Tuesday, 10 May 2011


PANJIM: The police suspect that a 29-year-old local, Jennifer D'Silva, whose body was dumped on the road 400-500m away from where she was residing in Vagator, was given an overdose of either alcohol or drugs, which led to her death. D'Silva's body was found at about 8am on Friday.
"We are trying to verify how the victim reached the spot where her body was found. We are trying to determine whether she went there on her own or whether she was brought there in a vehicle and then dumped on the road. There are injury marks on her leg, but we are yet to ascertain how she got them," police sources said.
Acting on a complaint filed by the victim's brother, the police arrested D'Silva's ex-boyfriend Saurabh Khan, for allegedly murdering her. The police said that Khan, who was working in Vagator, was involved with D'Silva and they were in a live-in relationship. However, for the last three months they were not on talking terms and D'Silva had told her brother and a motorcycle pilot that Khan was threatening to kill her.
"Her phone call records reveal that she was friendly with some Nigerians, a few of who are suspected to be involved in the drug trade," police sources said.

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