Saturday 14 May 2011


To Dalia…in reply to your comments to CONGRATULATIONS-DOHA GOAN SPORTS CLUB by N. Fernandes, London....Compliments back at you! When the Herald silenced our voices you picked up the torch and encouraged us to keep on fighting through this website. There were times when I felt helpless and wondered how my writing in my comments could actually make a difference, but you and all of you that write in, proved me wrong.
I believe the death of poor Jackson in Dubai and people like Saturnino Rodrigues, Sir Menino and others taught us who we are as a people and all your comments, made some in our people realize the errors of our ways. You all sounded the drumbeat very loudly, and it worked. The tide may be changing. I see lots of changes occurring in Goa now as the chorus of voices, chanting to save our beloved Goa, get louder and louder. So many of our nizgoenkars in the villagers are fighting every single day with everything they got, against the ‘pure evil’ that exists in Goa today.
We need to give them our support, and sometimes for us nizgoekars all we need to hear is love, not money. Yes, sadly some of us cannot be in our beautiful homeland; but we can do our part, for love of Goa. I beg our brothers and sisters at home not to quest


  1. Yes I remember on the Herald how Dalia used to promote Niz Goenkar, She used to say that even if Herald closes the section which was a known fact, we have Niz Goenkar to comment on fearlessly and her words came true.  You have brought out the fact correctly.  You must have seen the clip here that came from Goa by JoeUkGoa the announcements made by the FORCE during the MOI meet at Margao to use Niz Goenkar to get their feelings out. 

  2. Shubash Raikar Panjim15 May 2011 at 02:35

     Trevor we all need a wake up call sometime or the other in our lives, the primary call we as Goans need is to voice ourselves for the sake of our Motherland Goa. There were two occasions where we Goans were united The opinion Poll, and the Konkani language issue, Violence was used against Goans on both occasions. Although lives were not lost in the first one, the second one one certainly took young budding Goan lives. Goans have never resorted to violence against non-Goans as a first resort but are never shy of facing it. We now have to regroup with every ounce of energy we have to get rid of the menace Goa is facing today. Thanks to the Goan media Mainly Herald Corrupt politicians have the upper hand at this moment. That cycle has to be changed and will change.

  3. The new year's clarion call by herald's owner is an eyewash. The gullible Cristanv like me from the south always thought herald was what it claimed to be.
    Can Raul tell me how much do you pay your Reporters. How is it I see them often eating in post hotels ? Any guess who pays their bills? It is not the politician but the

  4. N.Fernandes-London17 May 2011 at 11:05

    It is a well known fact that the Herald Newspaper reporters are mere Puppets of the Politicians.
    Chief Politician that greases these reporters is Churchill Alemao.
    Churchill can never ever win anything  "fair & square".Instead,he buys or has bought most of his "so called "Importance", using money made through smuggling and other criminal activities.
    I have heard that several Herald Reporetrs are wined & dines in Posh Hotels.To return the favour, they favour & praise the Corrupt Politicians.
    Today, I hear that Churchill is laying claim to Navelim. Having been kicked out from Benaulim and other places, he has not learnt his lesson.
    I sincerely hope the Good cizitens and electorate of Navelim, confine this ugly Pig to the dustbin of history.
    There are rumours that the people of Navelim are already fed up of him and also his daughter, Big Lips Valanka.
    On his Birthday, he has given various gifts to the people of Navelim.This was not financed from his rather large pockets.Instead ,this was financed by the struggling Tax Payers of Goa.
    It is quite easy to consider ,that these gifts are no more than Election bribery.This is a typical Alemao family Habit.

  5. @Sicksir, you are right. Herald is spineless so is Raul and Sujoy. They are the tongues of the mining lobby and the politicians.  


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