Monday 16 May 2011

COWARDLY ATTACK ON NILESH GAONKAR by Freddy Agnelo Fernandes, Dubai

The attack on anti-mining activist Nilesh Gaonkar is a cowardly act and a blow to the democratic norms of the Country. I do strongly condemn this atrocious act of inhumanity against a law abiding citizen who has put his life on line for the welfare of the people of Cavrem, who have been subjected and forced to live in harmful and detrimental conditions perpetuated by the mining fraternity.
This is not the first time that the mining barons have used anti social elements to try to subdue and silence the opposition in to submission, all credit must be given to this young lad who single handedly led the people of Cavrem and forced the government to shut down the illegal mine in operation and is still fighting against the ills of mining in and around his village and there is absolutely no doubt as to who is behind this attack on young Nilesh Gaonkar. The illegal mine has been shut but why is the culprit who operated the mine not taken to task?
Not so long ago there was another incident when an eighty year old lady and her grand daughter were assaulted by the police for fighting against the mining menace. Seby another anti-mining activist was labeled a naxalite by our elected members. Goans living in hinterland have been subjected to inhuman living conditions and atrocities and more often than not money and muscle power has been used to unleash terror through both goons and the police against those opposing the mining fraternity and now young Nilesh Goankar has become the latest casualty.
This barbarous act has in no way deemed the spirit of Nilesh Gaonkar and the other activists on the contrary they have claimed that this attack has given them the additional impetus and have courageously vowed to carry on their fight for justice for the mines affected people of Goa.
Today’s news papers carry a headline “Goa Mineral Ore Exporters Association (GMOEA) has condemned attack on tribal leader Nilesh Gaonkar”. It exposes the duplicitous mining fraternity as they try to pull wool over the people’s eyes to misguide them to hide their own inhuman and heartless act.
The IGP of Goa has promised to apprehend the culprits, but like all other promises will we ever get to know who was behind this attack on Nilesh Gaonkar? History has never been in favour of the innocent victims, victimized by the rich, powerful and the affluent and it seem in all probability that history is going to repeat itself.
The law and order situation is getting worse by the day in Goa and the Aam Aadmi is feeling more and more insecure with each passing day and any assertions by the IGP and our politicians will not change this fact and if things do not change for the better I wont be surprised if some Goans start taking the law into their own hands and when it happens the law and order machinery will be solely responsible for any such unhealthy situation.


  1. Gurudas Lotlikar Margao16 May 2011 at 21:11

    Promises! Promises! Promises! If promises given by the government
    and the Police are worth anything Goans would have been the richest people with
    promises. Bad enough Goan's are leaving under the umbrella of fear from
    Non-Goan Criminals, but we are also being intimidated by Goan Politicians and
    Mine operators thugs. When will all this stop? when will we be free of bondage?

  2. Diogo Fichardo16 May 2011 at 21:24

    The youth of Goa must stand shoulder to shoulder with Nilesh Gaonkar in his stand for justice. Goa is dominated with terror from politicians their goons and some of the law enforcers. Unity is strength that cannot be bought, neither should it be sold .

  3. A thought provoking article by Freddy. How many times has it been that the culprits are brought to justice in Goa? The Police are themselves culprits and are aligned with the criminals. We have seen in the past that if the mining interests are disturbed, the whole of the village comes under attack, innocent citizens are framed under different sections of law, are liable for arrest warrants. The citizens are arrested to shut their voice, fearful undertakings are then drawn from them as self proclimations admitting the crime. This is done by the police with pocketful of money from the miners who have their own interests in filling their coffers by way of illegal mining, polluting the environment and causing hardships to the villagers, damaging the natural sancitity of the place. As long as police acts as criminals, there will be no justice in Goa. When miners attack people, the dust of the mining industry is in the eyes of the people. 

  4. These cowards will only jump on the weak. And even if they are caught and sent to court, they will be discharged. The judge will say the attack was provoked by Nilesh. If you ask me on "What Grounds?", I am sure you all will know my answer because I am not "Joking". The corrupt courts and judges are also under the influence of these Chors.

  5. Today the Judges sitting in the courts think that any body can come to court against the goverment corruption and then end up giving chocolate judgements. I salute those who have the guts. The whole high court is engaged in cases agaist the Goverment's attricities and land grabs n connivance with the builing and the mining lobby. The irony is, the huge fees paid to the Advocate General is our money.

  6. Shubash Raikar Panjim17 May 2011 at 09:12

    This is a premeditated attack on the poor defenceless youth
    from an indigenes tribe of Goa.  A hole
    was made in the Cricket bat to hide a weapon that is an iron Rod. Only hired gonads
    will carry out a vicious premeditated act. There are two parties involved in
    this criminal act first the  mine owners who
    hired  the goondas and second the
    criminal goondas  that directly carried
    out this act, Both criminal parties must be charged for attempted murder.  Will the police have the will to arrest both
    sets of criminals? This is one opportunity for Goan youth to unite and fight
    for justice.  As Goan judicial system
    does not work for the poor,  and the government
    is corrupt and unwilling to protect the poor, then we the Goan citizens must
    take the law in our own hands. God Bless Goa.

  7. Salvador Seraulim17 May 2011 at 10:09

     We Goans must be
    proud of Nilesh Gaonkar standing up for his village, unfortunately he was
    attacked by hired thugs. I hope he gets all the support from Goans from and
    outside Goa. Our poor and vulnerable  must be protected at all costs. The NGO's must
    organise marches in protest all over Goa, better a  shut Goa down  is a fitting reply.

  8. Diogo Fichardo17 May 2011 at 10:13

    @ Shubash will the poor victim of violence ever get justice in Goa? Politicians pressure and blackmail victims into dropping cases or courts will acquit rich over the poor.

  9. N.Fernandes-London17 May 2011 at 11:23

    Lets not forget that the President of the National Students Union of India (NSUI), was dealt a similar attack for protesting about the Drug menace in Goa.
    There is no doubt in my mind this was instigated by Ravi Naik (useless Home Minister) and his son "Doe eyed" son Roy.
    There is no doubt that the attack on Nilesh Gaonkar was instigated by Mine owners.
    Now ,who is the owner or owners of these mines.?That is where the perpetrators & criminals are. 


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