Sunday, 8 May 2011

DENIGRATING ENGLISH by Dr. Joe D'Souza, Panjim

Received by email
It is a well-known phenomena wherein Catholic names are used by certain bigots to profess hatred towards English and express pseudo concerns for Konkani. A month ago, these cowards used the name of Dr Rita Paes to denigrate English based education.
However, Dr Paes read and realised that her name was misused to confuse Catholics against empowerment through English and submitted a rejoinder to this effect. Similarly, the letter of Michael de Souza ‘MoI: Konkani only’ on the local news paper  is yet another attempt to project Catholics as Portuguese passport seekers, while in fact, substantial Hindus too have benefited through Portuguese passport and education from Catholic schools.


  1. Dr. Joe D'Souza its a pleasure to have you on Niz Goenkar site. We hope you will send all your articles to Niz Goenkars in future. It has become a fashion to defame the Catholics by the Hindu fundamentalists who think that Catholics & Christians are outsiders and do not belong to Goa or should I say less patriotic. They fail to realize that the Cattholic and their families were fighting for freedom much before the Hindus. Starting with The Pinto Revolt,Dr. T.B.cunha, Menezes Baraganza etc. But the point to be noted is that they were not fighting for Union with India.

  2. Joaquim Correia Afonso9 May 2011 at 07:29

    If I am not mistaken, there are some non-Catholic (Hindu) "freedom fighters" who have taken Portuguese citizenship, so that their children and grandchildren could enjoy life in Portugal.

  3. why the Goans are against the GOANS who hold Portuguse Nationality. The fact is that some Goans cannot see the bright future of their own fellows and some even donot want them in Goa.Why, because some of our annatti Goans want to live a donkeys life in Goa, where by licking the arses of the politicians. A Niz Goenkar is free to work anywhere with the sweat of his brows and not with the doles from the chor government. In Goa, most of the people are hypocratics.

  4. Diogo Fichardo9 May 2011 at 12:40

    Not only Goan Hindus Freedom Fighters, but Hindus from other parts of India (not belonging to Portuguese colony) have obtained Portuguese passports. I have met few Panjabis, Maharshtrans and Keralities (there could be others) in the Province of Algarve in Portugal. They have Catholics names As Jose, Caitan, Mary, Rosy etc, It is their accent that gives them away and I have spoken to them in Hindi and Mahariti, they tried to respond in Portuguese. As to how they obtain their papers I doubt is a mystery.

  5. Salvador Seraulim9 May 2011 at 17:12

    As long as we keep voting the same corrupt politicians to power, Goa will be infested with right wing organizations taking advantage of the situation. If we vote greedy illiterate Catholics that collude with the enemy what does one expect the end result to be? Rather than fighting for Goans, for a few rupees more they sell Goan's interests.


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