Friday 7 January 2011


MARGAO: The Margao police has vehemently opposed granting of bail to the three accused arrested in connection with last week’s Monte Dongor attack.
The bail applications filed by the accused persons came up for hearing in the South Goa Sessions court on Friday. The police opposed granting of bail to the three accused on grounds that the main accused Bashir Shaikh along with three other accused is still at large.
The police also opposed bail for the accused saying the accused will tamper with evidence and the witnesses.  The prosecution submitted to the court that the reign of terror unleashed by the accused at Monte Dongor has frightened the witnesses to come and give statements against the accused persons.
The prosecution further added that the weapons of assault, including rods, are yet to be recorded by the investigating agency and hence pleaded for rejection of the bail applications.  Additional Sessions Judge, Desmond D’Costa would pronounce the order on the bail plea on January 11.
Meanwhile, Bashir Shaikh and the three other accused persons are still absconding since the attack on Maqbool and others, including women and children took place last week. The three arrested accused are still in police custody.

1 comment:

  1. Opps!! the Margao police seem to be doing a good in opposing the bail for the accused Ghantis of Monte Dongor. But being the CM's toys from his playground these vote banks will be free due to lack of evidence.


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