Saturday, 7 May 2011


MARCEL: Ponda Traffic Cell has recorded increase in number of vehicular offences since January 2011, as compared to the previous year.  According to data available with Ponda Traffic Cell, a total number of cases booked from January 2010 to April 2010 were 9,494 cases as against 9,763 cases in 2011.
The traffic cell collected Rs 11,03,300 by way of compound fees, whereas in 2010 it was Rs 11,26,850.
There are about 50 different types of motor vehicle violations. Out of the 50 violations, riding without helmet offence has recorded maximum number of cases in Ponda taluka (2,033 cases).
The Traffic Cell collected over Rs 2 lakh through fines from riders riding without helmet, Ponda Traffic Cell In-charge PI Salim Shaikh said.  “We find that youth are more likely to be guilty when it comes to traffic violations. Two-wheeler riding without helmet has the maximum number of cases as the fine is mere Rs 100. It seems that offenders are least bothered as they have to pay only Rs 100 for helmet less travel,” informed PI Shaikh.
“We have noticed that helmet-less travel and speed limit violation is a regular offence. However, it is not so with drunken driving. Drunken driving carries a hefty fine which is decided by the court,” said Shaikh.
“Even the licence of the offender is suspended, so the number of cases has dropped. Last year, there were 87 cases of drunken driving as against 50 cases this year from January till April,” he added.
“Of the 50 different offences, we concentrate on 18 types of traffic violations which can minimise accidents. We also book cases in all other traffic violations but our focus is on to reduce accidents. We are facing traffic personnel crunch as now we have two talukas to look after, Ponda and the newly formed Dharbandora,” informed Shaikh.Traffic personnel deployed on the interceptor vehicle informed that on an average they track around 30 vehicles for over-speeding.
The interceptor vehicle is mostly stationed at Banastarim Bridge or along the national highway in Ponda taluka.
Traffic personnel informed that many a times their presence is alerted by road users to each other by flashing
 headlights, which they claim has helped them as road users are compelled to slow down.
“Whenever a vehicle crosses the speed limit, it is alerted on the camera. Even if the vehicle does not stop, notice is issued to the vehicle owner through our department, as the vehicle number is recorded in the camera,” said Police Constable on the interceptor vehicle Dattaram Bhosle.“Sometimes, road users alert other motorists by flashing vehicles headlights. Alerted motorists then slow down and this is what we want, vehicles should be driven within speed limits,” said Bhosle.

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