Wednesday, 4 May 2011


Dear readers, I am not writing this article to contradict those parents who wish to educate their children in English Medium nor to contradict the Konkani lovers as I myself am a lover of my mother tongue Konkani. This article is in response to an article which appeared as a letter to the editor in one of Goa’s local daily written by one Mr. Michael de Souza from Porvorim.
This is an article on Roman Script Konkani implementation and throwing out marathi from Goa completely which is a foreign language to the nation of Goa. Mr. Michael there are certain contents of the letter which are reasonable beyond doubt and need to be appreciated as you have brought out some true facts that occur in Goa and among Goans specially the Catholics of Goa. It has been seen in the Gulf specially and I am a witness to quite a lot of incidents pertaining Konkani. but some are contradictory with no resemblance to the situation or the MOI.
Mr Michael you stress that the parents who assembled for English as MOI never talk Konkani to their children at home. I do agree with you that those who fight for English as MOI are people always talk English with their children at home but not all. Do not imply it to all the Goans. I have seen and heard myself and I fully agree with you that Konkani must be a must for every family. But at the same time you cannot deny the freedom of education in a democracy that would suit the parents and the children.
The main reasons for the parents to opt for English as MOI are:
1. Konkani is taught in devnagiri script is goes out of way for the catholic and muslim population of Goa. Our children talk in a different dialect than their own home dialect and this has been imposed by the communal forces to either convert us or to throw us out of Goa and they are fairly succeeding in their motives. If Konkani was taught two ways i.e. along with Roman Script, this situation would not have arisen at all.
2. In Goa, Goans do not get jobs after getting educated but outsiders are buying the jobs and Goans too are forced to buy jobs. So if they learn English the children at least can go out of the country to get some decent jobs as I have mentioned further below in this article.
You want education in Konkani that is fine with me but why in Devnagiri and not Roman script Konkani. It was Roman Script that kept the Lamp of Konkani burning and not Devnagiri. They are using Devnagiri to promote marathi and not our mother tongue. Have you seen the deception through?
Why did you not mention about the script that they should use for Konkani. Why should our children talk like the Hindus? This is ridiculous!
Which of these gangs fighting for Local Language as Medium of Instruction love Konkani? With the exception of only one organization the rest are all trying to support marathi including Manohar Parrikar. Only GOA HIT RAKHAN MANCH is the strong supporter of Konkani and not the other hypocrites.
I fully agree with your views except about the Portuguese passport. It is not to learn English that they go for Portuguese Nationality but for livelihood which our local government has given to the outside ganttis only. Portuguese nationality means you are a citizen of Portugal where English is not MOI so do not mix up two things. It is alright that quite a lot of Goans are settled in UK so obviously English being the mother tongue and national language of UK, the MOI is English. Our youth the genuine Goans have to struggle for jobs. Dayanand Narvekar started the sale of Jobs which is till today carried on a high scale by the politicians specially Pandurang Madkaikar who sold RTO Jobs for not less than 25 Lakh per head.
So Michael I would like to request you not to attack those people who have opted for Portuguese Nationality under the guise of MOI. The Portuguese passport holders did not come to Goa to fight for English as MOI. Stick to proper facts and get your knowledge developed to judge people opting for Portuguese nationality. The politicians especially the Goa BJP has forced our people to opt for this nationality where they get jobs freely without paying bribes and in countries where bribe is severely punished. The word “BRIBE” is unheard in these countries. I am telling you this from my personal experience.
I suggest you should be attacking the crooked rulers in Goa. Now Churchill has come forward on behalf of parents asking English as MOI. Can you trust Churchill? What guarantee is there that he will not betray the cause next day he gets a suitcase full of money just like he did for MOPA AIRPORT and say that we do not need English as MOI? The moment he gets the money under the table he will be a CHAMELEON the very next minute
Some points I do agree with you but not everything. Michael you have judged certain points very brilliantly but not all and above all you have left out Roman Script Konkani. Hope you revise your letter to the local news paper. I also say from my point of view if parents want to educate their children in English MOI let the schools get the grants. If the government wants to stick to Konkani only,  then the grants to marathi, kannada and any other language should be stopped forthwith. Otherwise English medium schools too should get grants. If no ENGLISH then NO MARATHI, KANNAD only KONKANI.


  1. Salvador Seraulim4 May 2011 at 19:24

    Bravo Menino, well said I write speak Konkani in roman script so do my children and grand children, they have been educated in English. We should have one official language taught in Goa Konkani in Roman Script followed by and MOI in English as a parents choice. As far as Churchill goes he is two faced pig of Varca would sell Goans as slaves to Ghantis. He is a master deceiver gaining mileage over the MOI issue. .

  2. Allwyn George4 May 2011 at 22:28

    Mr.Menino I appreciate your views. we do not know who is this Michael either a Goan of from Karnataka as his surname suggests or is an agent of Sashikala. In this matter I gave him a fitting reply in my letter published on Herald dated 5th May. Hope he understands what I am trying to tell him as he is in serious trouble to choose his wife or mother to be bed. I request all true loving goans to go through my letter in response to Mr. Micheals outrageous letter on Herald dated 4th May. He is nothing but proved himself to be a pimp of the Marathi fellows. I would have prefered to have a direct debate with him on this issue.

  3. Dear Allwyn,

    Please send you letter to us here at Niz Goenkar and I shall publish it. Send it at or my other email ID both of which are on the site.

    Regards - Menino de Valpoi

  4. Joaquim Correia Afonso4 May 2011 at 22:37

    I know more than one family - people who speak Konkani at home but have sent their children to English medium primary schools.

    I have stated more than once that those who want grant-in-aid for Marathi medium primary schools (under the guise of vernacular medium) have a hidden agenda - the merger of Goa into Maharashtra.

  5. N.Fernandes-London5 May 2011 at 01:18

    Courtesy of Herald Newapaper.

    NOTE:From N.Fernandes-London

    The comment below, by Michael De souza, is not correctly researched.It is flawed in many aspects and .
    Reading his comment below, one can only conclude that this person has some brain cells missing or diseased.
    I will allow you to decide.
    Perhaps Michael De souza`s world is not moving.It is stagnant and lying dormant.
    When I am in Goa, I hear Konkani all around me in all homes,shops and every where.
    I do not see, what applying for a Portuguese Passport has got to do with learning English.
    The Passport allows people to move around the world to feed their stomachs and those of their children due to lack of jobs in Goa.
    I would recomend Michael to have a medical check-up for the welfare of his mental sanity which seems to be going downhill.

    MoI: Konkani only
    Michael de Souza, Porvorim
    It is the duty and obligation of the government to preserve our official language and our mother-tongue, at all costs and develop it. For this purpose, compulsory basic primary education only in mother tongue is absolutely essential.
    I know most of the people who came to Azad Maidan rooting for English at primary level. These people can hardly speak in Konkani. It is English all the way, at home with the kids, dogs and cats. The only time they speak in Konkani is when they go to buy fish.
    I would advise these people to declare openly that English is your mother-tongue and thereafter, apply for a Portuguese passport and go to the European Union where they can not only study English at the primary level, but can drink, eat, dance and sleep with English. For true blue blooded sons and daughters of this red soil of Goa, it has to be Konkani only at primary level, now and forever.

  6. sebastian Mesquita5 May 2011 at 01:52

    I can't understand the whole issue of Roman and Devnagri script. And communal tangle attached to it. My children are studying in a konkani medium primary school and are very comfortable with Devanagari script. In the church if they are to read any prayer in konkani, then they prefer that it be written in devnagri. The easy with which they can read konkani in devnagri astonishes me, since me and my wife are not very comfortable in devnagri. I think that we are waisting our energies over trivial matters and play into the hands of the politician who would like us goans to be divided so that they can get elected in the next election.
    In this technology driven world we are expected to master science, ever evolving technologies, and the various complexities associated with this modern world. If we can master them then we can easily learn a language and also its script. What's the big fuss? I have known people who speak 3, 4 languages fluently and are very comfortable in roman script as well as devnagri. Why have any animosity towards Marathi? Its a sister language of Konkani. We would be happy to learn and speak French and any other European language but condemn Indian languages. By doing so we are preparing ourself for settling abroad when there are so many opportunities i India. Why not we Catholic's understand that our future is in India and not by making a Portuguese passport and settling in England?.

  7. sebastian Mesquita5 May 2011 at 01:52

    I can't understand the whole issue of Roman and Devnagri script. And communal tangle attached to it. My children are studying in a konkani medium primary school and are very comfortable with Devanagari script. In the church if they are to read any prayer in konkani, then they prefer that it be written in devnagri. The easy with which they can read konkani in devnagri astonishes me, since me and my wife are not very comfortable in devnagri. I think that we are waisting our energies over trivial matters and play into the hands of the politician who would like us goans to be divided so that they can get elected in the next election.
    In this technology driven world we are expected to master science, ever evolving technologies, and the various complexities associated with this modern world. If we can master them then we can easily learn a language and also its script. What's the big fuss? I have known people who speak 3, 4 languages fluently and are very comfortable in roman script as well as devnagri. Why have any animosity towards Marathi? Its a sister language of Konkani. We would be happy to learn and speak French and any other European language but condemn Indian languages. By doing so we are preparing ourself for settling abroad when there are so many opportunities i India. Why not we Catholic's understand that our future is in India and not by making a Portuguese passport and settling in England?.

  8. The ba...ard Bandodkar failed to merge Goa into Maharashtra, so his soul must not be resting in peace for his failures. His soul is tormenting others like the likes of Michael and Company to accomplish his unfinished mission. They have no idea that Dr. Jack Sequiera is also praying to St. Francis Xavier to save our Goa. All these monkeys in the zoo like Michael, will never, I repeat never, be able to fullfil their dirty intentions.

  9. Anand Desai Mopa5 May 2011 at 04:13

    Allwyn Please send a copy of that letter to Niz Goenkar as many of us have boycotted Herald.

  10. AMARAKBARANTHONY5 May 2011 at 04:26



  11. Silvestor Bethalbatim5 May 2011 at 04:26

    Having been Born in Africa and latter brought up in Goa in the 60s we spoke in Konkani at home in the villages and among friends and families, at the same time studied in English. Making Hindi compulsory was a curse where many students dropped out before their 11th standard. Yet English was spoken with proper English accent and not the heavy Indian way which happens today in Goa.

  12. Anand Desai Mopa5 May 2011 at 04:31

    Joaquim you are 100% correct when you say there is a hidden agenda to merge Goa with Maharashtra. I had once written such a letter to herald who did not publish it. I had stated that The north side will go to Maharashtra while the south to Karnataka.

  13. Anonymous the VIII5 May 2011 at 06:07

    The KONKANI BASHA MANDAL and the two demented in cassocks, along with the Freedom F***kers are all ANTI-NATIONALS.
    They claim to be Indians but do not know or that ENGLISH is the official Language of INDIA along with Hindi. Their ulterior motives are obviously backed by the Maharashtrian lobby. Read here: THE OFFICIAL LANGUAGES ACT, 1963
    We must now fight to stop grants to Primary schools with Medium Of Instruction in mother tongue of other States. Preference should be for Official Language of the Republic of India rather than the Official Language of Other States like Marathi and Kannada.

  14. I accept that MOI should be English and/or Konkani so the people of Goa have a choice between the two as to what they want. What I really do not understand and probably will never understand is how come marati is featuring as a MOI/official language of Goa. Do the bordering states of Goa be it Maharashtra or Karnataka have Konkani as their other official language with equal status like we have Konkani and marati in Goa? Both the states mentioned above have konkani speaking people. Was Goa a part of maharastra before the Potugues took over? Well the choice is in the hands of the Goan people and it is quite simple. The present 40 thiefs of Goa should be not elected ever again and a chance is going to be provide I believe next year.

  15. Here is another of those Malbaros who stole Goan names from cemeteries and made a Portuguese passport!
    Only difference is, this one is a Maharashtrian.

  16. N.Fernandes-London5 May 2011 at 12:02

    Your comment is mis-guided.
    You have given your children what you feel comfortable with.
    You , in your wisdom, believe, what is good for your childrens future and destiny is Konkani in Devanigiri script.
    That is fine .However do not assume this is what other parents in Goa want.
    Perhaps you can aford to give your children additional Tuitions or coaching in mastering Konkani in Devanigiri script.
    Please understand many other parents cannot afford such tuitions.
    The children of my relatives in Goa ,hate and detest Konkani & Marathi in the Devanigiri script. in school.Due to this factor they are not interested or faring well in these & other subjects .
    Perhaps you have forgotten, sitting in a classroom , where certain subjects do not interest some students.This is the reality that you fail to take into account.
    No one is condemning Indian languages. All they are saying is that they see no future with it specially where employment in India and the wider world is concerned.
    Where jobs and employment is concerned, I think you are living in another world.
    Jobs in India and notably Goa are only available to those few that pay a bribe or commission or belong to an inner circle, where influence plays a part.
    Many jobs in India are not based on merit.It is based on who you know to get the job.
    Perhaps you have not checked or considered the un-employmeny rate in Goa or India.
    Perhaps because you are comfortable and well off, due to your family connections, you assume that others can be in a similar position.
    Lets hope when your children complete their education and vocational training they will find jobs in India.
    If not, I am afraid it will have to be a Portuguese Passport, some good written & spoken English and a one way air-fare / ticket to the UK.
    Best of luck in your decisions for your children and their future in Corrupt India,,but leave the rest of us ordinary folk to consider our own options and destiny for our children.

  17. Anand Desai Mopa5 May 2011 at 12:47

    I will be very short in saying this man has been mis-guided. Was DR Jack Sequeira and his followers fight to save Goa merging into Maharashtra all in vain? There is no relationship between Konkani which i am proud off and Mahariti. My love for Konkani in Roman Script is unconditional.

  18. Anthony D'Silva5 May 2011 at 23:05

    Mr Sebastian Mesquita, it is a laughing matter to know that your own cousin Arwin Mesquita does not know a word to read, write and speak of Konkani neither in Deganagari nor Romans script. How do you explain that? What about your own family, your children what language do you talk to them at home? I am from Benaulim and know you very well. Can you explain your own case here?

  19. N.Fernandes-London6 May 2011 at 00:26

    Hi Anthony:
    Lets hope ,but more ,Pray, that Sebastian Mesquita`s children will find a practical use for Konkani in the devanigiri script and have a bright future.I am sure it will come in handy in Goa ,but will be of no use elsewhere in the world.

    To assume that the language and script our children learn in is trivial matter, says it al about the author of the comment.

  20. sebastian Mesquita6 May 2011 at 03:52

    I am very much a goan, not a Maharashtrian and not interested in a Portuguese passport. That's because I don't need one. I have enough of opportunities in India. There is no doubt there are problem of corruption here but I am not a coward to run away from problem's and complain from abroad.

  21. @sebastian Mesquita

    You are a Maha Gandu from Maharashtra. Your writing can't deny that. In Goa there is only one language that is unconditional KONKANI:
    -there are many opportunities in India please name one. The only opportunity that I know for you is a vote Bank for the corrupt politicians.

  22. Salvador Seraulim6 May 2011 at 13:04

    A young ambitious Girl from a poor family did her BA, studied also Konkani in Devnagri and did her teachers course. When she was interviewed for a teachers post she was asked for 11Lakhs in return for the Job. (the interviewee was connected to a south Goan MLA) Where will the poor family of four children, working odd jobs to make ends meet get that kind of money? Lucky for her a family from the village sponsored her to North America where she is a teacher and taken her siblings there too. She has never looked back since. I do keep in touch with her she blames the corrupt system and not Goa. So much for Konkani in Davnagri (NAGDI)

  23. @Michael de Souza, Porvorim

    What an Idiot, were you born dumm or the traitor Bandorkar mutilated your brain in devnagiri script.?

    The language of Goa is Konkani, the script is Romi. If you want Marathi then please use your own money to study in Sawantwadi, same goes to hindi and Kannad.

  24. There is no official language of India and no state language of one state can be made official in another state. Hindi is spoken and studied in the north of India. The south is made to study this language by force and not by love.
    The north Indian should be made to study Tamil, Telegu, Malayalam, Kannad as the same way the south are made to study 3 - 4 languages. If the north does not except the languages of the south then the north Indians cant implement their language on the south.
    The North Indians can only implement the Hindi language on the south if the south Indians except the North Indian Baiyas as their colonial masters.
    The south Indians should fight that their language and script should be made mandatory in the North, if not then they should ask for independence for the north.

  25. Sebastian Mesquita7 May 2011 at 06:34

    Its true that my cousin doesn't know Konkani, but I did not educate him. You should ask his parents. Since you know me, please do visit me. I would be delighted to talk to you. You can speak to my kids to ascertain if they can speak Konkani.

  26. Sebastian Mesquita7 May 2011 at 06:51

    Mr Perdro Lopes, just as blind man cannot view things you can't find opportunities. I am in the profession of teaching in an Engineering institute in Goa. Our institute and many other institute's in Goa just can't find faculty to teach Mathematics, Physics, Economics, English etc. This jobs require a post graduate qualification and pay more than Rs 25,000/- per month. My interaction with many business man indicate the same scenario exist in industries also. Its not that there are no Jobs, but that Goans are only chasing their dreams to work on board the ship or make a Portuguese passport and go to England. I reiterate once again that there are so many opportunities in India, the likes of which you will not find in England.

  27. @sebastian Mesquita
    It makes me proud to know that you are an engineer and that too a teacher, I hope you are not an engineer from just by hearting some books and passing the exams.
    If you go to any toilets in India, you will find that the toilets stinks, one reason is the natures call, secondly the other is due to bad cleanliness. But for me there is only one factor as to all public toilets stinks, can you figure that out for me, you don't have to go far, just pay a visit to the Panjim Markets Toilet. As you are an engineer you should know where the fault lies.
    The answer as to why all public toilet stinks I shall give you the coming Sunday. The fault lies in engineering, I hope you can figure it out and prove that you have not just by hearted some few engineering books.
    Please answer to me if you have engineering in your Blood like myself and not just in your Brain.

  28. N.Fernandes-London8 May 2011 at 00:40

    Hi Sebastian:Once again , If I may politely state, that you are mis-guided.Some others may state that you are isolated from the truth and facts.
    Reading your comment ,there is a strong element of self -Interest. You seem to indicate that what is good or acheivable for you, your kids and family, is also acheiveable by others.
    The example you highlight in your response to Pedro, is a specific situation.It does not happen in all jobs in Goa.
    Have you spoken to other Goans seeking employment and find that ,they have too many hurdles to cross.
    You fail to understand Ground reality.You are assuming that there are plenty of suitable jobs & ones that pay a decent and living wage . You are also assuming that these jobs that are available are not slavery in disguise in some or many instances.
    It is quite logical and sensible for people to make Portuguese Passports and move abroad, if suitable jobs they are trained for, are not availabe in Goa.Goans have been doing this for centuries.
    What is the harm of chasing a dream? on a ship or England?.
    I get the impression , that you come from a previliged family and sitting on your golden throne assume other Goans have such previleges.
    I know of many Goans from the "LAND OWNING CLASSES" or what is called BHATKARS, who`s children were given jobs through family connections or influence, even though they did not have the appropriate qualifications or vocational training.Are you going to deny this?.
    I also do not see a problem with Goans working for higher paid jobs abroad, rather than a pittance for the same in Goa.
    Please do not tell me or us, that you would be happy to work for a lesser paid job rather than a higher paid one.
    That is crazy logic.
    I am sorry , this topic of scripts being discussed has deviated to jobs.But I am sure in some way they are inter-connected.

  29. N.Fernandes-London8 May 2011 at 04:10

    I am glad to hear you confirm, that you are a Goan.
    You must be exceptionaly blessed by God, to have many opportunities in India. You also must be exceptionally multi-talented and have a good "gift of the gab".
    Regrettably we all are not born with such "silver spoons".
    It is very unfair of you to state that you are not a coward, while those that go abroad are.
    There is a big difference in being a coward and being pragmatic / realistic.
    Any person that chooses to give up family & friends in Goa, and makes brave sacrifices, to travel abroad to better himslef / herself, is taking or making a brave decision.
    Having to travel abroad for work to feed ones family is not cowardice.
    You cannot accuse people of running abroad as being cowards.Consider your self an "exception to the rule".But, also bear in mind people go abroad due to utter hoplessness.
    Anybody that complains from abroad about the state of affairs or Governance in Goa, has a moral duty.They are complaining about the immorality & inequality of what happens in Goa.
    It is quite obvious, that you have only lived in Goan Society in Goa.
    The people you allege are cowards & complaining, have the previlege of "experiencing" 2 different societies or Social Environments.They are in a far more better position to make qualified remarks /complaints than you..
    They have broadened their horizons and widned their scopes,where as you have remained stagnant.

  30. Knowing Professor Sebastian Mesqueita, I feel he is misguided. I know he is a reputed Professor of a reputed Engineering College of Goa. However, it surprises me seeing his anti-English stand when his own mother was a teacher teaching at a reputed school who is now retired. Sebastian is a man who fight for causes against the same Monsters of Goa is lost to the Marathi lobby? Unbelieveable.

  31. as the saying goes, shit talks and money walks. Each and every person has the right to do what's good and better for his/her kins.
    The Goan Language is Konkanii in Romi Script, Bostiaos brain is manipulated through hindi movies. Today we have 2 brainless sardars telling us what's good for our children, Shame on us as these sardarjies invaded and even raped our womens and Goa.

  32. sebastian Mesquita8 May 2011 at 21:17

    Hi N .Fernandes
    For your kind information I am not a Batkar and not in any way influential. I have not been to any politician asking for any favours. I am dismayed that at NZ every one has made up their mind and they are not ready to accept a different opinion. I have nothing against any one going abroad for better prospects, but when you are not even looking for a job in India and accordingly qualifying yourself, don't complain that there are no jobs.

  33. sebastian Mesquita8 May 2011 at 21:20

    Hi Perdro,
    I am not an Engineer. The toilet stink is all due to bad governance, which every one knows and you can blame it on the PWD.

  34. @sebastian Mesquita
    It’s not a sin if you are not an engineer; my first assumption was wrong and as you have not told me what your real profession is at the engineering faculty then let me presume that you are a very good teacher, teaching may be Hindi, Marathi or Kannad. I further presume you are helping the faculty to translate the English engineering books to the Marathi, Kannad or Hindi language.
    Now why all the toilets in India stink, the answer is very simple, you can’t just blame the bad governance or the Public Work Department. I’d blame the engineering of Goa or India, the Architecture. The people responsible to build and carry out the project of the toilettes all over India, especially now in my mother land GOA.
    You still have time to ask your friends or student, why the toilette in the Panjim Market stinks? Still better you with your fellow colleagues should pay a visit to this toilette. Find out where the fault lies. This is real engineering, practical knowledge, just not by reading and by hearting a book called engineer book makes someone an engineer,
    If you have problems getting sensible answers, please don’t get ready made answers like bad governance and so on. If you can’t get an answer then you will get the answer this coming Sunday.
    (By the way have you been outside our Nation Goa or the Invader country India, have you been to Europe or to the Gulf countries like UAE?, to make it short, have you been to any human country? as India is surely not a human country, for me India is a lavaris country where the laws of the jungle prevail, the strong and the rich have their say, the laws are amended as per their wishes)
    (By the way have you been outside our Nation Goa or the Invader country India, have you been to Europe or to the Gulf countries like UAE?, to make it short, have you been to any human country? as India is surely not a human country, for me India is a lavaris country where the laws of the jungle prevail, the strong and the rich have their say, the laws are amended as per their wishes)

  35. @sebastian Mesquita
    It’s not a sin if you are not an engineer; my first assumption was wrong and as you have not told me what your real profession is at the engineering faculty then let me presume that you are a very good teacher, teaching may be Hindi, Marathi or Kannad. I further presume you are helping the faculty to translate the English engineering books to the Marathi, Kannad or Hindi language.
    Now why all the toilets in India stink, the answer is very simple, you can’t just blame the bad governance or the Public Work Department. I’d blame the engineering of Goa or India, the Architecture. The people responsible to build and carry out the project of the toilettes all over India, especially now in my mother land GOA.
    You still have time to ask your friends or student, why the toilette in the Panjim Market stinks? Still better you with your fellow colleagues should pay a visit to this toilette. Find out where the fault lies. This is real engineering, practical knowledge, just not by reading and by hearting a book called engineer book makes someone an engineer,
    If you have problems getting sensible answers, please don’t get ready made answers like bad governance and so on.
    If you can’t get an answer then you will get the answer this coming Sunday.
    (By the way have you been outside our Nation Goa or the Invader country India, have you been to Europe or to the Gulf countries like UAE?, to make it short, have you been to any human country? as India is surely not a human country, for me India is a lavaris country where the laws of the jungle prevail, the strong and the rich have their say, the laws are amended as per their wishes)

  36. Yup you are absolutely right, I used to hate Dev. Konkani in my  school, I couldn't study or pronounce or read it correctly... atleast Hindi sounds much better & good to learn rather than Dev....Konkani and I love the Roman script Konkani, oh god! why there is no choice here. The World is educating to English having cut throat competition here in job wise, where will Dev...Konkani education lead to.

     I can't understand why there is no choice for  children to choose what they want to study instead of  uneducated persons enforcing it to satisfy their own greed or to revenge the Goan Catholic community. 
    Why can't the officials think of the rest of the community, you can't be selfish, as we all are one brown skin. Have to think a BETTER FUTURE, MUCH EDUCATED FUTURE to survive in this world.
    And you are not a dictator to say no to  English in GOA, I damn hate these Politicians who make our life miserable in everyway. Because of this reason some Goans have to leave their  beautiful GOA for better prospects.

     No wonder, one day, GOA will be a part of Maharashtra....hmmmmm...  I guess thats the whole trick. They are eying on GOA bye enforcing right from the start only Konkani and Marathi.

    And I wonder, if English is removed then what will happen.

  37. oh God, you above guys please stop arguing ...I'm having a good laugh reading all your comments. Come all are grown people...isn't it.


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