Sunday 16 January 2011

STORY OF A BRUTAL END TO CIPRIANO’S LIFE (Courtesy Herald) brought to you by Shyam Sawant

(A fresh update on Cipriano's Custodial death in the Panjim Police Lock up)
On Saturday we narrated the events that happened on the night of January 7, when Cipriano Fernandes was picked up and brutally beaten up. Today, in the concluding part of the series, we detail events on January 8 and 9, the day he died
January 8, 3 pm onwards…
Ria, (name changed) Cipriano’s girlfriend was on duty when she received a call from her sister that one constable Sandeep had come to see her at their home in Caranzalem. Sandeep asked her to come to Sub-Divisional Magistrate’s office at 5 pm.
“I asked him what the matter was but he refused to reply me,” she said.
Ria reached at the scheduled time. While parking her bike outside the SDM’s office she saw the constable rushing out of the office.
“I met the Sandeep outside the SDM’s office. He asked me to wait till he is back at 6 pm. I was asked not to enter the police station,” she added.
Ria then saw Cosme, Cipriano’s cousin who had arrived at SDM’s office.
6 pm onwards...
Both decide to barge into the police station to find out what happened
“I went to the table wherein a policeman with two stars on his khaki-shoulder belt asked me to wait. We told him that Sandeep had called us at 5 pm but now he is missing. The officer called up Sandeep on his mobile phone and inquired in Konkani as to why we were called,”
Anxious that cops were hiding something, Cosme and Ria asked the cops about Cipriano to which Police Sub-Inspector Vijay Chodankar replied that he was admitted in Goa Medical College (GMC) as Cipriano was vomiting alcohol and suffered from fits.
“But he would be discharged soon,” Ria quoted the PSI.
Cipriano was admitted to GMC at about 11.55 am.
“I asked the officer what if Cipriano harasses me again. He assured me that Cipriano won’t resort to any mischief as he was on bail bond of six months,” she said.
Cosme said they initially did not take the matter seriously as cops reassured them that Cipriano was perfectly fine. “Going by the police version, we expected Cipriano to be back home soon after he is discharged from the hospital,” Cosme said.
Ria then rushed back to pick up her son from tuitions but Sandeep called on her cell phone again. “Soon after I left the police station, Sandeep called me and asked as to why I left without meeting him. I asked him what the matter was but he once again refused to answer me,” she recalls further.
January 9, Sunday, 8 am
Ria’s mobile phone buzzes again while she is still sleeping in her bed. Annoyed with repeated calls for the last three day, Ria this time decides not to take calls.
“I was damn angry as the calls were early in the morning on a holiday. I thought the police harassment is because Sandeep wants me to bribe him. This is one reason why I avoided his calls,” she says.
But she changes her mind and after ignoring two of his calls, she calls him back.
“I called him back and to my shock, I was told that Cipriano passed away. I asked him whether he was kidding me…but he was serious and called me at the SDM’s office for recording my statement,” she said.
Probably in an attempt to shield his negligence, Sandeep, before giving the bad news about Cipriano’s death, inquired from the lady friend his behaviour and whether the NRI suffered any health ailments.
“I replied I was not aware of anything after which he told me that Cipriano had died. I was called to SDM’s office to give a statement at about 11 am,” she said.
PSI Radesh Ramnathkar – January 7, 8am to January 8, 8am.
PSI Vijay Chodankar – January 8, 8 am to January 9, 8 am


  1. It is too brutal! I do not know where Goa will be after a few years. They used to say Bihar is the most lawless state in India but it is Goa now that is so. Disgusting! thanks to the so called "Liberation" and thanks to the freedom farters of Goa along with naguesh karmali

  2. Alcantro Carneiro16 January 2011 at 04:39

    Yes Joe, this is too much, Goa has been destroyed by these rogues. The guardians of law are become criminals of the worst kind. They should be hanged without any trial. The reputation of Goa has spread everywhere. The worst part is that we have most of the ministers who are uneducated.

  3. If criminals are ruling Goa, what better do one has to expect from the government? If Police are selling drugs to locals and others, why do we need to grow poppy? If Police are doing the work of the criminals, where is space left for the professional criminals?

  4. N.Fernandes-London16 January 2011 at 05:02

    To Joe & Alcantro:
    Goa today is being ruled by "Underworld" gangsters.
    They have strong links to Churchill.
    Remember Churchill was a gangster in his younger days along with his brothers.They were smugglers.They still are under a diffferen title.
    His devotion to Goa is biyt a front.Even the "Devil wears PRADA", these days
    The brute has not changed.
    He is holding on to power, with the assistance of the criminal underworld.

  5. This is too bad. I would like to ask our RSS fellows what do they have to say about this all. My grand father tells me that such custodial deaths never occurred during the Portuguese rule.

  6. @SnehaLata Joshi... if custodial deaths had to occur during the Portuguese rule, then there would have been no FreeDOLE FARTers like Karmali. There was hardly any crime during the Portuguese rule because Goans were law-abiding citizens and lived in harmony with each other.
    Today, the crime rate in Goa is worse than Bihar and Afghanistan. That is because we are being ruled by criminals, goondas and illiterate politicians.
    Moroever, Goa is now filled with ghanttis. Most of the police officers are also ghanttis and it is now ghantti rule in Goa.
    Goa is now the world capital for rapes, murders, robberies, cheating, custodial deaths, child molestation, paedophiles, drugs and human trafficking.
    Welcome to the "free" Goa of the 21st century

  7. @SnehaLata, during the Portuguese rule, only people with integrity were given the book of rules and law to govern. The book of rules today is in the hands of the criminals and the laws are not just bent but broken too.
    "Khamprean dekonk naslem deklem ani soll soit chablem". This is the state of todays rulers and police.

  8. If there are any honest police personnel out there, they should stand up and fight for the better of Goa. But if they do so they fear being transferred to remote areas by those in power, to suite their own financial gains through ill earnings.

  9. Passion of Gandhi....

    Wherever you go, you see this Picture of Gandhi, let it be the Police station, let it be the Panchayat let it be any Govt. office.

    Gandhi had a passion for Fasting.

    He did fast whilst he was in South Africa.

    He did fast when he was in British India.

    This guy even fasted after the Britishers left India in the hands of Invader Nehru.

    Why did Gandhi fast after Independence? where there was no reason to fast as the Bad people the British had already left.

    He fasted because Nehru was not ready to pay the Pakistani 55 Crores, Later he was assassinated. Only one guy was blamed, his name Nathuram Godse.

    Now in CIPRIANO’S case the scapegoat is maybe the girlfriend, maybe he was over drunk, may be the Hospital is to be blame, (maybe he was brought dead at the Hospital??!!! we never know)

  10. Thanks Shyam Sawant for bringing this out on NG! I did read the series of events on the Oheraldo that led to this poor guys cold blood murder. While the cowards in uniform choose kill him because they can do no better to prove their bravado when it comes to the real criminals namely the non goan ones, I do not get it why all the fuss and attention when it comes to this girl friend of Cipriano. What sympathy is she trying to show now?. 1st and foremost I hope Herald interviews the close family members of Cipriano to get to know more on the relation ship between them . Also the girlfriend alleges that Cipriano threatened her with a knife, how on earth would one believe that a Romeo off on a date with good intentions would load himself with a weapon? Did anyone witness the aligation?Also if she cared for him,then why on earth did she presue the matter when Cipriano left her place and the situation was diffused, she even went to the extent of calling his family members to find out his where abouts. and hires a vehicle to transport the murders in uniform to arrest him. In the Jeep if she knew that he was being brutally beaten why did she not intervene? While most definetely the police are 100% responcible for the cold blood murder , no credit should be given to this casino girlfriend of Cipriano.

  11. The Job of the police is to catch the thief or criminal. They don't have the right to beat up nobody, thier job is to lock people up known as prison, the Court decides what to to with the thief or the Criminals.

    I think the girlfriend gave Supari to kill Cipriano, as Mike Carvalho states "she even went to the extent of calling his family members to find out his where abouts. and hires a vehicle to transport the murders in uniform to arrest him"
    you see cops in Goa can be rented by civillians and by Politicians for thier dirty work.

    I'm sure this Gandhi's big photo will be seen in this Police Station.

  12. Does the rules apply only to civilians? Are the men in khaki immune to the rules? are the ministers immune to the rules? are the prisons built only for the citizens who don't have any support from these so-called politicians??? When a policemen is caught of wrong doing, why is he not thrown in the jail immediately like the others? Why is he suspended until further investigation only to be reinstated in a few days? Law of the Jungle rules Goa.

  13. Well said dlp. If a case is lodged against the common man, he is immediately arrested without investigation. Then the extortion starts. This is the way police personnels become rich but die with curses. Why the police officers involved in these crimes should not be arrested? After investigation, all what will happen is "suspension" and send to GRP only to silently resurface again with plum positions. See tha case of the luncher dalvi, so many crimes and is now a PI. Goa needs a Hitler or Seshan.

  14. N.Fernandes-London17 January 2011 at 11:00

    To dalia & Dlp:::These is a famous saying..."Crime does not pay".in the UK we slso say "if you do the crime, you must do the time"
    However I guess in Goa ,crime pays very well and the only time you do is "pastimes".!


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