Sunday 16 January 2011


The recent remarks of Subash Velingkar against Francisco Sardinha calling him a “Portuguese dog” for visiting the Portuguese naval ship NRP Sagres should be condemned by all secular Goans. Velingkar’s comment at the International Vishwa Hindu Sammelan held at Ramnathi in Ponda is directed not only at Sardinha but also at the entire Goan population who believes in secularism and the brotherly co-existence among the Hindus, Christians and Muslims of Goa.
Velingkar, who is the Rashtriya Swamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief of Goa, has made this remark in order to create a division between the Hindus and the Christians of Goa. The very fact that some of the newspapers reported that this particular remark of Velingkar was applauded by the people who had gathered there shows that the seeds of communalism which were sown by the Maharashtrawadis in Goa have taken firm roots in our soil.
Goans for centuries have lived like brothers and sisters without any differences among them. So why is this RSS hatred now against the Christians and Muslims of Goa?
To know that we have to first learn what the RSS is all about and what is their plan for India.
The RSS is a fundamentalist organisation just like the Al Qaida and the Taliban. The RSS believes in the superiority of the Aryan race like Hitler’s Nazis who blamed the Jews for Germany’s problems. The RSS too blames the Muslims, Christians and the Communists in India for everything that is wrong with India. Instead of moving forward in a globalised world, the RSS wants to take India to the stone age with their belligerent policies of an Akhand Bharat. The boundaries of an Akhand Bharat for the RSS extend all the way from Afghanistan to Sri Lanka and from Maldives to Bali in Indonesia. Just like the Al Qaida and Taliban who want to establish a Muslim caliphate right from Asia to Europe, the RSS wants to establish a Hindu Rashtra within their own imaginary boundaries.
In a globalised society where the whole world has become one village due to the age of internet and jet travel, such hallucinatory ideologies are detrimental to not only the growth of an individual but of a nation state. Instead of uniting the country, the policies being pursued by the RSS will cause more harm than good. One only has to look at what happened to the Third Reich established by Hitler and to the Nazis. In the end, Hitler committed suicide and destroyed Germany. (The RSS will also do the same to themselves and to India in the end).
So why is the RSS targeting the Muslims, Christians and the Communists? For this we have to read the books titled “Bunch of Thoughts” and “We or our Nationhood Defined”, which is written by M.S. Golwalkar. The RSS was founded by Keshav Baliram Hegdewar and Golwalkar succeeded him as the chief of the RSS in 1940.
In his book “Bunch of Thoughts”, Golwalkar a Brahmin from Nagpur, in no uncertain terms calls the Muslims, Christians, Communists and Socialists as traitors of India and who should not live in India. (By the way, Brahmins such as Golwalkar, Savarkar and Hegdewar considered Goud Saraswat Brahmins of Goa as not pure Brahmins because Goan Brahmins eat fish)
Velingkar, as the Goa RSS chief, probably must have read the paragraph in Golwalkar’s book where Golwalkar has made a specific reference to Goa.
This is an extract from the book: “… What is the fate of all those lands colonised by these so-called disciples of Christ? Wherever they have stepped, they have drenched those lands with the blood and tears of the natives and liquidated whole races. Do we not know the heart-rending stories of how they annihilated the natives of America, Australia and Africa? Why go so far? Are we not aware of the atrocious history of Christian missionaries in our own country, of how they carried sword and fire in Goa and elsewhere?...”
Subash Velingkar wanted to prove that he is a faithful follower of the Nazi-inspired ideology of Golwalkar and that he is ready to turn Goa into another Gujarat.
Wake up my dear Goan Hindus, Muslims and Christians. Do not allow such snakes to spit their venom in public. If we don’t check the growth of these poisonous snakes then a day won’t be far off when Goan Christians, Muslims and Hindus will start killing each other. Don’t allow Goans to be divided along communal lines.
Unite all Goan Hindus, Christians and Muslims under Niz Goenkar and nip the seeds of communalism in the bud!
Viva Goa, Goa for Goans, long live Goan unity!


  1. Welcome to the words called false liberation which has delivered Goans into the hands of Non-Goan Right wing Pigs. Pigs will be better served on dinner tables. While these right wing RSS Pigs with their ideologies to exterminate communal harmony between Goan Hindus, Christian and Muslims will better serve to clean mounting Garbage and toilets at Ghanti Nagars. Our successive Governments neither have the will to condemn nor kicked them out of Goan soil. This failure by the governments to act now, could lead to major blood shed in Goan history. Therefore it’s up to our moderate Hindu, Muslim and Christian brothers to stand united and fight these right wing pigs and also the corrupt politicians.

  2. Thanks Bebdo,very well written article and I appreciate your remarks.I hope the Hindus of today
    does not follow such type of ideology,that will ruin our society and motherland.Be careful there are many politicians with mask and once they come to power they will carry on their communal agenda.

  3. Agha Sisters... Bebdo as usual you open our eyes. We hope now our Goans of all religions read this and unite and not to vote the Congress and BJP for they are communal.
    Thanks a lot Bebdo.

  4. John R. Fernandes14 January 2011 at 01:23

    Dear Bebdo , I agree with you that RSS is a fanatic, fundamentalist organisation ,all its tirades are directed towards those who do not toe in their line of idealogy , we should condemn such statements by all means , but if this is directed against Sardinha , he should take the brunt of it , once upon a time he had joined hands with the saffron outfit which is also an offshoot of the RSS and become the Chief Minister of Goa , only to be kicked out later , did he not used his brains then , where are his former supporters now, why are they quite on this issue , also why are Sardinha's party leaders not objecting to the reckless and inflammatory statement made against him by the RSS chief of Goa unit , or are they accepting that they have a portuguese dog among them.

  5. I would not like to go indepth on religious beliefs of individuals as I believe that religion is for the soul to reach God. Today it is widely used by politicians as a means to lure communities and create a vote bank. As much as I hate RSS, I do hate the Mullah policies of or Dukor Kamat of Margao who breeds a certain community at Monte Dongor. Some members of this community are registered voters of his constituency with residential addresses of Cowmuth on their voting cards. If someone has not erased this from their memories, remember the last Assembly elections, many members of these community were questioned about their residential credentials. Pat came the saviour Mullah Kamat and declared that they are the residents of his own flat as they have been working for him as cooks for years for ages. In fact, these people are the residents of Moti Dongor who are today in groups and arms. The serene beauty of Margao is a sore to the eye due to this patronage by the politicians to certain communities.
    Parrikar has given strength to RSS in Goa. Sardinha and Aleixo Sequira were responsible to give the adminstration in the hands of Parrikar. Philip Neri, Mathany Saldanha, the same Cowmuth and many of the present set of MLA's including the Monkey Pacheco were not RSS at that time? Were the RSS different at that time?

    As I said earlier and will say it again, the present set of our politicians are worst than RSS and are destroying the true fabric of Goa. I do condemn the statements of Subash Velingkar, I condemn RSS, I also condemn the present governance of the Congress-NCP combine in Goa. All chors are a bunch of sore together.

  6. S.Naik, Panjim, New Jersey14 January 2011 at 02:54

    Bebdo you are right. The RSS wants to turn Goa into a Hindu state of Parshuram. When I was in Class XI in Dhempe college, Professor Lele asked me in Marathi if I was a Brahmin. I am a Naik and I am a Brahmin. Then he said if I was a Brahmin then I should join the RSS. I refused by saying that we are Konkani brahmin and GSB. When I said that he flunged my physics journal. I was scared but still I didn't join RSS.
    There are two types of Naiks in Goa. Brahmins and non-Bahrmins and Lele wanted to know if I was a Brahmin.
    The RSS is dominated by the bhat brahmins from Pune and they wnt to spoil Goa.
    Goan Hindus beware!

  7. I agree with Bebdo fully. These RSS are trying to eat up our Goan religious harmony that we once enjoyed during the Portuguese Rule. The Supporters are mainly Sudin Dhavlikar and his gang and above all MANOHAR PARRIKAR is the biggest supporter of RSS and a big supporter of Communalism. Parrikar is a Communalist himself. BJP gave their full support to communalism above all. SUBASH VELINGKAR must be shot down by some killer or by some true Goan who loves Goa

  8. Subash Velingkar is a b..s...t..d of the first class. I have heard that is mother was a temple prostitute and he is the offspring of all the marathwadde who used to come to his mother for night parties. These illegal borns do all the rubbish because they do not have any Goan blood in them. It is mix blood

  9. well said bebdo, I must admit you have gone to the core of this problem. I request all my hindu brothers and sisters not to fall a prey to these RSS monkeys and idiots. Let us live like we lived in the olden times. Remember my dear Hindus that it was us THE HINDUS OF GOA who brought in the Portuguese to help us and now we have to live in a way that the Portuguese taught us to free from communalism

  10. Vinayak Chodankar, Ras al Khaimah14 January 2011 at 03:57

    This article is an eye opener for all Goans and specially the Hindus of Goa. I personally support NIZ GOENKAR and bebdo on this great article. All that is said is absolutely correct and upto mark. Let us not divide ourselves the Idea of RSS is to destroy Goa. Do not keep them close to you.

  11. Someone should come to Valpoi and see what the RSS b..s..tds like Shirish Gadgil, Rajendra Velingkar etc are doing in Valpoi. They are creating worst of communalism and Shirish Gadgil proudly declares that he is doing so with the support of Parrikar and the BJP

  12. S. Naik, I second you. This same professor Lele of Dhempe college called my father portuguesacha kutra, dukhor zaticho because my father was supporting Kokni. He wanted my father to support Marathi and my father told him that the language of the GSB (Gaud Saraswat Brahmins) not only in Goa, but all over India is Kokni. He told him that he was not only fighting for his mother tongue Kokni but also his identiy as a GSB.
    This RSS from Pune has brainwashed many young Goans into believing that the language of our Gods is Marathi, which is bullshit.

  13. N.Fernandes-London14 January 2011 at 04:40

    Another fine and thought provoking article by BEBDO.
    In my personal view, Communalism and Casteism do not fit well, in what is meant to be a Democratic country.
    It does not fit very well in the "NEW WORLD ORDER" either.
    Ghandhi did not preach Communalism as far as I know.It was Jinha who wanted a separate muslim state called PAKISTAN.
    Gandhi was a well travelled man.He had great vision.Most definetly "not" communal but a secular vision.Many of his close friends were Christians.He was educated in the UK, a Christian country.He fought vhemently against apartheid in South Africa.It was in South Africa where he had his first taste of communalism.Black & Indians vs White.

    Today Pakistan is a "failed state".It is virtually surviving on aid & handouts from the USA and other Western Countries.
    Pakistan is a fractured country.It is Muslims against Muslims.One Sect against another.Sunni vs Shia.
    Going over to Yugoslavia, this country was recently split in to different countries.There was "bloody" ethnic cleansing taking place, based on Religious grounds.We now have Serbia, Kossovo,Bosnia and Croatia.
    Going over to Rawanda.Here again there was ethnic cleansing.Hutu vs Tutsi.Millions of people were butchered to death.Some of the photo or film images even today still shocks humanity.
    Lets go over to Afganistan.Here again there is a bloody war going on.This arose out of Muslim of one belief against Muslims of another belief.Fundemental vs Moderates.
    Iraq, even to day still has issues between the Shia and Sunni Muslims.They just bomb each other out.Christians in Pakistan,Iraq and Egypt too suffer because of such divisions between the Muslims.They are made scapegoats.
    With all these problems going on around the world, it seems like the RSS and communal minded parties are either uneducated or plain blind.
    I am sure many Hindus in Goa and India as a whole, do not wish to associate with such small minded and bigoted people.
    These communal idiots fail to see the larger world picture.
    There are millions of Hindus that live in the Christian dominated WEST.There are also plenty in the EAST /Orient.They all live happily with other religous communities.
    IN conclusion, these "hothead", communal people should remember the world is moving on and is also watching.It seems like, all they are interested in is Bloodshed.
    It also seems like History has not taught these RSS idiots anyhing.
    In conclusion all I can say they are no better than, a TERRORIST outfit....who have the blessing of Goa Ministers, who wish to enhance or retain their positions in power.

  14. Swati Talaulikar14 January 2011 at 05:35

    Our chief minister Digambar Kamat is a RSS, Dhavlikar brothers are RSS and many police officers and bureucrats are also RSS. Goa is ruled by RSS. Secular Goans are sleeping. Everywhere there is RSS. RSS schools, RSS colleges, RSS banks,RSS hospitals and RSS government.
    Goans pls stop RSS

  15. Good Bebdo! Again a well written article. I was not aware of the events. How can we think of any progress with such hate in peoples heart. Many critics of the portuguese have written on this forum that we should not think and live in the past. Who thinks of the past more ? Its non other than these hard line people who think of the past with hate ,not for the love of humanity but for their own intrests and they wish "Goa should be a progressive state".

  16. Bebdea - You deserve accolades for your convincing article on Communalism. You did'nt have to go through Sobriety test, I presume. Bravo!!!

    Sincerely speaking, religion to me is universal, period. The fanatics have taken a step beyond their pace in thinking that no religion is better than his own. We need a tyrant to stop these communal groups from spreading hatred amongst communities. Democratic nations such as our with multiple tongues, castes, fanatics and million and one gods will never come to terms with peace and harmony.

  17. Dear editor can we have the contact of Bebdo as he is very knowlegable and we can use him to give speeches for our campaigns to save Goa

  18. I know Lele, he is the principal of Mustifund school in Panaji and he is RSS.

  19. Dear SAVE GOA FRONT to be frank with you I do not know till today who BEBDO is. He sends his articles through emails. As per the UK laws and our policy I cannot provide you with the contacts of any of our writers. If Mr. Bebdo wishes to give you let him put it up as a comment and then you can have it-Editor Niz Goenkar

  20. @ Save Goa front

    When you can contact our beloved Bebdo through this site, why do you want to contact him separately or in private?. I doubt your intention!!.

    Please ask whatever you want through this site, this site is very transparent.

    Do you know the story of Judas and the Judas kiss?

    Please go through this site, publish the articles what our Bebdo has written, link this Article in all the e-mails you have. Advertise this site to all goans around the world,

    As I said before, our Weapon and Ammunition is the net and our knowledge.

  21. This is another great article by Bebdo again, We have to be very careful with the RSS issue and spread awareness in Goa specially with our Hindu Brothers and Sisters. True Goans have lived in peace and harmony for ages until some ghanti comes along and lights fire among us in the name of Language,Religion,Caste etc. It has been done to us in the past but we have to make sure that we dont fall into the trap this time around, they are trying to brainwash the minds of a lot of our Goan Hindu brothers, and some of them fall for it as they dont know the real history of Goa. It is our responsibility(All Nizgoenkars to spread the facts and make the masses aware). We will try our best so that tomorrow when our future generations ask us what we did about it we can still keep our head high and answer them.

    Let us all Unite and Stop these Terrorists(RSS) who terrorize people in the name of Religion,Caste,Language etc. Let us not forget that they have their own Agenda and power aspirations.

    Save Goa.

  22. Roses are Red, Violets are Blue15 January 2011 at 01:45

    Pls forward the link of this article to as many Goans Hindus, Muslims and Christians, as possible so that our Goans know how the RSS and the ghanttis are out to destroy Goa.
    Bebdo, as I said before... you rock man!
    @Agha sisters.... hey gals how was the trip to Goa? SMS me.

  23. Bebdo, what is your profession? Sometimes you are a lawyer, sometimes you are a doctor, sometimes you are a seminarian (SMGC sermon to Jetroy)sometimes you are a comedian and actor. Who are you and what is your profession? Do you live in Goa or abroad?
    Niz Goenkar editor, can you please tell who Bebdo is? Is he Rajan Narayan writing here. He is also known as Bebdo?????

  24. Dear Johnads - At least this time you have spoken from your heart. Be it the same way always. It is true religion has no bounds and the further you discuss it takes you more and more deep. Everyone says his religion is the best among all other religions but one day we will land in the same grave. Mog assundi.

    To other commentators - I think Bebdo is a great person with exceptional characteristics and he wishes to be anonymous for his own and safety reasons. I think we should leave him in his own state of mind whether drunk or sober.

  25. N.Fernandes-London15 January 2011 at 06:27

    To Curious Goan:::::Trying to "fish out"!! or find BEBDO ,will be like searching /finding for a "NEEDLE" on the sandy beaches of Goa.
    Whenever I come down to Goa, I have noticed,many people (notably amongst friends) address each other as BEBDO.
    If not ,they also address each other as "PATRAO".

    To Franco::: I too am surprised that for once Johnads has come up with something that makes sense.An also done in plain ,simple and understandable English.

  26. Anonymous the VIII15 January 2011 at 06:50

    To Curious Goan,
    Instead of wasting time in finding out who Bebdo is, spread the word around to shun RSS.
    "Curiosity killed a cat"; drink pure Caju feni instead of adulterated, bootlegged spirits.

  27. N.Fernandes-London15 January 2011 at 09:23

    To Curious Goan::::
    "Try you may, succeed you will never".

    I have just been contacted by one of your own, very close colleagues, who has advised me that you are working on behalf of Ravi Naik and Goa Police.
    You have come to the wrong place to "Fish" for Information on commentators here.
    I personally do not fear you as I am highly educated and know my rights fully.
    Do not waste your time
    Please be aware you are also being watched and monitored.
    Why is you Boss Ravi Naik living, in fear of the truth.

  28. Buyarantlo Monis15 January 2011 at 11:31

    Dear bebdo,

    Well done, I love you as always. you need not worry we all can blow off the den of Ali baba & his Chalis chor in Porvorim.

    by the way we need to remember the Aniversary of our openion poll which is unique and the only one
    in history. long Live Dr Jack Siqueira

    Where the F.. UU . CC KK is Mr Yogesh Marathe ?

  29. Wow! I am so excited to know that all my long lost friends have suddenly shown an interest in me.
    Okay, guys right now I am cold to the bone, there is three feet of snow everywhere and my legs are wobbling. I will have to saunter home where a bottle of vodka and Jack Daniels are waiting for me. I need to down a few pegs to keep me warm from this chilling cold.
    Guys, if you want me to parcel some of the real stuff from here, leave your postal address.
    I can find me in Siberia next week where I am going to perform ballet on ice-skating.
    Au revoir! Ate logo!

  30. Bebdo, you're the man. Really thought provoking articles, moving my being. you really started the new year with a bang. hick, a big thanks. hick Bit sad you're far from here or else wuld haf invited you over for a jack daniels evening.stay alert. cheers!

  31. Agha Sisters, Dubai16 January 2011 at 00:53

    Beloved Bebdo
    It appears that there are people looking for you. They are not looking for you out of love and if any Niz Goenkar member is harmed we will start a students agitation in Goa. We stay in Dubai and study in Dubai and we also know the daughter of Mauvin Godinho who is studying in the University of Wollongong and is staying in a freehold property bought by her father for millions of dirhams.
    We the student members of Niz Goenkar in Dubai also know how to fry and roll chappatties with a rolling pin.
    Don't worry Bebdo sir, we are with you.

  32. S.Naik, New Jersey, USA16 January 2011 at 00:57

    Bebdo don't worry bro. We Goans are proud of you.You are a guiding force for all of us and go ahead as we are there behind you. My friends here in the US are backing you to the hilt. Don't look back man, just go ahead.

  33. Angasor kitem chorlem? Bebdo tumkam bhiepachi goroz naa. Tumi borem kam kartat.Don't be afraid, tu amcho ani ami tumkam support kortolea.
    Kain bhiunaka.
    Amchen Goem amkam Zai!

  34. Swati Talaulikar16 January 2011 at 01:06

    Niz Goenkar and Bebdo have become very famous in Goa. Everyone is talking about Niz Goenkar now. There is also talk of Niz Goenkar becoming a political party. I will be the first member and I and my family will vote for your candidate.
    Ami Goenkar, ami gantti nuem.

  35. N.Fernandes-London16 January 2011 at 01:47

    To Bebdo:::
    There are 2 Goa Police (HONEYTRAPPERS), who have been asked by Atamaran Desphande to locate where you are.
    They are also somewhat, & NOTABLY, interested in Me,Shyam,Diogo and Dalia and others.
    Johnads is not on their radar.nor IS James d`SILVA.Edgar Faleiro is appaarently on their radar.Also a John Pereira.
    The 2 lady cops sit on their computers (not LG)monitoring comments on Niz Goenkar.

    Their names are just being revealed.
    Lots of information is coming in, from Goa Police stations and personnell.
    My ground handling agents in Goa are very busy today, handling this information.They have to keep re-charging their mobile phone batteries.
    The O`Heraldo Newspaper too is hot on the heels of Goa Police.Lots of articles there this Sunday.
    A lot of the articles, is similar to what Niz GOENKAR HAS BEEN SAYING.
    I guess O`Heraldo has decided "enough is enough" with the corrupt Goa Police.

    I have just received Photos of the 2 cops.I can advise you they are "bloody, ugly looking".
    I would not take these 2 honeybees, home, to see my mother.A goan Pig looks much more preetier.
    The weather in London has improved vastly.
    If you wish you can take back the LG (Lifes Good)Cardboard box you gave me for the harsh winter.It will serve you well while you are in Siberia.The winters in Siberia are much harsher than London.
    Do not forget to try some reindeer and Yak meat while you are in Siberia.There is plenty of Vodka there.
    While the Goa Police and their stooges are searching for you,I am searching for corrupt Goa Police.
    New Delhi, must be awaiting, for my Dossier on Goa Police.
    By the way Lourdina from Goa Police has sent you her regards.
    Satish, another honeybee &co-worker monitoring NG from Goa Police,has lost his curiousity.
    I am surprised, these Police want to reconnect with Dalia.
    Shouldn`t they be trying, to reconnect on another site like Facebook, Orkut or Bebo.?
    I am looking for their next seduction trick.

  36. @ N.Fernandes... was the reception clear when you heard the name "Lourdina" who has sent her regards to me?
    Maybe, my frequency is not tuned to the proper short-wave or medium-wave Hz. There was a bit of a disturbance and I heard GEORGINA had sent her regards to me.
    GEORGINA is from Ponda and has taken her father's position in the police. PON'NJE, PON'NJE,PON'NJE headquarters. She knows how to log on to a computer.
    Rest of the things... I'll reply later. I am too busy buying winter wear and a Yak for my trip to Siberia!
    As they say in Russian "Dasvidania"

  37. Anonymous the VIII16 January 2011 at 07:14

    In this cold season, with two lightning strikes of 'drugs' & 'custody death'; rabies virus have increased. The street dogs are all infected and ready to bite everyone and anyone. So BEWARE!

  38. @ Fernandes and Bebdo I was wandering why my antenna signal was distorted and I was receiving some XXX hairy pictures on my TV screen, Little did know the ugly bits were coming from under their unwashed chardees

  39. N.Fernandes-London16 January 2011 at 10:26

    To Diogo F:::::you should have followed the Instructions of MR. BEAN.

  40. Anonymous the VIII16 January 2011 at 20:35

    To Diogo F.
    -If you keep 'wandering' you'll reach Siberia.

  41. In reality, i wonder if these things would ever change and we'd get back our Goa... the Goa we love so much....


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