Thursday, 5 May 2011

IS GOA DOOMED? by Rupert Coutinho, Dubai

Today my heart melts with utmost respect, praise and glory next to God, to the bravest of all, the Navy Seals 6 who eliminated the world’s greatest human enemy. I am branded as Indian but in reality I am a proud Portuguese descendent which no history can change and I am born in a beautiful place called Goa.
So going by my praise for the American soldiers, their patriotism, their people and their persistence, anyone will question my sense of patriotism towards India especially if I don’t praise the very own President of India who is the commander in Chief of the defense forces but can act only on the advise of the cabinet. This particular criticism will not affect me like any other politician in India wherein they easily go into denail mode but coming to the reality and the other side of the coin, I value Obama more, I salute and respect him more since was not any ordinary rubber stamp but he put his seal on the death warrant on the most wanted man in the world.
He got democratically elected as the President, he took on a responsible role of the Commander in Chief with a duty and moral right to protect and secure American shores and make America a better place to live. He boldy commanded without someone dictating to him, he acted and he ordered and never bowed down to eliminated the human face of a diseased mind and so not only Amerians are proud but the whole world has showered much of the praise on him and his team including the prime minister of India.
Comparing this with Goa, how brave are the Navy Seals of Goa, the very ethnic Goans? Are they brave enough to eliminate the corruption, the greatest public enemy, an abstract in English vocabulary but with a human face? I don’t ever think so and am very optimistic about it till the end of the world because even if some people are not corrupt they will still be guilty to abetment to corruption by their acts of offering bribes, encouraging illegalities and bearing false and baseless allegations and electing the corrupt and the most communal hidden faces. In addition to corruption, there are more pseudonyms like illegal mining, contaminated water and air, land sale to outsiders, increasing migrants influx and anti-people representatives and govt. officials whose rise is more exponential and meteoric and Goans have fallen silent to these burning issues as the same Goans dine and dance with them as we have witnessed in many cultural and extravagant events in these days. Therefore every Goan family is sinking in this quicksand of evils and will die even more miserable death than Osama bin laden however they will never realize the bitter truth because they are still blindfolded and don’t want to figure out the cause.
And one has to believe as one of my Indian friend remarkably said “No one is safe in Pakistan… Not even 'Osama Bin laden'…… but Everyone is safe in the great Hindustan… Even 'Ajamal Kasab' and 'Afzal Guru'….’’, . And so therefore I am very realistic that no one can save the Goans from doom, even God will not be willing since Goans have welcomed and tolerated the evils with open arms.


  1. Anand Desai Mopa5 May 2011 at 18:55

    What more can one add to a brilliant non fiction article, We Goans are to be blamed for the evil that has descended upon us. We pray to our gods and yet we are unable to tackle evil in Goan life.

  2. Goans should take a leaf from the happenings around the World to eliminate the corrupt rulers, idiot criminals and corrupt politicians. Susegad Goenkars won't achieve anything unless we act and throw the corrupt leaders in the rubbish bins. Well said Rupert, your article is too truthful to the core of every Niz Goenkar who want a change but if majority of us Goans are the puppets of the politicians who are corrupt to the core, what can change Goa?

  3. @Rupert Coutinho

    India is a lavaris country , The municipality does not work, nor does the Government. The corrupt police force is there to protect the corrupt system.
    The President of India is worse then a rubber stamp. (there is no Ink in nor on it) It's a joke as to how the president is voted, between few individuals, the Parliament and the Assembly, they vote for a person that they are told too. (What a shame) From the very people who got themselves voted through the vote bank.

    "even God will not be willing since Goans have welcomed and tolerated the evils with open arms."
    We Goans have not tolerated nor welcomed these evil Politicians to Goa Politics. They have helped them self with Ghantties and Ballios. You should not forget that there are more then 800 Marathi schools, for this Traitor Bandorkar brought in thousands of Marathi teachers and public personal. These teachers and personals have multiplied by the thousands, a perfect vote bank for Hindu Politicians like Parrikar, Rane's and so on, for the Catholics Politicians like Babush and others they have their own Ghantti Vote bank. (The Million Euro question is, do the present set of Politicians need the Goankari Votes, my answer is certainly not)

    So now tell me where does the true Goans fits in to vote them. On the other hand the true Goans have no choice as to choose between lesser evil, for e.g. in Taleigao between Zuarkar and Babush or in Santa Cruz between Victoria and Jennifer.

    To save Goa we need Independence form the invaders, these invaders have destroyed our language, our customs, our sport (football) our behaviour, our self-esteem, our trees, our waters, our beaches, bad name to our national "Goan" drink,(urrak ani fenni) bad name to our women and the list is endless.

    We've to rise through opinion poll as we did in 1967. Our present politicians are a bunch of traitors and back stabbers. Churchill and Babush have showed us how they can betray us if we trust them.

    Mog assundi

  4. @Rupert Coutinho

    India is a lavaris country , The municipality does not work, nor does the Government. The corrupt police force is there to protect the corrupt system.
    The President of India is worse then a rubber stamp. (there is no Ink in nor on it) It's a joke as to how the president is voted, between few individuals, the Parliament and the Assembly, they vote for a person that they are told too. (What a shame) From the very people who got themselves voted through the vote bank.

    "even God will not be willing since Goans have welcomed and tolerated the evils with open arms."
    We Goans have not tolerated nor welcomed these evil Politicians to Goa Politics. They have helped them self with Ghantties and Ballios. You should not forget that there are more then 800 Marathi schools, for this Traitor Bandorkar brought in thousands of Marathi teachers and public personal. These teachers and personals have multiplied by the thousands, a perfect vote bank for Hindu Politicians like Parrikar, Rane's and so on, for the Catholics Politicians like Babush and others they have their own Ghantti Vote bank. (The Million Euro question is, do the present set of Politicians need the Goankari Votes, my answer is certainly not)

    So now tell me where does the true Goans fits in to vote them. On the other hand the true Goans have no choice as to choose between lesser evil, for e.g. in Taleigao between Zuarkar and Babush or in Santa Cruz between Victoria and Jennifer.

    To save Goa we need Independence form the invaders, these invaders have destroyed our language, our customs, our sport (football) our behaviour, our self-esteem, our trees, our waters, our beaches, bad name to our national "Goan" drink,(urrak ani fenni) bad name to our women and the list is endless.

    We've to rise through opinion poll as we did in 1967. Our present politicians are a bunch of traitors and back stabbers. Churchill and Babush have showed us how they can betray us if we trust them.

    Mog assundi


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