Saturday 14 May 2011


When the Goa Police ( enriched by haftas) are unable to bring successful prosecutions of criminal cases in Goa, there is no doubt,that it allows the criminals from other Indian States to loiter in Goa and commit serious crimes.
With the Goa Police displaying openly and at every Court hearing their uselessness & inefficiencies, it allows criminals from other States to ply their trade in Goa, fully aware , they will never be prosecuted.They view Goa Police as "purchasable" or at flashing of a few crisp Rupee notes and a nod & a wink, gullible or bendable.
The Goa Police are also well known to target weaker sections of Society.Usually the uneducated and poor. This is where their ex-DGP,Bhim Bassi,gets his statistics from to claim Goa Police are the Best in India.
IN my estimate, many of the Crimes in Goa are actually committed by the Goa Police in connivance with the criminals.You might find some answers if you speak to Matka bookies or Stall (Gadda) holders, or the Shackwallas or Massage parlours.
The Goa Police actually facilitate these crimes for a monetary commission.These Corrupt Goa Police also work in cahoots with the Politicians.  A phone call from the law breaking Politicians and the Goa Police throw out the complaint , the case or distort it and water it down to such an extent,that is has no chance of a successful prosecution.


  1. Shubash Raikar Panjim14 May 2011 at 14:11

    Goan Police have learn from their Indian counterpart how to collude for a percentage of the loot with criminals from outer states. The cry to clean the image of Goan police is louder than ever.

  2. The Gua Police is filty from top to bottom.

  3. Anand Desai Mopa15 May 2011 at 03:29

    There is no police force in Goa. they are glorified gangsters carrying out the dirty work for their masters the Corrupt and Criminal politicians.

  4. Salvador Seraulim15 May 2011 at 03:35

    The value of some of the Goan police  are like hungry stray dogs going through garbage   looking for some thing to eat.

  5. Silvestor Bethalbatim15 May 2011 at 04:01

    An experience I would like to forget: few years back I was
    on a trip to the gulf on business. My cousin dropped me at the Dabolim airport.
    After checking in my baggage I handed my cousin  whatever rupees I had in my pocket,  amounting to about Rs18,000. One Catholic
    policeman who  saw what happened followed
    my cousin to his vehicle and demanded part of the money with various allegations
    attached to the money. Some   taxi drivers known to us gathered around my
    cousin and asked what happened. It was then the policeman walked away. What
    chance would a poor unknown person stand? A few police personal can tarnish the
    entire police force.

  6.  The police follow their criminal masters  "the politicians"

  7. Goa Police are the worst in the country. Criminals in Police uniform. All are unfit as officers. Corrupt, drug dealers and patrons of all criminals and politicians. 

  8. The Goa Home Minister is a big Thief, Liar,
    Drug Mafia and many more then comes Goas SP and Goa Police. They are trained by
    the Goas Home Minister to Loot the People as much as they can. If the Goas Home
    Minister is Clean then the Goa Police will be clean.


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