Monday 17 January 2011


PANJIM: The death of Cipriano Fernandes of Moira remains a mystery with the doctors of the forensic department of the Goa Medical College in the postmortem report stating that there were seven injuries on the body of the deceased which were simple in nature. According to medical experts, simple injuries do not cause death of a person.
The doctors have stated in the provisional cause of death certificate that according to their knowledge and belief they could offer no opinion as to the exact cause of death. They have further stated that viscera has been preserved and sent for chemical analysis and tissues sent for histopathological examination. The report however, stated that there were no marks of blood and injuries to external genitals.
The report also stated that no fractures were seen on the skull vault and base bones and that there were also no fractures of the ribs. The report also said that the peritoneum and cavity was intact and that the abdominal wall, kidneys, pelvic cavity and tissue and pelvic bones were healthy. As regards to bladder and urethra the report indicated that no abnormality was detected.
The doctors, who had attended him on being brought to the GMC, said that Cipriano appeared to be suffering from convulsions and after a CT scan of the head was done he was admitted to neurosurgery ward. The doctors said that he smelled of alcohol when he was brought to the GMC.
The CT scan of brain was done on January 8 taking contiguous axial sections from the base of skull to the vertex. Interestingly the serial scan revealed normal supratentorial neuroparenchyma and there was hypodensity with loss of grey-white interface in both cerebellar hemispheres which was suggestive of infarct, an area of brain which has lost its blood supply.
The CT scan report also indicated that there was no evidence of any intra/extra axial SOL and also there was no evidence of midline shift. The report further indicated that basal cisterns appeared normal and there was mild prominence of temporal ‘herns’ of both lateral ventricles. Bone window did not reveal any pathology, the report added.
Cipriano died at the Goa Medical College early in the morning on January 9 and the clinician has recorded the time of his death as 7.32 a.m. He was arrested by the police late on January 7 after a complaint was lodged by his "friend" and lodged in the Panjim police station and shifted to the GMC after he complained of dizziness and was admitted there, where he subsequently died.
The police found him to be heavily drunk and his "friend" also had in her complaint alleged that the deceased was fully drunk when he came to her house. The same version was given to the police by one of his relations from whose house the deceased was taken into the custody by the police around 10 p.m. on January 7.


  1. Chandrakant Kankonkar17 January 2011 at 13:28

    This must be a blattant lie by the medical team. I am sure that the doctors are already bought or been threatened. Quick action by the social activists is required now else the case will be dumped in a corner just like the Ashish Shirodkar and gangs case dumped by Salgaonkar. Do not like to use this rogues name as it is my name too.

  2. Goa has too many Painters to whitewash crimes committed by politicians and some police personal. Justice will never be served under the current regime. A political revolution is the only answer to Goa’s corrupt government.

  3. Seven injuries on the body of the deceased Cipriano which were simple in nature,according to the Post Mortem report,such injuries do not cause death of a person.
    Lets play back the clip on you tube where the so called Ciprinos "Girlfriend" clearly made a statement that the police started beating cipriano in the vehicle itself, lets recall the statement where this " Girlfriend" told the reporters that the police took a belt inside the interrogation room and she could hear the sound of that belt...
    May I ask what the police were banging in the interrogation room with that belt, if not the life of Cipriano? While all this was being done the " Girlfriend" waited in the waiting room outside. I wonder if she paid in "Kind" to get this job so well done.
    The Post Mortem report on this death has definetely been doctored to save the criminals in uniform. There is no way that the report could say that the SEVEN injuries on the deceased body were minor and not attributable to Ciprianos death.What about the banging of his head and the trashing with that belt, does the Post Mortem make a remark on that injury? To the family and to the people of Goa, this is our test of time, so many cases have been hushed and put under the carpet. Please lets not have this one see the same faith. To all The Lawyers/doctors please raise your voice. Everyone knows how our system of late operates. Lets demand for a second post mortem by another expert panel. To Our Religious leaders, its time you guys ring the church bells and make that S.O.S call. Today its Ciprian, tomorrow it could be one of us and this list could go on. Lets put an end to these atrocities by the very men in uniform.

  4. I expected this. I am not suprised. The same department that has Ciprianos blood on their hands are carrying out the investigation, under the blessing of the currupt ministers. An independent investigation has to be carried out. Doctors from outside the state must carry out a detailed precise autopsy. In todays high tech medical world and honest and thoughrer invistagation will bring out the facts. Will this ever happen?

  5. @Renoir, I second you with what all you wrote and I do not have more to say. The Church will be awake at the time of elections, Fr. Maverick Fernandes will come when he feels too sentimental. Now is the time for the people of Goa to show solidarity for the cause and stand up. This is not the first case of police brutality. Many goes unreported due to harrasment and fear. The officer appointed to do this enquiry itself is highly corrupt, ungrateful soul who would ditch the Goan people any time with his pockets and bags full of bribes. This enquiry should be held by a person of integrity like Rtd. Judge Eurico Santana or Soares. The whitewash in this case is already started.

  6. Another eyewash. Why the names of the doctors who conducted the post-mortem not reported? Was there a judical magistrate when the post-mortem was being carried out. Where there witnesses? How sure are we that the post-mortem report was conducted on the body of Cipriano and not that of some other person?
    If the doctors cannot come to a conclusion on the cause of death, what sort of doctors are these. Have they also faked their degrees and paid capitation fees to pass MBBS and MS degrees?
    I have a strong suspicion that Cipriano's death was due to loss of homeostasis, leading to cardiac arrest, causing loss of oxygen and nutrient supply, causing irreversible deterioration of the brain and other tissues.
    This could have been trigged due to various factors, including use of external force and due to his inebriated condition.

    Now were all precautions taken during the autopsy?
    Properly preserving and storing the evidence is a vital part of the autopsy. At the start of the autopsy, the coroners have to make sure that everything is hygienic, so to avoid contamination of the evidence on the body and also for health reasons. Once the autopsy has begun, samples from major organs, tissues, bodily fluids, blood, hair, fingernails, mouth, sexual organs and rectum are taken and placed in contamination proofed sample containers. The major individual organs are weighed and the containers of samples are then stored in refrigerated storage areas until they can be sent away for further testing and analysis. It is important that the evidence collection and storage is done properly, as this evidence will be included in a coroner's report that will be presented in a court of law.
    In terms of evidence storage in general however, the main requirement is, that one or more people will be able to testify for the item's security from the moment it was collected to the object's appearance in court, a process often referred to as the 'custody chain'. Temporary evidence storage forms the most susceptible link in the custody chain, as this is the period when evidence leaves one officer's hands (usually at the police station) to when the evidence is safely collected by another officer to be stored in the property room. During this period, the evidence should be safely stored in some form of secure storage, for example, in secure lockers with automatic locking systems to prevent the need for keys or locks.

  7. Bebdo, great comment for the knowledge of those who does not understand the process. In Goa, remember the Scarlet Keeling case and everyone can understand how the evidence was destroyed. GMC must be referred as Goats Maintenance Center where farmers should be allowed to put in their goats to graze around the filthy buildings. GMC is good for medical business rather than expect someone to get a fair treatment. The district hospitals in places like small towns like Belgaum are better than GMC. I do not understand the term "simple injuries" those can be found on a normal dead body. There ha to be an explanation. The soul of Cipriano will haunt the killers and those trying to hide evidence.

  8. N.Fernandes-London18 January 2011 at 03:02

    Hi Guys:::
    I think the GMC contacted Viola Fernandes a.k.a. Pacheco, to find out how to describe the injuries.
    In Violas world everything is SIMPLE!

  9. Part 2: By the way, can anyone throw some light on the complainant or the so called girlfriend who complained? What was the dispute? It was just a NC complaint. Why was he taken in a private jeep? Is the so called killer girlfriend so influential? Why was he not summouned with a written notice? Why are the police not able to arrest so many criminals who roam right infront of their eyes?
    How come the police including doctors claim that he was smelling of booze even after he was killed? Does not someone suspect here that he was forced with bottles of booze in his throat to give a different angle to this case? How long can the booze smell last? From the time of his picking up by the criminals in uniform until his death, what was that period? Something fishy when doctors cannot have a clue of his death. Post Mortems are done by experts based on medical science and not based on quack knowledge and beliefs as doctors claim and offer no opinion as to the exact cause of his death.

  10. Leaked question papers doctors - NG beware to take treatment with doctors passed out at GMC.Least you may end of landing in graves before your due date.Boycott all Doctors passed at GMC.,Goa.

  11. Vinod Naik

    from the above case it seems the police and the GMC are trying to misguide the Goans
    here is how.
    They say that the viscera is preserved and sent for chemical analysis and tissues sent for histopathological examination. For the information of all in some cases where there is a possibility of poisoning and normaly poison is ingested and passes through stomach and intestine , metabolised in liver and spleen and it is excreted by kidneys the following are the viscera routinely preserved for in cases of poisoning.
    1) stomach whole, intestine about 1 mt., content of stomach and intestine 100ml.
    2) liver , spleen, kidneys , blood 5-10 ml or 100ml.
    Histopaathology is the examination of tissues from the body under microscope to spot signs and characteristics of disease,
    this reports will not throw any light on the death due to torture by the Goa police .
    whenever this type of cases come the GMC or district govt hospital doctors hide themselves behinde "the post mortem report saying it is in conclusive "

    we need to gear up for a more aggressive action other wise we will miss another golden oppurtunity to get justice

    yesterday it was ciprano tommorow it could be my or your turn
    awake and arise and be free!

    good bye for now
    Vinod Naik

  12. It's all lies. viscera preserved amd sent for....... when will the report come? In a couple of years, when it will not matter anymore.
    Bebdo, what kind of facilities do our morgues have? Certainly worth the stink they raised last year. We even have a full fledged and fully non functional forensic lab. I say, he (may his soul rest in peace), was suffocated with a plastic bag, leaving no marks on his body.
    Hope the gf sleeps peacefully at night, now. The pulis? They always sleep peacefully, don't they? After a few free 'chotas' I mean.
    RIP Cipriano. Viva Niz Goenkar.


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