Friday 7 January 2011


KUWAIT: Goan Welfare Society and Goan Cultural Centre - Kuwait have both announced their functions for the same date, that is on 9th of next month: Goa Day by Goan Welfare Society (GWS) and Food and Mando Festival by Goan Cultural Centre. Goan Cultural Center claims that they announced their function much in advance and hence GWS should not have scheduled their function on the same date to create an unnecessary clash leading to the division amongst Goans in Kuwait.
Both are Goan organizations and both are organizing their functions for and on behalf of Goans. It is not good to have two functions on the same day. Some wise persons should come forward and help prevent this clash and division amongst Goans. If anybody is really working for the interest of Goans and also for the unity of Goans then he should make way for the other to have his function first. Logically the one who announced first should have a priority. In view of this, GWS should withdraw from this clash and postpone or advance its function. A stubborn attitude will prove who is for unity and who is for disunity and thus expose the enemies of Goan unity in Kuwait.
I don't understand why there should be a clash and for what reason. Is it to satisfy one's ego? Is it to create a discord amongst us unnecessarily? It is not enough to say "we are for unity and peace amongst Goans in Kuwait." If it is so then why should there be a clash? Last year, Kuwait Konkani Kendr (KKK) announced its function on a particular date but later on suddenly somebody also came in to create a clash. In order not to sow discord, KKK not only withdrew from the clashing date silently but totally cancelled its function. I feel those who are participating in the GWS function should impress upon the GWS managing committee to avoid this clash, and if they are really interested in the unity of Goans in Kuwait thru their association and participation, then they will force GWS to withdraw and allow Goan Cultural Centre to have 9th November since Goan Cultural Centre has already made preparations by announcing this date first.
Beware! By having two functions on the same day there is bound to be a clash in the community. By creating this clash we will now come to know who are the Goans who are in the forefront to create disunity amongst us. It is not enough to say "we are for unity." If you are for unity then use your brains and work for unity. We are not having an Indo-Pak type of war amongst us warranting this type of clash. Why not engage in talk, discussing the matter amicably and avoiding a clash? (AT)


  1. The two factions should now invite Makod Mickey and Chorchill as Cheap Guests at either spot and see the strength.

  2. I can only say common sense prevails, a peaceful and united meeting should be held to have either one of the functions postponed. Many Goans leaving away from their motherland look forward, to enjoying themselves at Goan functions. By postponing they could attend both of them.

  3. just for the sake of it, with the Portuguese passport one does not need a visa for U.A.Emirates, with a Silver or Gold card one does not need to go through immigration, just let the maschine read your thumb, and you are out.

    My question is, does one need a visa for Kuwait with a Portuguese passport?. For Qatar one has to pay around 60 Euro to get in.

  4. Time to Grow up my brothers in Kuwait, put our diferences aside and act as one United Goan Community. Actions like this in public make us known to the Ghantis and other outsiders as a divided community and makes us very vulnerable and easy targets as they think that we are already divided so it makes their job much more easier to infiltrate. Time to settle our petty differences,set our Big Egos aside and unite for the sake of Goa.


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