Monday 3 January 2011

GLOBAL GOANS by A. Veronica Fernandes, Kuwait.

When Goa was forcibly annexed by Bharat on 19th December 1961 it was done by Nehru’s Government without taking into consideration the opinion of Goa based Goans though some Goans in the garb of Freedom Fighters were making big noise to drive away Portuguese from Goan soil. All the freedom fighters wanted Portuguese should leave from Goa but all the freedom fighters were not of the opinion to allow Goa to be a part of “Pochpochit”and “Choranchem” Bharat.
I spoke to many Goan freedom fighters asking their view on their decision on Goa after Portuguese left Goa. They only wanted help from “Bharat Serkar” to drive away Portuguese from Goa and retain Goa for Goans independent of Bharati jurisdiction, just like what Bharat did for Bangladesh. Secondly all the freedom fighters were not genuine freedom fighters, many of them were criminals and robbers for this reason Goan Freedom Fighters are still not enjoying good respect in society. Besides many of them were communal, they wanted Goa to be a Hindu Raj. Now since Goa is magnetised to Bharat I am sure it will be impossible for independent minded Goans to detach Goa from Bharat unless there is a Tsunami type of calamity or Earthquake in which case many of the Indian states will lose their identities and geographical location and resurfaced as something else at somewhere else.
Many of our Goans are making a big noise in favour of independent Goa. These are mainly oldy Goans who are disgusted with the corrupt Bharati ruling system in Goa. The number of such oldies is diminishing and the current generation of Goans are not much interested in Goa. Their view is this “Bhor Ga Potta ani Sor Ga Dissa”, Goa and Goan identity go to hell for them. By sticking to the statement ‘Something is better than nothing’, at least staunch Goa lover Goans worked extremely hard and avoided Goa from getting into extinction when we Goa lover Goans won the Opinion Poll. Our enemies by all means want to degrade us the genuine Goans and to defeat their purpose we had to fight for Konkani language recognition to get Separate Statehood for Goa. During this time we had to fight a solid battle and finally we won and got separate Statehood, though proper justice for Romi Konkani was not done because our enemy was and still is within us who played the dirty tricks against Romi script Konkani.
KONKANI movement in Seventies and in Eighties got solid support and booster from Gulf Goans only, especially Kuwait Goans, among global Goans. These Goans were Indian Passport holders, they were not dual Passport holders having a choice to settle in the West with the backing of their second Passports, that is the Portuguese Passports. If it was not for Kuwait Goans in particular Konkani movement in Goa would never receive the booster it received. We sent lakhs and lakhs of Rupees for this cause from Kuwait to our brothers and sisters in Goa to fight for the cause of Konkani. But during that critical period what was regretting was the silence of global Goans from coming to the aid of Konkani movement in Goa. In the absence of Internet facilities, I as a correspondent of Goa Today Monthly Magazine, exhaustively highlighted this critical issue for our global Goans who were keeping in touch with Goa thru Goa Today Magazine. But the Global Goans were deaf to my pleas and appeals. Their contribution in any form to this cause was NIL, if I am not mistaken. For this reason I have no trust in them for protecting Goa from getting further degoanised. They are lost to Goa.
During the last so many years I hear the words Global Goans, these Goans are now making a big noise in favour of Goa. But are these Global Goans capable of doing something for Goa or just because they got opportunity of free of charge Internet that they are making noise in the name of global Goans? Do these global Goans faithful to their land Goa? Most of the global Goans settled in the West have sold their land and properties for very high price not only to non-Goans but more than that for our enemies. In my neighbourhood one global Goan and holder of Portuguese Passport settled in UK with his wife and 2 children even sold his old type of Goan Toilet – Kumao – for a Ghantti Mason for 50 thousand rupees, this Ghantti went a step further and constructed a big room by demolishing that Kumao, of course illegally, forcibly annexing more area from the poor Goan neighbour.
If Goa is getting degoanised at fast pace it is mainly because of the global Goans who are on high spree of selling their ancestral land, properties and houses to non-Goans and our enemies. When I hear the big noise made by global Goans in support of Goa, I feel like laughing at their love for Goa. By acquiring foreign passport and settling down in the West one will never be able to love Goa genuinely. The global Goan conventions are become a big joke foisted on ignorant Goans suffering from ancestral inferiority complex for his own selfish ends by Eduardo Faleiro, the commissioner of NRI. What this NRI forum can achieve? It is become just like a Lions or Jaycee Club. NRI Forum under Eduardo Faleiro is a big joke and some of the NRI awardees including from Kuwait are also become a big joke when they were undeservingly awarded NRI Awards by corrupt and ignorant Eduardo Faleiro who does not know anything what is happening among Goans in Kuwait. Recently Global Goan Convention was organised in Kuwait – I was not officially invited – hence I refrained from going there. Some global Goans it seems were enquiring why I am not there. This global Goan convention was organised by one of the many Goan Associations mushrooming in Kuwait. This Association is not the representative of Goans in Kuwait and nobody has given a mandate to this Association to represent Kuwait Goans either.
What has been achieved for Goa it was done only by Gulf Goans mainly the Kuwait Goans where none of the Kuwait NRI awardees contributed. Eduardo Faleiro and his NRI Forum are big “Chor”,they have robbed the NRI Awards from deserving Goans by giving the same to some undeserving Goans whose contributions in the service of Goans are NIL. Can you imagine a Goan doctor who is just a “Mutrologist” and also a “kalcho porcho potto” in Kuwait receiving a NRI Award when there are better Goans whose contribution in the community service is much more? Can you imagine a Sexologist, a Chor who was involved in fund scandal of the community receiving a NRI award? Worst part of this whole scenario is this that these undeserving awardees have no marbles to turn down politely these awards saying “we are not worthy of these NRI Awards”. These are shameless Goans who are friends of shameless Eduardo Faleiro.
Hello, Eduardo Faleiro, NRI Forum under your supervision is a big joke. Since its inception NRI Forum has not achieved anything substantial for expatriate Goans especially for those Goans who are returning back to settle down in Goa.
During the next election this topic of NRI Forum will be raised openly to tell the public how the Goa Government is wasting public money after this Forum. I am assured all the help by the Non-Congress Parties to make this as an election issue for them to fight the Congress Party of Sonia Gandhi. NRI Forum is nothing but just like Tips to the waiter. NRI Forum is formed by Goa Government only as a charity to Eduardo Faleiro for him to float alive otherwise he will be drowned into the sea. But this charity at whose cost? At Public cost?


  1. Eduardo Faleiro is first class crook.Being an MP of Goa for a long what good did he achieved for Goa and Goans.Nothing! except helping to bring Gold of rich Goans from Portugal.He is so power hungry that once he was defeated by chorchill he could not digest without living a luxuries life in Delhi at Government cost(Girls,Nail cutters,Free food,booze,foreign trips,etc)so he got hold of his criminal friends from Goa and made a back entry into the upper house of parliament and finaly forced himself as NRI fool & loot ignorant goals.Did anyone observe how he dress himself..just like a udupi Kamat Hotel waiter, he doesn't have any Goan blood running in him.
    Mr.Veronica, one thing you missed in your article is what happen to the lakhs of rupees Goan Kuwaitkars transfered into Goa Porjecho Awaz account.Is not not right that Pundalik Naik,N Shivdas,Uday Bhembre,Borkar transfer them into their accounts for their benefit instead of giving them to those who suffer Police brutalities during the agitation.
    Regarding Romi script the great betrayar is Chorchill.Soon after Konkani was recognised as official language of Goa chorchill at public meeting on the second floor of Gomant Vidya Niketan Margao forced Goans to shut thier mouths and accept only Konkani Devnagiri as official language of Goa and I am one of attendee of that meeting being just 16 years old boy.He requested those who were demanding at that meeting to put a clause to make both Roman & Devnagiri Konkani as official language of Goa to forget about it and except only Devnagiri as offical. script.This Maha chor chorchill betrayed the Romi script lovers.Mike Mehta,Prashant Naik,late Salmalkar were some of the attendes at that meeting.

  2. N.Fernandes-London3 January 2011 at 03:00

    Some of what A. Veronica Fernandes says is partially true.Some of it is a little biased andd very prejudiced.
    Some parts and references are questionable.
    Your article is loaded in favour of the Kuwait Goans.

    Global Goans as an Organisation, serves only a few.
    It does not have the backing of all Goans Living Abroad.Many do not know it exists.It should only be viewed as a "BRIDGING" organisation.It has no Political clout.
    It is meant to reconnect Goans with Goa.However from what I have seen, it will not work as it does not function at "GRASSROOT" level.
    It is mostly aimed at the rich Goans, who live abroad.
    I will comment further when I have some more time and undertake further research.
    One thing A. Veronica Fernandes has failed to distinguish is that there are differences between Goans living in diffferent parts of the world.
    There are also cultural differences.
    Many are Goans, in Name & Spirt only.Their OUTLOOK, however, is different
    Gulf Goans do not have the right to accquire Citizenship of any Gulf Countries as far as I know.So they automatically understand that they will have to return to Goa someday.Their priorities are therefore different.
    UK /Canadian/ USA /Australian Goans and, those living in Western Countries and democracies on the other side or other hand are able to settle down and accquire Citizenship in the Country the have immigrated to.
    Goans living in Western Countries are disillusioned with Goan Politics and the level of corruption at every level.Some of them are now past caring.They see their contribution as "FRUITLESS".
    But I can assure A Veronica, as in every society ,there are those who care for Goa and those that have lost hope.But this hope is correctable.
    Many Mumbai Goans too have sold property in Goa.So this cannot be just associated to Goans living out of India.
    Mumbai Goans have done so for economic reasons, some for speculative reasons.
    The cost of living in Mumbai far outpaces Goa.
    This topic cannot be dealt in a simplistic way.
    It is very complex.
    Generational issues (Goans born outside Goa)&spending all their life there, must be taken into account.
    I am aware of many Kuwaitee Goans who have migrated to the UK, Canada and USA.WHY?
    Many choices Goans make,other than finiancial, are often for the future and development of their Children.It is a strong driving force.
    Goa does not offer them many opportunities.
    You yourself are a victim as you are based in Kuwait.
    Living in Glass house yourself, you should not be throwing stones.
    Goans who have settled abroad cannot suddenly uproot themselves and their children and friends and education, to be Political Activists in Goa.
    This is what I have to say for the moment

  3. On the contrary to your statement Mr. Veronica, I know for sure that many goans who are based in the UK have purchased land in Goa at every available oppourtunity. One Goan based in Brusells was selling his land, and his precondition was that the buyer should be a Goan. Something he could not control hence he gave up on the idea of selling his land. How on earth do you want global goans to prove that their faithfull to Goa. The Goans who have migrated to the west, especially those on Portoguese passaporte's were in Goa (most of them)during the Konkani agitation,they should have recieved a mention in your article. I do agree with you on the toothless NRI forum. They mooted a scheme for investment by Goans abroad into their villages. I personally had a great interest in this but on my visit to Goa I figured it would next to impossible to implement my idea as there was no sense of responsibility and total lack of accountability at panchayat level for infrastructure projects.

    on a ending note:We do pay for internet in the West as you do in Kuwait.

  4. @ Both Fernandes
    We've so much too learn from you people, you are a good teacher to us Goans, we had no idea what Goa is and was!!!. Most of all the (we) Goans born and brought up after the tereble Invasion by terroist NEHRU the so called pupil of GANDHI, learnt that Portuguese were bad and India threw them out, today due to the NET and the freedom of the NET we can find true answers.

    Instead of pointing out fingers to Eduardo, we should learn to use him, I did put a question to him (Eduardo), some three or four years ago in the Goan convention in Cidade de Goa and at the Assembly Hall in Porvarim "The action of Nehru in 1961, what would you say, was it Invasion or Liberation?" he told me we're not here to discuss that, the crowd in the Hall were also against me for putting this simple question and spoiling the party.

    I've my doubts too that Eduardo is ever helping the people of Goa, he is a true Congress ka bachcha, (a congress kid) he is glad that Goa belongs to India, forgetting her 451 years of statehood, and 49+ years of Indian dominace, 49+ years of cultural daylight murder by MGP, Congress, BJP and now NCP in the picture.

    I too aggree with you that what most Goans did by selling thier ancestral Land was wrong. We've to forgive them, I'm sure they will one day learn when the money is gone that what they did was putting a dragger in our own mothers heart.

    But you see the law permitted them to sell, If there was a law that prohibited them to sell to Bailo munis (outsiders) then they couldn't sell, here you have to blame the Government at that time, it belonged to traitor dukor Bandorkar, and then whoever joined congress the Nr. one enemy in disguise in Goa. (Ask your self, why is babush, rane and churchill the prodical son of Congress?)

    When you say that most took foreign passport, what foreign passport?, Portuguese Passport is the Birthright of every Goan, they took what was and is thiers. "unfortunately" In another way most Goans who sold thier land and took a foreign Passport are finding themself as loosers, they are completely cut out from Goa. 99% of them can never come back and I feel sorry for them.
    I'd like to help them but I don't know how, one way to help them is through EDUARDO, that's the reason I said, we've to use EDUARDO, rather then he uses us, I'd prefer he wears suit and tie, not this chor look of the politiicans.

    You stated that by selling the ancestral land to Bailo munis, that they got more bailo munis in Goa!!. What you failed to mention is the amount of Fields, comunidades Land, Hills mountain (Dongor) that are used to make complexes, brought 100 fold more bailo munis to Goa, not forgetting the slums that are also popping everywhere for the purpose of VOTE BANK. (Have you ever been to Caranzalem, Donapaul, Taleigao and on the mountains of Taleigao?, it's population has increased by 2000%, would you say it's because of Goans took a foreign passport, or due to the reason that they sold thier ancestral land?

    Let's forget the past and find a way for an Independent Prosporus GOA. {Where there is a will, there's always a way}

  5. Veronia, you have made some good points but importantly I want to thank you and all our people that have kept the fight for our culture and OUR Goa. All I can say, is that the people that sold their land, some are regretting it right now. I don't think we can force people to sell to Goans, except through some legislation. (And for the record, my grandmother never sold her land even when she desperately needed too, when her husband, my grandfather died so young leaving her with so many kids. She age kunjie and dried fish everyday rather than sell her land. This is the story of our people. Sadly so many of our people have forgotten the struggles of our people). However, since getting this kind of legislation may not be possible in India, we should focus on fighting for special status for Goa. It maybe not the complete answer to preserving our culture and us as a people. I would also like to say, if anyone is on the same page as all of us now, we should welcome him or her. We need as many of us as possible to stand in unison, to sound in one voice, against the evil forces in Goa. We need as many soldiers as we can, in this fight. I urge our people not to pull our people down if they have just joined in the fight. Politicians are going to divide us, so we must keep that in mind. We must not fall prey to their tricks. I love the American saying, ‘United we Stand, Divided we Fall. We can discuss our differences once we succeed in winning for special status for OUR Goa. With the recent news of gold deposits in Goa, this is terrible news for us. If we think we have problems in Goa now, can you imagine what it is going to be like once they start mining for the gold. Some deposits are under Panjim, they are going to tear that city down for it. None of us are going to benefit from that gold, so please stop the foolish daydreaming. Instead we will up against so much evil with lots of money behind it all that we may never be able to save ourselves. Tragically I agree, the young people in Goa grew up with Bollywood movies and don't care for our culture. This is the indoctrination of a dominant government. Until we obtain special status, we will never be able to determine our own destiny. So please, lets fight for special status and not back down for anything less. It is the only hope to save us as a people and our beloved Goa.

  6. Disappointed with this writer Veronic. During my days in Kuwait I definitely understood him to do good for the goans in Kuwait. He being in Kuwait for decades and decades , and still there, using the internet and this forum to voice his opinion should not be putting other fellow goans down in this manner. I agree with N.Fernandes his article is baised and favours the Kuwait goans, however let him be informed that most of his old timers, kuwait goans, have immigrated to the US/Canada/Australia and the UK. Veronic mentions of so called " global goans " who immigrated to the west have sold their lands to non goans, I am not suprised and this could be true , however I also understand that over seas goans with all honesty have sold properties at reasonable rates to goans it self and those properties have been in turn sold to non goans and builders for a huge profit, also its a fact that rich bhatkara who had land that extended to the horizon , but no money , have sold their land for a handsome price to builders and possible non goans. All the huge housing projects are through the blessing of these people. Selling out goa is from all sections of society . Hence I think the writer is very prejudice in making a blunt statement and categorizing all so called global goans in this manner. An yes as Avino mentions we too pay for Internet.

  7. Dear Albin: Yes you are correct we require all the goans who are in other countries to help their motherland and we should use Eduardo. We will never win if we say We want this man and we do not want other person, we require all!

  8. Guys, even within a family opinions will differ. But at the end of the day, we are all the children of Mother Goa. We need all.
    Mog asundi

  9. Goan wherever he may be,whoever he may be but the one who sold his land to non-Goans due to greediness are betrayers of Goa.Beleive me these type of Goans along with their families will never happy in their lifetime.The curse Goans who silently suffer due to non-availability of land for their survival on thier mother land would be enough to bring doom days for those rascals who sold Goa to Ghanti raj.

  10. Well said Mr. Veronica. Finally people are beginning to open their eyes to reality that our Goa is being destroyed every minute and nothing can be done about it by NRI's other than yap their brains out. Anything to comment Mr. Fernandes ?

  11. is this article meant to be for goans or its it just misuse of this free space to vent out personal anger?

  12. Tushar Shirvoikar, UAE4 January 2011 at 06:10

    The biggest idiot among the commentators is James D'Silva, who is a very jealous person. Jealous of Goans who are working abroad. I have not seen anyone so jealous and envious of other Goans working abroad. Looks like James was somewhere caught in some scandal or some theft in the foreign country he was working and deported back to India and as such his jealousy towards the NRI Goans.

  13. @Tushar Shirvoikar, that is the exact reason he only sits to attack Goans working abroad.
    My question to James: Being in Goa like you say what have you done. At least others are yapping to get a change in Goa. You are even selling your mother and acting as if you are doing something for Goa. You are a pure bullshit!

  14. N.Fernandes-London4 January 2011 at 09:55

    Hi Joe, Tushar Shorvoikar & Suryadev & others::::
    Her is a comment of james D`Silva.This will assist you or give you an insight of an early stage of madness.
    Ref to Article:Fake LIberation of Goa

    James D'Silva said...
    "Mr. Veronica:: Its a shame that a person of your stature should write such an article. We should accept who we are today, lets not try to change history. You or me are not responsible for it. Instead of grumbling lets work for the betterment of Goa.

    If have so much hatred against India, kindly cancel your Indian paasport. I hate people who talk like this and still have gone abroad using an Indian passport. Please feel free to take a Portuguese passport.

    Your hatred is truly unwarranted. I would appreciate if you could talk on the current scenario in Goa rather than try to reverse history."
    Firstly James, a Very happy New Year to you.
    Secondly I hope this year 2011 will educate you further.
    I will reply to this article in due course.
    BUT just as you may also show signs of blindness....I have left a comment ( above) with a condition, that , I will respond further.

  15. @ James
    Why do you side those who speak adverse about Goans and Mother Goa?.

    Every non Goan (Bailo) is making money in Goa, unfortunately from where is this money comming from, certainly from true Goans working and living abroad.

    Ask yourself what would be GOA today?, if not for the portuguese passport, or those people working in the Gulf with 40+ degree heat, these people's hard earned money send to Goa, is collected by these bailo in rendering services like Hotel, restaurents (e.g Delhi Darbar, Sheere Punjab and so on) Garments shop and you name it, don't forget KING FISHER BEER

    The answer to our solution is, how can we bring all Goans to-gether? making them speak about Goa and the good old days.

    The Solution is by asking the Goa Government to letting us join FIFA, where GOA can compete in International football, like for e.g England, Maccau, Hongkong, San Marino, Scotland, Wales, Andorra ,Northern Ireland, not Barcelona allthough they are working on it, (east timor !!). these states which I've mentioned are not functioning like a country. England is the best example, where England is in Great Britain.

    This should be one agenda in the Special status for GOA.

    Goa is rich because of high literacy and Bailo poiso (Outside Money). So never speak or dare to think adverse of Goans living and working abroad.

  16. N.Fernandes-London4 January 2011 at 10:06

    Just a thought James D`silva on "FREE INTERNET"?

  17. James,to effect a positive change in Goa, there needs to be change in the attitude of people in Goa. Just thinking we will change is not going to help. Most of the ills affecting Goa are directly related to the people because it is these people who elect,ultilise services in Govt depts,are effected by crime etc etc.It is easy for me as an NRI to sit comfortably in a foreign land and comment, but it is a bit easier for us see where and what is going wrong.People usually in Goa do not like to be told where the problem is, we end up gettting sarcastic comments.There is nothing wrong if a Goan abroad is voicing his opinion, at that moment he is atleast doing that and not sitting quietly. I have read you posts before James, You mention Goans need to come up with Ideas, why dont you give us one and we shall add/debate/improve it and if possible deliver it to the right people in Goa for implementation, if possible.Cautiously assuming you are in Goa, you will definetly have a better feel for the ground reality in Goa.So, lets hear your ideas.

  18. @True goan, Joe,Suryadev, Tushar, N.Fernandes, Bebdo, Aviano great comments. I would like to add, that the writer is a passionate goan and all the commentors here , my self included have a great deal of respect towards him. (His previous articles say it all). However there is an area of significan disagreement and as such intelligent people have voiced their opinion. I would respectfully suggest that no one comment on James D'silvas opinion. He is a low esteemed personality who is out here only to gain attention and change a situation to look ugly. As our N.Fernandes has rightly highlighted , this James was the only person who displayed resentment towards Veronic on his past articles and now all of a sudden James takes an opportunity of the "difference in opinion" to stir crap on this article. He can have his say now, for which I will never even cast a glance.

  19. N.Fernandes-London4 January 2011 at 14:42

    Hello Mike Carvalho:::
    I am sure that A.Veronica Fernandes, will, in due course have the dignity to apologise for only looking "straight" ahead only, and not bothering to to look "left & "right" .
    I sincerly hope that James D`silva too will have a similar dignity.
    Perhaps he (James ) enjoys being controversial.It probably gives him a kick, (like a drug).But like all drugs it wears off.

  20. Who is the writer trying to fool that leaving abroad one receives FREE INTERNET? Even the unemployed who receive “Dole” abroad have to pay for transport and Internet, there is no such thing as FREE. Is the writer also aware there are Goans leaving abroad in Europe spilt their blood during the opinion poll? I did respect him for his first article but not sure if I do any more. Because rather than encouraging younger generation to embrace their mother land these type of articles will distance them. Recently there was an issue (Jacksons Case) where one club of Dubai Gaons tried to distance themselves from Goans outside Dubai. Yet many other Goans from Dubai saw better sense and distanced themselves from that club and its members. Let us unite each other rather than turning our backs on the evil that takes place in Goa.

  21. @ Joe:: Pls have some decency when you comment, just shows you are an illiterate popot.

    @ Tushar:: Boss, have you done anything for Goa, yet ? you have the balls to go and clean the Sheikh's arse in UAE, have you ever cleaned your own backyard in Goa ? Another dumb popot !

    @ Fernandes:: Its just a matter of time before you also start talking like Veronic. He has realised the truth in what people like me and Johnads have been repeatedly saying. Its easy sitting in London but its tough on the ground in Goa. We appreciate action, Fernandes, like how our great Mr. Aires has challenged the Govt.

    And to all others, we in Goa have already started to campaign for our NG Dourado who will be contesting the elections against Mickey Mouse. What are you NRI's planning to do to help us ? Just sit there and comment on this site or what ?

  22. @James D'Silva ...If you go through history, most of the movements started from foreign soil. I had stated earlier and I repeat again about such movements. Starting with your Gandhi, who was inspired by the events in South Africa; Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran who was based in France; Xanana Gusmao and Bishop Belo of East Timor who were based in Australia; De Vallera of Ireland who was based in the US. And there are many more examples and due to space, I won't mention them here.
    Goans living in Goa are suffering from the Stockholm Syndrome (Do you know what it means, if not then please find out).
    They are living in fear of the goondas, police and the politicians. This is one of the reasons why they say 'amkam naka' or 'tuka kiteak podlean?'
    Even Jack Sequeira took the support of Bombay Goans and addressed meeting in Mazagoan, Bandra and other places. He also demanded that Bombay Goans should be eligible to vote (postal voting) during the opinion poll, but this request was turned down. Many Goans from Bombay came down to Goa to vote during the opinion poll.
    Finally, I appreciate that you are working for our candidate Pausilip Cardozo. Deu Borem Korum tuka.
    Mog asundi

  23. N.Fernandes-London5 January 2011 at 05:00

    To Bebdo::::I think James D`silva fails too see or plainly,cannot see, what we see by living abroad.
    In Goa, people have strong allegiances to corrupt politicians.
    We do not suffer from this issue.
    I view Politics in Goa from a neutral position.
    I am not a convert to any Political Party or Politician.I do not feed off them!
    Surely a view from abroad must be appreciated by James.However he has a strange attitude ,that all Goans, expressing or sharing a view, must be present in Goa.
    Modern technologies cannot be used, to any effect as per his strategies.
    I have never heard a comment from James that has made sense to anyone...but himself.
    His views are rather stale and stagnant.
    The Dalai Lama of Tibet is in India, fighting for a Free Tibet.
    In Burma, Aung San Suu Kyi’s is Fighting for Freedom from the Dictators.She was under house arrest until recently.This was following pressure from movements abroad.
    Benazair Bhutto was in London fighting for change in Pakistan.She met with the fate you described to James.
    A Chinese Nobel Peace Prize winner..Liu Xiaobo is still in prison for fighting for Freedom Rights in China.
    James d`silva seems to demonstrate total immaturity and a total lack of understanding of the comments here.He has not been able to digest or apply reason or common sense.
    This lack of common sense,inablilty to put things in perspective and disability to apply some logic is a serious problem he has.
    But we have to live with it.


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