Wednesday, 4 May 2011


The SDM report says that Cypriano Fernandes died in police custody. The erring cops should, therefore, be tried for murder. In addition, the forensic chief of GMC clearly says that Cypriano died as a result of beating, while in custody. Even the SGPC headed by Goa’s honest and prominent former Justice Eurico da Sliva clearly points out that the then head of Panjim Police station along with his subordinates have murdered Cypriano Fernandes.
While there are so many reports that have implicated the police in the murder of Cypriano, the government of Goa, particularly the Home Minister, is very cool as if nothing has happened. He is hell bent on protecting the murderers. It is time that the Home Minister explains why he is protecting the criminals of Goa’s police department, and in the process, denying justice to Cipriano’s family.


  1. Brothers in Arms. Criminals protecting criminals. By calling themselves Goverment they are defaming the name of the word. Criminals will always remain criminals.

  2. The Goverment is nothing short of being termed as the Mafias. You name it. Crimes, Rapes, smuggling of foreign Currency & Laundering, Drug Deals, land grabbing, this list could go on..Not a single crime upto date committed by any Minister results in any form of Conviction. Infact the cases just vanish in thin air without a clue. This is the state of affairs of the worlds largest Democracy...........A goverment full of Corruption.

  3. The police who are responsible for Cipriano's death, and Ravi charas naik should be hanged at Azad maidan , so that the future generation of police force and politicians should uphold law and order in Goa.

  4. Crooks protecting Crooks in Goan politics.


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