Sunday 16 January 2011

INTERVIEW OF AIRES RODRIGUES: Interviewed by Niz Goenkar

Niz Goenkar interviewed the noted Social activist and fighter of injustice Adv. Aires Rodrigues who is in the forefront tackling quite a lot of illegal and unlawful issues in Goa.
NIZ GOENKAR: Hi Dotor Aires Rodrigues, Niz Goenkar welcomes you here on this forum for chat. It is wonderful to be chatting with you. I know and have heard a lot about your work on the social field and your fights against injustice and abuse of power.
NIZ GOENKAR: Niz Goenkar does not think you need our introduction as you are very active on Niz Goenkar. To begin with: What do you think of the present scenario of Goa?
Noted Social Activist and Advocate Aires Rodrigues
AIRES: I am very saddened and extremely worried at the current state of Goa
NG: Where do you think the common man of Goa stand?
AIRES: The future of every Goan is bleak and a matter of great concern.
NG:  What about the Locals of Goa – what do you think, where do they stand?
AIRES:  With the uncontrolled migration into Goa if not already we will soon be strangers in our own land.
NG:  What do you have to say at the functioning of the Goa Government?
AIRES:  The current government is the worst government Goa has seen since Liberation.
NG:  Do you not think that some action has to be taken by the Bishop of Goa against the erring priests or at least initiate some sort of inquiry?
AIRES: The Priests should be made accountable for their acts.
NG:  Do you see any ray of hope in getting justice?
AIRES:  Justice seems to be eluding every justice seeker
NG:  Coming to the law: I really appreciate you, the way you are tackling the AG Subodh Kantak and the Governor. Let me ask you about Subodh first. Is it possible to get back all the money the government spent on Subodh Kantak?
AIRES: I have been demanding that Advocate General of Goa should be paid nothing more than his counterparts in Maharastra, Karnataka or Gujarat where the AG’s are paid on the average Rs 50, 000 a month. Subodh Kantak has been paid Rs five crores over the last five years. All money that he has illegally claimed has to be recovered by the Goa Government.
NG:  How does the judiciary work when it comes to Subodh Kantak’s case.
AIRES: The courts and the people of Goa are testimony to his incompetence as Advocate General of Goa.
NG:  Even after being paid highly, I have often observed that the work is not done properly and there are lot of loopholes left in cases he fights. What do you say to that?
AIRES: It is for the Courts and the Government to crack the whip on a non-performing Advocate General.
NG: Is there any way one can get this man out?
AIRES:  It is only the Governor and the Chief Minister who can do so. We can only pray that God give them the wisdom to act. It’s high time we get an honest, competent and dedicated Advocate General.
NG:  You have been working hard to get the truth out about him, Niz Goenkar supports you in all your fights against the wrongs. Do you think you will succeed in this?
AIRES:  I am confidant that the truth will prevail and Advocate General Mr. Subodh Kantak will be exposed.
NG:  Aires could you please tell me what you think of the prevailing police-drugs-mafia nexus.
AIRES:  The issue of drugs has to be dealt with an iron hand.
NG: What do you think of PI Ashish Shirodkar and his group’s Drugs-Mafia case? Do you think it has been mishandled?
AIRES:  The courts need to supervise and monitor the investigation.
NG:  We feel that Chandrakant Salgaoncar has been deliberately sabotaging the case at the instance of the Home Minister Ravi Naik and the opposition too says that. Can you please highlight this issue a bit for the readers?
AIRES:  The whole administration in the State has collapsed. As I said unless the Courts monitor the investigation things will be pushed under the carpet.
NG:  People also feel that somehow Roy Naik is involved in this drugs racket and have received many calls from Goa pertaining to that. What have you to say on that?
AIRES: I am not aware of it.
NG:  Do you have any ideas why Ravi and the CID Crime branch refuses to hand over the case to an independent Investigating Agency like CBI or NIA?
AIRES:  Nothing much may happen giving the case to the CBI. We have seen how this Congress Bureau of Investigation operates.
NG: Now the recent case is of PSI Sunil Gudlar – Do you think there might be more cops involved in such scams?
AIRES: It would need to be investigated in depth to sort out and weed the remaining rotten apples.
NG:  Do you think that same stories will be repeated in Gudlar case?
AIRES: Let us wait and see
NG:  What about the Bicholim case, where the daughter and the mother has been brutally assaulted by the Police. We have been receiving lot of comments on Niz Goenkar from the people of Bicholim or is it exaggerated by public?
AIRES:  I have not heard much about the case.
NG:  Can you throw some light on the controversory surrounding the Goa Law Commission Chairman Mr. Ramakant Khalap?
AIRES: All State Law Commissions in the country are currently headed by either retired Supreme Court or High Court Judges. Except Maharastra where the Law Commission is headed by a senior retired bureaucrat and has amongst others two retired District Court judges as members. The Goa Law Commission Chairman Mr. Ramakant Khalap is an active politician who is also a spokesman of the Congress party in Goa as well as the Chairman of the Mapusa Urban Cooperative Bank of Goa. It may be also recalled that Mr. Ramakant Khalap was charge sheeted by the Goa Police in Mapusa Urban bank related corruption cases which were later “politically” withdrawn by the Goa Government. On the day he was appointed to head the Law Commission the three charge sheets were pending against him.
NG:  Do you agree that Goa needs a change?
AIRES: It is an undisputed fact but the change can occur only if the people resolve to do it.
NG:  Before I forget can you say something on the corruption that goes on in Goa?
AIRES: Today corruption in Goa has reached its peak. Less said about it the better. The law enforcers have become the law breakers
NG:  What about the pre 1961 rule and post 1961 rule? Any difference?
AIRES:  I was born in 1960, just a year before Liberation. I have seen every government from that of Dayanand Bandodkar. Seeing the State of affairs today it is time to fight for another Liberation
NG:  Can you say a few words on Dr. Jack Sequeira?
AIRES: I was privileged to know Dr. Jack Sequeira and address various public meetings along with him in the 1970’s. In his death Goa lost a true leader. We have failed to do anything to respect the memory of someone who selflessly toiled to save Goa and Goans.
NG: Don’t you think that the statue of Dr. Jack Sequeira should have been erected in Panjim City instead of the traitor Bandodkar?
AIRES: I would strongly disagree with you that Dayanand Bandodkar was a traitor. Most of the leaders of the present government may be classified under that category
NG: n the end what is your message to the people of Goa?
AIRES: Let us put our hands together to Save what remains of Goa. Posterity will not forgive us if we abdicate this bounden duty of ours. Let us fight all injustice and use the powerful weapon by way of the Right to Information Act to cleanse Goa of the social evils it is embroiled in.
Thank you very much Dotour Aires for giving Niz Goenkar your precious time and I thank you on behalf of my Team of 7. May God bless you and give you more courage and guts to fight the corrupts and crooks in Goa


  1. First of all, I've high regards to you sir for what you are doing for the people of Goa.

    But then my dear friend, Goa was not liberated but was Invaded, please get this to your cleaver head.

    Secondly Bandorkar was a traitor of Goa, he wanted Goa to be merged to Maharashtra, today you would have been speaking fluent Marathi or would have been a part of ShivSena.
    In 1970 you were 11 yrs old, a pretty smart kid to address meeting with the late Dr. Jack de Sequeira, or maybe I got it wrong, in that case you have to excuse me.
    Only a Traitor has hatred towards his Clan, he sells his clan just the way Judas did with Jesus.

    Only because we are a state today we can control the Ghattis or talk about it, if we were a part of Maharashtra, (you picture out for your self).

    Mog assundi Dotor

  2. I would like to remind advocate Aires that Bandodkar is a traitor and his statue should be brought down and replaced with Dr. Jack de Sequeira who saved Goa and kept us Goans. By saying Bandodkar is not a traitor you are insulting the Goans and mother Goa.

  3. @Sandesh

    Thank you for speaking my mind, Dotor of late is not browsing the NG site, if he had done so he would have known a lot about the Bicholim case, I hope he does his home-work on Cipriano’s custodial death.

    It's high time that the Statue of Bandorkar be torn Down along with the Gandhi statue in Old Goa. If Gandhi has done anything, then he did it for Pakistan and India. Not for Goa.

    Goa is become more corrupt from the time his statue is mounted in Old Goa.

    If anybody did anything for Goa. It's only Dr. Jack de Sequeira, His staute should be mounted in all the 40 constituences and his photo should be placed in all Public offices and not of Gandhi.

    If we become an independent state, then we should have Dr. Jack de Sequeiras Picture on our new currency and we should not name it rupie

  4. Thanks Dotor Aires Rodrigues, for taking the time to answer NG's Questions, I only wish there were many more people like you. About Bandorkar I have to be on the other side. He tried to sell Goa for a song. Today we all Goans would have been saying "Zalas Paijai" if not for Dr Jack De Sequeira winning the Opinion Poll, being instrumental he has been less honoured in the state. It is time for Goans to save Goa a through true liberation.

  5. Aires - As you are a close friend of Bhau family it prevents you from calling Bandodkar as traitor? For NG information Bandodkar is not only traitor but a corrupt,criminal minded person.I know some persons who are still living in Goa demanded bribes by Bandodkar to recruit them in Goa Police Department as Police-Sub-Inspector even after they excel well in phisical & oral tests.Ask retired PI Sebastian Cairo how much he paid to Bhau to become PSI after being recruited as direct Head Constable.That's does not end Bandodkar was also running a Gold,Sandalfood smuggling activities with the active support of another great chor of Goa former IGP Prabhakar Sinari.Finish Goa identity by merging with huge Maharastra is not a job a traitor? If you need to know more criminal deeds of Bandodkar then give me your e-mail so that I can refer you some NG names whom you can meet and know more of that criminal Bandodkar.

  6. Dr Rodrigues is doing great job .And thanks for all who have comment on this because out off 1300000 goan only 3 had time to post comment

  7. N.Fernandes-London17 January 2011 at 00:18

    To Sagar::::
    I am not sure if your mind-set is in proper gear.
    I have never heard you comment here before on any it a simple or complex issue.
    Judging you brief comment, it seems like you have only one agenda...and that is to insult Goans.
    This article appeared on Sunday 16th.January 2011.It was uploaded at approx. 8.30pm (GMT) or 2am (IST).
    If you are based in India I am not quite sure what you were doing at this time of the night.Perhaps something illegal.
    Unlike your silly and ridiculous comment, people with more intelligence and opinions, will comment as soon as they have duly considered its message.
    It is quite obvious with you 1 line sentence you have considered nothing other than trying to insult Goans.
    Perhaps your insult might appease and appeal to ill-educated people like you.Try it there
    you may get an applause.

  8. P.s. God Bless you Adv Rodrigues, you make us so proud. I will pray for you to keep up the courage and may God be with you against the true evil in Goa today. Remember Truth and Goodness will triumph over Evil.

  9. Why Advocates in Goa addressed as "Dotor", they are all" Fators". All are praising this former student leader. Well he deserves praise for his good work. But can anybody tell me why he went silent about Babush Monserate(Rat)? What happened about his case regarding his education? There are rumors in Goa that Aires was paid in crores to keep shut. Can the big Dotor throw on some light on this. Let all Niz Goenkars know the truth.

  10. Nilesh - I agree, Aires is Don tondacho malodh(Two face Snake)if tomorrow Khalap show him bundle of Gandhi notes he will immediately stop persuading the case against that white hair Marathi makod.Till today Aires could not give a reliable reply with regards to himself backing out from that German National rape case involving Monserate & Churchill kins.His associates during student union once told me that he(Aires) bow where there are money and betrayed the student groups with his wicked mindset. He is doing good work by exposing Khalap,Advocate General, Governor but I doubt his sincerity as I feel he is just crying crocodile tears to full his ever greedy pockets.

  11. To Jack

    Jack, regarding his students days what he has done i know better, as I was also a student leader during his time. He was like a monkey jumping from one tree to the other. But I forgive him for that because of his youth. We do not expect him to play his tricks now after being an advocate(Fator). NIZ GOENKAR should not fall prey to his acts.

  12. I know Dotor Aires is fighting many causes. I do agree that there have been ups and downs. Let us put our feet in his shoes and see how far we can walk. He has been still walking strong enough and we need to provide him strength. I know that the vulture politicians of Goa are goondas and criminals who threathen him everyday. He lives a risky life. We all have failures but not 100% and so is Aires. If we sit on the other side of the fence and start critising him, that won't help, we need to give him a helping hand in his cause. Until now, we have seen him doing a lot single handedly. He will not be able to reach the goals and meet the target. Until and unless people come forward and give him support, we will not change anything in Goa. He should be criticized for some of his decisions but after all, he is a human and that criticism made him a stronger man as I believe. Let us applaud him for many things he exposed. Otherwise, we would have never known. Go on Dotor, every Niz Goenkar will walk on towards you and lend you a helping hand. Long Live Niz Goenkars!

  13. Dalia I do like to toe your line as long as we are not duped. Criticizm when positive gives good results and I hope Adv. Aires will live upto the expectations of all Niz Goenkars and not betray them for money.

  14. I know Adv. Aires for many years during my college days.He is a man who will never call spade a spade if you show him money. He creates lots of controveries for monetary gains.It's better to stop discussing about the useless entity.


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