Sunday 9 January 2011


The dilapidated condition of Valpoi Municipal Council ground filled with dust which was cleaned by local youth as it was lacking maintenance from local authority which can be seen from missing gate at the entrance and uprooted tiles of footpath
Valpoi youth and sports enthusiast lacks with proper sports infrastructure since last many years. The testimony is the Valpoi municipal ground which was widely used for sports are presently lying in dilapidated condition and serves no purpose in developing sports talent or holding sports event. The harsh reality for sports enthusiasts in the town adding to this is that there is very limited infrastructure.
It is observed that VMC, ground which was used by whole of Valpoi sports enthusiast is not in condition to flourish any games. Even though, local’ sports association used this ground to organize hectic sports activities from last three decades. The whole ground is filled with mud and dust and at night it is ideal place for stray cattle to rest. The footpath which was laid recently outside the ground for pedestrian use is ruined which shows how recklessly the contractor had completed his work.
Recently group of youth regular in touch with sports decided to clean the Valpoi municipal ground and was astonished that the ground is full of dust. The also found that since the part of gate is missing it gave a way for the two wheelers and pedestrians.
A group of youth led by Mr Bashir Shaikh informed that per day more than 50 motorcycles moves from this ground, as they use this ground as a shortcut route to their homes. “Due To heavy movement of vehicles upper layer of soil become loose which creates dust pollution” he claimed.
Pointing towards one entrance of the ground he stated, “Reason is both the main gates of a ground are open and one main gate is missing and nobody bother about repairing the same”.
Health is one of the important aspects of good sports infrastructure which is limited on VMC, Ground. A Football coach on condition of anonymity said, “due to dust pollution in last two month many children’s who were seeking football training fall ill and parents in fear are not allowing their children to play on this ground”.
The football ground, which was alive and buzzed with children, is now looks deserted from last many weekend. It is informed by one of the sports enthusiast that in the evening round about 80 to 85 children's were using VMC ground to play football but now ratio decreases to 30 to 40 children in just two month as the condition is not favour of playing on this dilapidated ground.
Many time the renovation and maintenance work was started but ended in middle due to collapsed of running government or some political changes. Simultaneously, the group also alleged that even after informing the concern authority they are turning their back to this issue of maintaining the same. Meanwhile, when contacted to local councillor, Mr Darmendra Salonke said that he is well aware of the situation and affirmed that the condition of ground is pathetic. He also informed that he will be surely taking the matter of upgrading the ground in the council meeting. “I have a vision in developing the same ground as many of our sports enthusiast has improved their talent here and it has been in use from last many decades” he assured.


  1. Welcome on the NIZ GOENKAR site Mr. Abdulla Khan, This is Shyam Sawant from UK

    The municipality employees are only fit for taking bribes. It is the job of the VMC to see that the Ground is used for Playing only and not a short cut road. The pictures show the state of affairs and the administration run by the VMC. All are crooks and thieves in all the Municipalities. Keep up the good Work Abdulla and come up with more articles on Niz Goenkar

  2. Good article Abdullah... We really appreciate your efforts and we welcome you to the Niz Goenkar family. We require more original Goan Muslims like you to join us so that we can drive the ghanttis out of Goa.
    The original Goan Muslims, who live in large numbers in Valpoi have done a lot to uplift Goa. Some of the prominent original Goan Muslims from Valpoi are the Aghas. Their father was a lawyer and now one of their sons Ershad is a judge. His other two sons are lawyers too. So is his daughter... don't know if she has become a judge now.
    We require more original Goan Muslims to come to the fore to bring a change in Goa.
    Once again, welcome to Niz Goenkar.
    Viva Goa, Viva Niz Goenkar, Goa for Goans

  3. What attention you are asking for Mr. Abdulla, the municipality will not hear it as they can only see. What they can see is the under the table money. Do not expect anything from these thieves who are working in the Municipalities of Goa. They are thought how to loot by the dirt bag Nagues Karmali and the other Freedom Farters.

  4. Abdulla Khan, although I am not from Valpoi I share in your concerns to the contents of the will written article. We have to keep a watchful eye on grounds like these as they are vulnerable pieces of land. Our politicians deliberately ignore its maintenance because their aim is to hand these lands to building developers. I hope the authorities will do something before it's too late. I hope to see more articles on Niz Goenkars from you with concerns to Goan issues.

  5. thank you guys..... abdulla


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