet permission is being granted for more Residential Building Projects. The only way to improve Goa will be to change the entire Government with a third New Political Party with new and honest ideas.


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