Saturday 8 January 2011

MY SURVEY OF PRESENT GOA by Vinod Naik B.A Geography

My dear Goans,
It is with great interest I started reading your articles and comments, it is not so easy to collect facts and figures, some times from so many sources and make an article out of it. Accept my best wishes to all of you, you all will be remembered as the real freedom fighters of Goa San all the benefits from the Goa government.
For last couple of years Iam working as a sales executive for a reputed paint company, my work takes me to entire Goa, visiting all hard ware shops, building projects and individual houses. Below are some of my experiences which I would like to share with you.
1) There are roughly 1000 hardware shops in Goa out of which 800 are owned and managed by Gujrathis Rajasthanis Delhites, maharashtrians etc only 200 plus are goan owners every day one hardware shop is opened by a non Goan
2)The people who patronise this non Goan shops are the Goans themselves, here is how bulk of the customers are NRI Goans they slog for more then 10 hours send dollars home they have semilitterate wives who are more comfortable with massons, painters, plumbers, carpenters, tile fitters,electricians etc, if they dont have two / four wheeler they come pillion with this guys to this non goan shops depending on the nature of the customer their commission ranges between 10% to 50%, most of the time the quality you get is commercial. This could be happening to you, when you go on vacation please verify your bills, you will say i was not lying.
A lot can be written on the mall ices affecting Goa the solutions are some tines very simple at individual level we can do small things in a great way dont expect others to do it for you a small example last sunday I wanted a few medicines most of the pharmacies were closed, seeing one open I went in to find that it was a non Goan I had to travel two more kilometers till I found one Goan pharmacy the joy I got from this deed of mine was far greater then the time, energy and extra money spent on traveling more till I got someone who is Goan.
Will I get the same joy by writing this article? definitely yes even if I have touched a single heart.
Thought for today


  1. Vinod Naik - My eyes roll tears to read your article as well to know we still have True Goans of your nature in our once love Goa.All the best and God Bless You my Son.Semiliterate Goans as well those Goans who are daily crumbeaters of 40 Ali babas.

  2. Continuation of my previous comment...semiliterate who mostly consists of Goans working on ships and Gulf as well the crumbeaters of criminal politicians and most importantly the Goan bastards who rent their premises and sold land to non-Goans are responsible turning Goa handling Goa into the hand of rich fucking Indians.

  3. Vinod, welcome to the site. What you wrote is absolutely correct. It has it's own comforts and discomforts. Before the last 25 years, there was a big monopoly on this business by a few selected ones. I remember waiting over the counter to buy a few nails for a long period of time in the past. Today, not just Goa but the whole World has become a global village and the competition is huge. True that in the past, almost every shop was owned by Goans whether it be hardware or laundry. Today, it's otherwise and it is mainly due to the growing population in Goa followed by the influx of migrants. Today, for the semiliterate, quantity matters, not quality. This is one reason why many business houses prosper.
    What do you have to comment when you go to buy fish in the fish market? Where are our own traditional fisherwoman gone? How can we force them that they should continue with the old profession? We can’t starve ourselves boycotting the ghanti fisherwoman.
    Why go far off? Do you see the traditional "dhobis" of Goa? They almost disappeared except a few. The profession is taken over by migrants too. It's just a matter of changing World. Along the changes came the devil and ills. The Casinos,Disco's, illiterate MLA's and Ministers, Goonda Policemen, Goonda Ministers, Sub-Standard roads, bridges and of course the new ARROGANCE on Goan roads. Now, every week, we can read obituaries under the headlines "died under tragic circumstances".

  4. Vinod what you have written has pricked my heart. Yes that is the true fact today. Here we Goans are crying for our motherland and the useless good for nothing ba....t...ds freedom farters are busy purifying sea.

  5. And Vinod, Shyam Sawant reminded me of another thing. In 1962, there were few Freedole Farters than of today. And these Freedole Farters were petty and big time criminals in Portuguese jails, kept away from the real Niz Goenkars to maintain law and order unlike today where all criminals are roaming freely in tinted cars.

  6. Vicente E. Do Rego8 January 2011 at 03:08

    Shyam, I agree with you, these freedom farters specially self proclaimed Nagesh karmali are compelled to lick the feet of 40 beast's, if they open their mouth end of the month these FF dog's will never get their food in the plate. So they have to stop barking.

  7. Continuation of my previous comment...semiliterate who mostly consists of Goans working on ships and Gulf as well the crumbeaters of criminal politicians and most importantly the Goan b...t..ds who rent their premises and sold land to non-Goans are responsible turning Goa handling Goa into the hand of rich f...k....g Indians.

  8. Dalia, I rolled down two tears reading your second comment. True, some of these criminals own properties by coning real Niz Goenkars. I have much to write but words choked my throat.

  9. @ Vinod Naik truly you touched our hearts. There are such numerous and countless people slogging for a mere one day meal in the Gulf so that their parents, wife, children and relatives may survive in this world. We are all sincere and soft spoken people that is why we sympathize with people instantly. Hence these Ghattie mamas and mamies have established their own colonies, business etc., and dictate terms to us whenever we approach them. These Ghatties have taken over almost major of the jobs which the Goan people used to do like working in the fields, toddy tapers, plucking coconuts, cutting wood, cooks, even to dig graves for the dead we have to find these people. Why because in the olden days the fathers used to carry on with their family professions/traditions and now the new generation who have been educated with degrees will definitely not go after his father’s or family’s profession but look out for greener pastures elsewhere. This is how the situation has worsened in our motherland and we cannot deny its reality.

    Hope we can regularize and eradicate this physical aspect of gloom which is presently prevailing and look forward for happy optimism with the support of all the Niz Goenkar. Here almost all NG who comments on this BLOG have sincerity in their hearts to improve the quality of life for millions of Goan people around the state and the world by promoting good, uncorrupt and un-bias governance by choosing fair-minded people in the Government.

  10. Vinod... you have really touched my heart deep down and I am sure you have touched many other Goan hearts with your small but thought provoking article. Keep on writing and Welcome to Niz Goenkar. We need more guys like you here who can wake up sleeping Goan souls. Thank you Vinod and God Bless you.

  11. Vinod Naik... Sometime ago I had commented here that our first step as Goans should be to boycott all non-Goan businesses in Goa. I for one go to any distance to buy all my stuff only from Goans. These includes buying vegetables, fish, poultry, medicine, clothes and shoes. I also eat at restaurants belonging only to Goans.

  12. Vinod no words to say, all is said by you in a small message or Article. Here we have on more Nizgoenkar and I am pleased with that

  13. Niz Goenkars... one of my friends a Goan NRE is planning to build a house in his plot in Goa. He wants to give the contract only to a Goan. If any of you know of a Niz Goenkar Goan builder, please let me know. He will be in Goa in March.
    Dev Borem Korum
    Mog asundi

  14. Vinod to said it and all who read your article will be touched. Sadly our good natured goan simplicity has been taken for granted and has always been preyed upon. Well written!

  15. Vinod, yes it has touched our hearts and it will touch the heart of all the true Goans. Except some idiots we all agree with you as you have brought out bitter truth in your small article. You are a real Goan.

  16. There is a way to fight back. All Goans only buy from Goan stores. All Goans that buy from these non-Goan stores should be called traitors. Word must go out that this what we need to do. The non-Goan stores with no business will eventually have to close down and go home. This is a strategy that is used in the west and is very effective. Are the Goans willing to do this? We need to fight back! Are we just ‘cooks’ and ‘butlers’ as Nehru said we are? I hope not! I hope we have enough pride to take OUR Goa back. We are loosing....We have had a INVASION on our soil……please Goans UNITE and kick all these people OUT!

  17. My dear NG

    My view of present Goa and Solution

    It's more then 20 Yr's when I did started building / making my own house in Goa, there were not a single Goan fellows who would come to work as labourers, the Karnataka fellows were just popping up, not much business were run by bailos or ghattis. Our Goan business men spoke our beloved Konkani and had problems with Hindi, the Karnataka's spoke their language and had problems with our Konkani.

    Today after 20 yr's, you won't find a single shop or place where Timber or Plywood is not sold by Marwadies / Gujraties,

    70% of all Vegetables and Fish / Meat is sold by Bailos. (I always buy food from our natives, good or bad is secondary, buying from our natives is primary.)

    You won't find a single Labourer who is not a Karnataka, they charge you between 3 - 400 rupies per day, so much I don't think our Goans are earning in Dubai for the time what the Karnataka's put in, the working time from 9am - 1pm and from 2.30pm - 5pm.

    Mason work is done mainly by Karnataka's again, their Job to mix cement and sand, some Goans supervise them when the Slab or a Pillar has to be built.

    I don't won't to continue with the rest of the Profession like Electrician or Plumbing etc.

    It hurts a lot to see we Goans spend our money on this Bailos, for the services they render, the commentators and the Author are right without our money they are nothing, they will all pack off.

    We have to create a team, a company where we can supply Work-Force / Expertise and Consulting to our fellow Goans who pump in money in Goa. We can have a big warehouse where we can sell our goods to our people. ( Like Timber, Sanitary Material, Processed food and so on)

    We're depending a lot on Bailos, the reason is we are never united, somehow we have a tendency to pull us each other down. Now that we have a serious problem at hand it's time to put our differences aside. We all Goans are one, and we should consider ourselves as one.

    Back to the Karnataka's they try hard to speak Konkani, and our Goans try hard to speak the language of the invaders, (Hindi)

    We Gaons should avoid speaking HINDI; by speaking Hindi we're excepting our Invaders as our Masters.

  18. Vinod, you comments touched my heart too. We Goans should immediatety start buying/ supporting our goan buisnesses as far as practical. These ghantti buisnesswes have taken us for a ride for too long now. Let us all practice what Vinod, our guiding light Bebdo, Trevor and Pedro does. We can do it. We should also avoid this hindi culture as far as possible.
    @ Bebdo: I know a good goan civil engineer & contractor, good quality constructions, but unfortunately he has to depend on karnataka labour, which is not reliable ( consider their holidays, a week to 15 days, besides their drunker state which results in missed man hours). This is exactly the situation experienced by Pedro.

  19. Vinod Bhau that is the way to go about it starting with ourselves first. BE GOAN BUY GOAN FROM GOAN. I also have been doing this and have been telling many friends of mine to do the same, we should start with small things and if every one thinks like this we can help our very own Goan brothers to prosper and start the outsiders decline.

    Shabbas Goenkara,

    Mog Asundi,

  20. @ Anthony Gr... can you pls pass on the contact details of your friend the Goan civil engineer and contractor?
    You may send the details to and I will then pass it on to my friend.
    Mog asundi


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