Tuesday 4 January 2011


A group of Goans who made financial contributions to the St. Mary’s Goan Community for the treatment of the late Jackson Coutinho are demanding a refund of their money. Some of them feel that since the SMGC has not utilised the funds, it is only proper that they get back what they gave.
They had a meeting with the SMGC president and other office bearers in the presence of the parish priest and assistant parish priest of St. Mary’s Church.
There are now allegations that some of the donors are asking for more than what they had donated. Although doubts are cast on their claims, in the absence of proper documentation their speculative figures cannot be confirmed.
The priests too are at a loss since a decision was taken to repatriate the collected amount (which is quite a sum) to the family of Jackson in Goa. In fact, some of the donors have signed an undertaking giving their authority to transfer their contribution to the family of Jackson.


  1. N.Fernandes-London4 January 2011 at 13:58

    Hi Bebdo::::Firstly Wishing you a very Happy New year 2011.
    I think we will need the services of the Goa "CBI" for this one.
    Ravi Naik could be useful here also.Ravi is a professional evader, like James D`silva.
    Also remember the Goa RTI does not apply in this case.
    Now you must be imagining what N. FERNANDES is upto!
    I can assure you RTI does not mean RETURN THE INTEREST (too)!!!

  2. Jackson family deserved the money collected for his recovery but it is absolutely wrong to give entire amount (running into lakhs of rupees) to them. The money which were in possession of Goan Priest of St.Mary church Dubai could have partly given to Jackson family after consulting entire section of donors mainly due to Jackson being only bread earner of that sorrowful family and balance should have kept for any Dubai based Goan who face extreme situation due to illness or any other extreme situation.SMGC has to revamp for better of Dubai based Goan with some intelligent and broad minded persons.

  3. Jumbo N. Fernandes Heri za Mwaka Mpya. Only in the last few days, I have thawed as I was frozen due to the chilling winds and knee-deep of snow!
    Hakuna matata!

  4. Bebdo... It is nice to see you back in action after your very short and hectic holiday in Goa. SMGC are going from bad to worse and now they are trying to drag some innocent people in their net. Like they say, if we go, you too come down with us. We don't like everyone to be honest. They must have already collected huge interest on the huge amount withuot keeping any records.

  5. N.Fernandes_London5 January 2011 at 01:34

    To True GOan::::I agree with you comment.A TRUST could be formed to control and allocate the money collected.
    An Amount could be reserved to assist any Goan that is unfortunate to undergo difficulty in future.
    The donors wil have to be consulted.

  6. N.Fernandes-London5 January 2011 at 01:36

    Hi Bebdo,good to see you back and out of your "cardboard box"!!!....fully thawed.

  7. @N.Fernandes...are you still living in your cardboard box on one of the streets of Kingston? And are you still holding out your tin cup for loose change? If you want a replacement cardboard box and a begging bowl, instead of a tin cup, I can order them from Goa. There are too many ghanttis out there who do the same.
    Be prepared to pay more than the retail price, because I'll take my commission and cut too.That's how business is done in Goa.

  8. Leena Fernandes, Satwa5 January 2011 at 03:34

    As grapvine news, the amount collected from donors in Dubai and elsewhere stands to approximately Rs. 35 lacs (Rupees thirty five lakhs). All amount collected by SMGC has a figure but other organisations, locally in the village of the Late Jackson is known by the family. There were tiatrs and other drives done by the village youth. What SMGC did was a good cause but it was for the treatment and since he expired, part of the amount should have been retained as a fund for other needy Goans instead of transferring the huge amount to his parents and two sisters. As I understand, NG too did a lot through different channels.

  9. N.Fernandes-London5 January 2011 at 03:47

    Hi Bebdo::: I wonder if some of the money SMGS has, will help me.
    Otherwise , I will need one of those boxes in which LG fridges come in.
    As far as commission, I will see if Valanka Alemao will give me a better deal, first.
    I am thinking of re-locating to those GOLD mines that the found in Goa
    For the begging bowl...a coconut shell (KOTI)or COTI will do!!!A big one please

  10. @ N. Fernandes:: You have the balls the compare me to Ravi Naik. Man, you are out of your senses old popot. Go and sit in your cardboard box on the streets of Swindon. I find it a waste of time arguing with a madman like you. Neither you nor any of your cronies will ever change anything in Goa. As I always say, you guys only know to yap and do nothing else, empty vessels on the streets of Swindon.

  11. @ James D'Silva... boy I have been following your rants against N. Fernandes for some time. From your writing it appears that you are an offspring of a ghantti popot who pretends to be a Goan. If that is not the case then with what certainity can you say that N.Fernandes lives in Swindon? Do you know him? You are just assuming. I too am assuming that you are a product of a ghantti popot!

  12. N.Fernandes-London5 January 2011 at 08:35

    To James D`silva::::
    Yes I agree with you. I do have the "eye-balls".
    As you know very well by now...and I hope so ...unless you have a short memory, Ravi has stated there are no drugs in Goa.
    Similiarly, you state, we who are commenting here only yap and are not making positive contributions.So can you tell us, Our contributions have no effect, as they do not exist in the right format?
    Why dont you write an article and tell us all, what is the truth and what we should all be doing, as per your ideas.
    Have the balls to at least tell us how we should conduct ourselves, and/ also how we can do better or the the best to pursue some Goals.
    Please offer us your alternative methods and ideas.
    A "YAP" is much better than, a "GAP" that you personally cannot fill.
    If not ...like Ravi Naik...our ideas do not exist also.

  13. James D'Silva... Do you have a tongue or that little ball in your head called a brain? Or do you Yap and Bark from your Arse? Like N. Fernandes has said, we would like to have an article from you on how we can pursue some of our goals. If you are a true Goan, you will advise us otherwise, as Bebdo has said, you must be an offspring of a Ghantti which I presume you are. So if you have balls shut your yapping mouth and sleep well.

  14. @James D'Silva, I understand that you are mentally disturbed or allergic to the comments of N Fernandes. It is high time that you should be treating yourself before you go totally blind and unable to read the comments that have really made a difference in the mind frame of Goans Worldwide through NG. Looks like you have some personal problem in accepting that NG at this young age is loved and read by thousands. The comments of Niz Goenkars like those of Fernandes and others are already taking a toll on the corrupt system of Goa and people get wiser by knowing that Goa is going to the dogs and want to save what is still left. No offence meant to you, please see the light of the day.


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