Tuesday, 3 May 2011


Mickey Pacheo has not stopped short of publicly declaring Viola’s candidature for the Cortalim seat as the People’s Wishes. Can the Pachecos prove themselves worth by addressing the wishes of Cansaulim people who have opposed tooth and nail the unfavorable megahousing projects of well known outsiders threatening their villages?
While the local MLA Mauvin Godhino has shown his true colors, he should realize that he is not a permanently elected MLA and that the People’s Voice is supreme and he should be brought to justice. It is highly pertinent that Goans in their best interest prevent notorious builders community and outsiders like Abo Bakr Sheik from destroying the sanctity and ecology of the pristine and calm Cansaulim village before things go out of hand and lawlessness and anarchy prevails.
The directory of panchayats and bureaucrats who have acted as stooges of political masters to subdued and harass innocent local villagers should be made accountable and they need to be pursued in courts till they lose their retirement benefits to deter the other lots.
Meanwhile the people of Cansaulim-Cuelim-Arossim in parallel should keep up their fight by staying united and they should not hesitate to file contempt petitions against the builder, police, MLA and their stooges at a time when the Honourable High Court bench has already passed stringent judgments against this project. The people should also not shy away from approaching other social activists, NRIs and environmental ministries to highlight gross violation and manipulations but even approach the Courts to demolish any illegalities committed which is the best solution in their favour.


  1. N.Fernandes-London3 May 2011 at 23:30

    I doubt the Pachecos could prove their worth.
    Mickky has several criminal cases pending against him , and also Civil cases.
    Besides thuggery ,extortion and Goondaism, he is involved in bigamy and fraud.His fraud cases include Money Laundering and cheating & forging.
    No doubt one of these cases will stick and convict him to a sentence in Jail.If his jail sentences are concurrent i.e more than 2 years , he will not be eligible to contest Elections.
    As far as Viola is concerned, she is not a seasoned Politician or a person that demonstrates any Political aspirations or knowledge.The only asset and clout she has politically, is money.No doubt she is educated , unlike Mickky.However academics and common sense are 2 different things.
    Suggesting Sucide was or is simple, in defence of her paramour Mickky in the case of Nadia Torrado, is a demonstration of her lack of sensitivity and understanding of this type of death & self destruction.
    Viola will be forever condemned for her immoral behaviour,sexual trysts with Mickky, a shotgun marriage, and kids born out of wedlock.Goa and Goans ,of all religious faiths are still very Conservative.
    If Viola was not married or wedded to Mickkys unexplained and mysterious accquisition of Money and riches, she would be just another "Plain Jane" or (should I say" Plain Joanita) ,Goan Girl, and would also be frowned upon.
    As far as I know, she is viewed as a person with loose morals, and can be had by anyone,provided they are able to display their wealth to her.
    From what I see, Viola is none other than Mickkys toy doll , that he loves to carry along with him ,where ever he appears as a Chief Guest.
    Being a native of Cansaulim may be a plus point for Viola,however I doubt she is conditioned or has the correct attibutes to live in a "DOG eat DOG" world of Goan Politics.
    The only advantage of Viola being a canditate for the Cortalim Constituency, is to keep Mauvin Godinho, a well known Corrupted Goan looter & thief ,at bay & short of votes, to re-instate him back in power.
    Mauvin could then do some Dynamic Social work at Queenie Nagar & clean up the open defecation that takes palce there.

  2. If we well remember our olden day’s piggy toilets much before Goa was turned into a concrete jungle, one would recollect that there used to be a pig or pigs. Irrespective of a Hindu or a Christian house, you would see pigs dwelling behind these toilets.
    I would like to compare this Mickey Pacheco to these pigs. Nowadays, he would be seen showing his presence at every public movement for freedom from these same criminals including himself. He is most probably out of business. As I live in Goa and frequently attend motions of public interest all over Goa, the recent sighting of this Pig from Betalbatim was at the Parents rally in Margao, at the blocking of the Hyatt road at Arrosim by the residents to free themselves from the harassment of the hotel security at their own door step and in Nuvem Village where people were protesting against acquiring their agricultural land. This is to fool the people that he is with them. Actually, this criminal is out of business and is seeking people’s attention and sympathy. Whoever will vote for him or his concubine will be equally doing a criminal act. You can’t teach a pig to sing and this man will never change his criminal habits neither will learn from his mistakes. Give him little power and see his other face.

  3. Salvador Seraulim4 May 2011 at 08:55

    Once bitten twice shy, the people of Cansaulim are fully aware of the pain and suffering their current ministers have caused them. Now comes a minister Mickky "A devil dressed as an angle" of the came corrupt calibre promising to be their saviour. Our current regime are nothing but thugs flexing their muscle power. We must unite , peoples power cannot be defeated.

  4. N.Fernandes-London4 May 2011 at 10:47

    Well said Papa Razi.
    Mickky is currently in a Political Limbo.
    Perhaps he thinks it is now time to use up his last Political bullet....Viola.
    Viola is not well liked in the Local Villages, due to her loose morals.
    The last time I was in Goa about 2 years ago, people spoke about her in the negative.
    She did not marry for love.However she did so for money and to legitimise the birth of her child by Mickky.
    Sadly, she is now enjoying the money Mickky stole or fleeced from an elderly American Lady, and, also from the profits Mickky made sending poor Goan Boys to work on Cruise ships or to Jump ship while in the USA and work illegaly.
    Many of these poor boys are now living in dire situations, working for a pittance and the live in fear of being caught and deported back to Goa.
    They only wished to help their families back in Goa...but now Mickky has helped himself to their money, & lives off their backs,blood & sweat.

  5. It was just a year before Nadia died from consuming Ratol, Mathew Kentuckee took this loose Viola in his own car and demonstrated how this Mickey was cheating on her. Viola was able to see Mickey with Nadia in her own house at midnight, together. This act was secretly done and it was romoured since then that Mathew got sympathy and in gratitude, this loose character was won by the pimp Mathew. In the next few days, rumour was wide and Mickey took Mathew by the collar, threathened to shoot him, this act was done in public. Relations were sour or broken until Nadia died and they both got together. It was romoured that this loose train was driven by Mathew for a while to a distance.

  6. Guys I have been reading the comments, you know what we Goans choose these people, give a Goan 500 or 1000 Rs they will vote for you why not donate the money to help the poor children in Goa AND VOTE for a real person who has done much for the village and will always help a good cause.
    We need to wise up all this ministers are stealing Goa's Cash on their Salary they live like Kings do the right thing set up a new party in every village without bjp or congress don't need this parties just need a person and Goans to back up and vote and throw these robbers and Pigs out of Goa Politics for good.
    Most can not even speak English or Konkani......?
    So people of Goa Time to change and stop the bitching what has happened can not be turned or undone change is however in our hands..


    Lets start to support and arrange a new party in goa (GLP) The Goa LIBERAL PARTY IF INTERESTED CONTACT ME CONSTANCIO65 @HOTMAIL.COM

    Thank you

  7. Gurudas Lotlikar Margao5 May 2011 at 19:36

    You are right peoples power cannot be defeated, but how many will unite? If we do unite some traitors will sell you to the highest corrupt political bidders.


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