Well Let Say a Child is born in your house on 25 November and you Baptize him with a name Goa on 10th December.So the Question is will you say that his Birthday is on 10th December or Would you say that his Birthday is the day he was Born i.e. 25 November? Off course the simple common sense says that Birthday is a Day when you are born and therefore Goa's Birthday is on 25th November.
20th August is the Birthday of the Language Konkani and not of the Independent Land called Goa.
To understand this simple logic...one need not be a rocket scientist.........commonsense is good enough.
It was on 25th November 1510, when Goa came into Existence as a separate state when rest of the Land from tip of Pakistan to the Tip of Bangladesh to the bottom of Kanyakumari (Kerala) was just under different Kings and Queens of different Religions, Cast and of different Background fighting for the greater piece of (MIGHT IS RIGHT)Land.
Hence the name GOA was born and Baptized by the Portuguese in the Year 1510, when British were in the Process of Conquering the other Kings and different Queens of(MIGHT IS RIGHT)Land of the time.It was only after GOA was 300 years old, the British gave the name for all the rest of the conquered land from different land from different Kings by a one world called INDIA(Land of PAKISTAN+BANGLADESH+INDIA) Without Goa, Damao and Diu.We all know the GOA was ruled for 451 years by the Portuguese as a different State separate from British India rule which only had ruled for mere 150 years.
From this day 25th November onwards Goans became a separate identity, different from that of INDIA and for that reason alone we GOANS should celebrate GOA DAY on 25 November.
20 august is the Birthday of konkanni language not a Birthday of Goa.
May Almighty God, the God of Israel(WHO IS GOD OF GOANS TOO) Bless our land and its people with Gods wisdom and knowledge, so that Goans may walk in the true wisdom of God and not INDIA'S EVIL.
May the almighty God also bless all the Goans, with lot of Wisdom to come together to stand for Goans Rights and causes, which are being abused due to illegal annexation of GOA by the Indian Govt.God Bless GOA and all the Goans and those who share our concerns are and are ready to stand for the early LIBERATION OF GOA from the Evil cluches of India, which is on its way to destroy Goa with its uncontrolled evil background population.
In God We(GOANS) Trust
A true liberation will free Goa from the clutches of India, which is infested with crime and corruption.