Tuesday 17 May 2011


PANJIM: Some state leaders left for New Delhi on Tuesday evening in view of Wednesday's meeting there to find a solution to the controversial medium of instruction row.  Among those who've flown to the national capital are Congress party members including, chief minister Digambar Kamat, education minister Atanasio 'Babush' Monserrate, PWD minister Churchill Alemao and St Cruz MLA Victoria Fernandes.
Revenue minister Jose Philip D'Souza will represent the NCP, while transport minister Sudin Dhavalikar will do the same for MGP.
Members of the Forum for Right of Children's Education will attend the meeting, while Bharatiya Bhasha Suraksha Manch which earlier announced it would not attend the meeting, on Tuesday said it had not received any formal invitation.
The forum has been demanding grants for schools teaching in English, while the manch is opposed to any change in the present policy of funds to only schools teaching in the vernacular.  Speaking to reporters after meeting Goa NCP executive committee, NCP supremo Sharad Pawar said the meeting in New Delhi will go on for two days.
Hectic behind the scene activities were on to find an amicable solution to the imbroglio. Sources said that the Congress is in favour of introducing English as a subject from Class I to ensure that students do not suffer in the language. This was what Monserrate had stated in the last assembly session.- TNN


  1. N.Fernandes-London17 May 2011 at 23:32

    Mr Chief Minister (the dishonourable and useless Digu Kamat), now that you are in New Delhi, why dont you stay there permanently.
    What is the point of you being a Chief Minister.  

  2. Anonymous the VIII17 May 2011 at 23:40

    Uneducated politicians should be left out in decisions making on Education policies. For them Education is just a label "Tokto".
    If you cannot earn it, buy it. That will be their moto.

  3. This shameless Chief Minister is useless even to decide on the medium of instruction. Why do we need him in Goa. As N.Fernandes suggested he should stay there in Delhi .  These national parties should be kicked out of Goa as they waste the taxpayers money for their honeymoon trips to the Colonial Capital..  Education is the State subject and there is  no need to go to Delhi to sort these things out. Why the Congress Party and their Hing Command do not pay for all these trips. The Congress high  Command has nothing to do with Goa. For them Sonia may be their Devi. Not for us Goans. Majority of Goans want English as the MOI and ONLY KONKANI  as a compulsory subject right upto SSC and we will not accept any other solution than this. If not, we will show all the MLA's and the Congress party the door to wilderness.

  4. Waste of time and resources. It is the fault of FORCE to agree to go to Delhi to settle the problem. This was well said by Dinar Barros, the Executive Secretary of PTA. Why do the parents delegation has to go to Delhi to settle the Goan problem which can be settled across the table in Goa. Savio Lopes is slowly taken for a ride and if it is, then the time ahead is hard. Schools will re-open ont he 6th of June and hardly time is left to sort out this problem if not now. Dukors or Goa who are ruling Goa can never take any decision without wrapping around Sonia's pallu? Good for public to know and throw these criminals out in the dustbin and cast your precious vote for lesser evil than to the same fellows who loot Goa for decades.

    It is better to call the Portuguese back to adminster us and ask them to run their adminstration from Lisbon. What's the difference? The blind, lame CM of Goa is totally a dumb nut.

  5. What has the center got to do with GOA issue? that to medium of instruction?, what if the center say's go with Hindi?

  6. It at all Digu was a US President or UK Prime Minister what he would do with his Useless Brain.  

  7. Diogo Fichardo18 May 2011 at 02:49

    Goa's spineless government should be ashamed they cannot make the decision in Goa. The central government is an ani-Goan Government. Goans can make in a democratic Goa the Goans make the demand  and must be honored by Goa's Government. Why do we have Mahariti and other anti-Goan languages out of Goa?

  8. It's time for total Independence from the invaders, they should know we're not a colony  of the north. The invaders have pimps to run Goa, for advice these pimps runs to delhi.

  9. just for kicks18 May 2011 at 10:53

    SHAME on all GOAN.. stop ur 5 paise comments. useless! 

  10. Just for kicks18 May 2011 at 11:06

    pedro - we/you cannot get MOI and right ministers to represent, what you will fight for independec.
    diogo - which spineless elected the spinless govt
    mathew - useless brain by useless voter
    ar - when goans cannot take desion sure you have to take what is thrown at you, isn't it?
    dalia- at least savio lopes has the B--ll$ and he is from chinchinim
    AtoZ - sky is the limit, all these guys will be elected. and you & i will be counting A-Z.
    AVIII - of course he is buying that is why he is there, and u and i helping them earn? what's the big deal
    isnt it a shame that you n my children future is decided by them - so both of us lets shut up
    AFern - you and i can keep home next time use the power of yr vote!!

  11. I ABHOR AND OBJECT TO WHAT YOU WRITE. mY BELOVED AND MOST HONOURABLE cm IS GOING TO ASK THE MONTE(SORRY MOTI) DONGOR RESPECTED CITIZENS ABOUT THE moi. Aren't they literally sitting on top of us?    handling of talwars is going to be another sport in the new education policy.

  12. Salvador Seraulim18 May 2011 at 18:22

     @ N Fernanades. these are the same ministers invited in the gulf region by Goan organizations to share Goan pleasantries. Goa has been handed to the then Congress Government on a silver platter by so called Freedom Fighters. Now it is the Goan Congress backed government ministers giving the seal of approval for a hidden agenda to merge Goa with neighboring states. Or else all decisions would have been done in Goa. It is a Goan Matter and must  be dealt in Goa.   

  13. Delphine Pereira Navelim18 May 2011 at 18:24

     @ Dalia I couldn't have said better, Goans are paying the price for having elected illiterate criminals to Power.

  14. You must be sitting in a roadside tavern and commenting via VI-FI. Good work after kicks consuming cheap liqour. Keep up the good humour. 

  15. Digambar  means naked !!!! This 'naked' CM and his pimps like Chorchill, Babush Monster rat and the Congress Manager for the next elections from Mangor Hill now the lord of Miramar will all get full marks for arithmetic they are too good at calculations of percentages !!!! Why oh why we Goans have let this happen !!!! Rotten guys the sooner we Goans dump them in sea the better pity the fish in the sea !!!!

  16. N.Fernandes-London19 May 2011 at 00:02

    Hi Just For Kicks:;I am sorry to see you have "dim" views on life as a whole, & even more dimmer views on incidents in Goa in particular.
    You view life as Black & white only.Do not restrict yourself to just these  2 colours.
    Please try to introduce a little COLOUR" into your life, as it it will make a huge difference.
    You clearly seem depressed and seem to be suffering from a lack of HOPE.
    However ,  in your personal tribulations of life,do not lose HOPE at the first hurdle. 
    It is not sinful, in any way, to have a view or opinion.
    If you read the comments here, you will easily understand that the people commenting are not claiming anything.They are purely expressing a view and what they believe would make a dfference or could be a solution or a way forward or a means to progress.
    Your quote "SHAME ON ALL GOANS", should   actually read..."SHAME ON ALL GOAN TRAITORS AND CRUMBEATERS".
    I sincerely hope you are not one of them.

  17.  Well ! certainly it you have to take what is thrown at you,
    Your statement to  AFERN - 'you and i can keep home next time use the power of yr vote!! '
    since these politicians get elected time and again, it means there are more morons and ignorant people in Goa (as in GOANS) than smart people...
    What Goa needs is a revolution, would love to know if you've never used any influence for ANYTHING at all...

  18. The VII Std Education Minister educated his son in the top ICSE school in Goa, Manhoar parrikar Son is being educated in the United States of America, the scamester Mauvin Godinho's daughter is educated a the University of Goolygong Western Australia, Kickback king Chorchill's big lips Valanka was educated in English at premium ICSE school in Margao. What have we hypocrisy at its best.
    Suggest that the 40 MLAs admit their children in the vernacular Marathi and devangiri konkani schools as medium of Instructions and then decide on the future of our children and on the issue of grants to English medium schools. Snakes in the grass  all these politicians who are taking political mileage of this issue.Big mouthed shameless lot . Decide MOI  here on the red soil of Goa !!!! Its we Goans who vote for you at the election not your High command !!!

  19. Joaquim Correia Afonso19 May 2011 at 05:49

    Where was the need to run to Delhi at the same speed at which we run to the loo? At least our run to the loo is out of necessity. This topic of MoI could be settled in Goa itself, by following the laws of the land. The government took a "policy decision" to violate the law enacted by the Legislative Assembly and does not know how to take a "reverse" policy decision. "The Goa, Daman and Diu Official Language Act, 1987" and "The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009" empower the government to take a positive decision. HERE AND NOW.

  20. Nothing is going to happen in Delhi as the deadlines are going to be further extended till June till the school reopens. FORCE as I am saying for so long has no teeth and Savio does not know to keep his words on deadlines. Parents have got fed up by the same rhetoric and inaction. Now that they are camping in Delhi what purpose it is going to serve apart from having tea parties as the main irritant BBSM has wisely not participated in the talks. Our ministers have only gone there not to solve the problem but because elections are round the corner and to fool the people that they with them. Savio and his team his too simple to understand this techniques of the politicians as they will drag this issue till next elections. The Central team will bring immense pressure on FORCE to maintain status quo and to solve the matter next year. FORCE I think lost out without any action plan which they could have forced the govt. by virtue of the public support they had. Now the issue has been politicized and nothing is going to come from the Delhi meet. I pity the fate of the parents who will have to force their children again in Konkani medium due to their financial constraints.

  21. Salvador Seraulim19 May 2011 at 10:03

     Moon shine joints of the gulf region is where cheap drink is found, time will come where beheading will be Just for Kicks.

  22. Diogo Fichardo19 May 2011 at 10:06

     Our 5 paise is hard earned unlike the duping of banks. Or licking politicians ar-ses.

  23. Very well said and described in fine description Mr. David. 

  24. Savio Lopes at last succumbed to the crumbs? Dinar Barros was the original mentor of PTA who started the movement until Savio Lopes came in to sabotage and side with the politicians. Hope he got a free ride to Delhi. 

  25. @Just for kicks, looks like you got a lot of kicks from many and lost your sense. Only cheaters and looters can write like you. You have a problem related and linked to your breed. By the way, what breed are you?

  26.  Thank you N. Fernandes, you've pinned him. This guy is a traitor of Goa or a PIMP from Delhi.

  27.  Call or SMS Savio Lopes on his mobile and register your protest. His number is 0091-9890073545. Why is the venue moved to Delhi? The parents are in Goa and Savio will fill his bags in Delhi with a promise of Congress ticket in the future or some important post and come back with happiness. Is he another Churchill in the making? 

  28. N.Fernandes-London19 May 2011 at 11:30

    Hi AR;
    As you know "dimwits" exist in all Societies.There is also, always "one in the crowd".In family situations they say "Black Sheep of the family".
    No going by the comment of Just For Kicks or the lack of comment, he must fit these qoutes.
    What "Just for Kicks" fails to understand, is that in Elections the votes are not all given to one canditate.
    People cast their vote for the Canditate that best represents their values.
    So I hope he will have learnt today , that not all Goans have cast their vote, for one single useless, spineless canditate.
    Perhaps he does not understand the Electoral proccess, or what electing a canditate means.


  29. N.Fernandes-London19 May 2011 at 11:48

    what is the value of your comment? 1 paisa? 

  30. Salvador Seraulim19 May 2011 at 13:25

    For a few rupees more Savio Lopes has put him self to the politicians. Goa was the place to discuss the MOI and not in the skirts of New Delhi.  Crumb eaters keeping electing the same illiterates to power, and Goans abroad think twice before inviting them for your functions.  

  31. Good Samaritan19 May 2011 at 20:25

    If you are getting kicks for the sake of kicks after your divorce then you must have taken to drinking and is a drunkard. Only drunkards also known as bebde's gets kicks on their a**s. Any guess? 

  32. It only remains to seen as what Savio is up to next when he promises to come back home empty handed to Goa. I still smell a rat by his actions as it seems like he has actually sabotaged the whole movement.

  33. N.Fernandes-London20 May 2011 at 01:45

    If there are 30000 voters in a Constituency, it seems like, based on Just for Kicks comment, all 30000 Goans vote for just one canditate.How wise is he? 
    It seems like ,due to lack of his knowledge,votes are not spread amongst other canditates.


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