PANJIM: One wonders what is happening in the Congress party in Goa. There is no doubt that it is the most indecisive party, and the government is only a reflection of the party. Invariably, most decisions taken by the government are being reversed under pressure. Which means, either the government is not taking the right decision, or it is not sticking to its decision. Both are bad for the people. This reflects how weak the government is.
With hardly a year left for elections, it is clear that the government does not have any backbone left. Look at the way they have handled the issue of providing grants to English medium primary schools.
They took a considered decision not to give aid to English medium schools at the primary level. They decided to back Konkani/Marathi medium schools and other regional languages to 'save the language'.
Their argument was Konkani needs to be protected and it will only be protected if government grants are not given to English medium primary schools. Well, as per that logic, then does that mean that Konkani as a language cannot stand the test of time? Isn't Konkani deep-rooted enough to stand the test of time?
English has become the language of communication and convenience all over the world now. So if children learn in English, isn't it that we are only preparing children to face the world when they grow up?
Does it mean that they will lose the values of the Konkans? Or does it mean that they will move away from Konkani? Is that the fear? If so, the fear appears misplaced. Aren't there some top people among the Konkani's who are English-bred, who still have deep roots to the Konkani land? One must find answers to these.
Look at the other possibility. There must be thousands who have had their education in the Konkani medium in Goa. Haven't they fared well in life? Have they all protected the Konkani script the way they should? Well, they have done well too, no doubt. And many of them who have had the Konkani medium of education have gone on to do well in society and for themselves.
Then, why the constant discussion and debate on what should be the medium of instruction in schools? Why should the government not leave it to the parents to decide on such issues? Many politicians have conveniently not taken a stand on the issue. They have suddenly realized that there are experts who should decide what should be the medium of instruction.
Already, there is a search going on in Goa for such experts, and one can't find them easily. Because the truth is there are no such experts. Truth is difficult to hide, the politicians should know better.
Then, if they still did not want to take a decision or take a stand, so that they do not lose the votes, then why make a mockery of the issue? Parents and children are put to great hardship in the end. One can't understand why in the first place are politicians making such a big issue? Why are they even wasting time discussing on issues they have no expertise on in the assembly? Why are politicians so much of a flip-flop?
And the Congress in Goa, is even more a flip-flop. So much so that they need a certain Brar-well it is Jagmeet Singh Brar, who is All India Congress Committee observer-who probably does not even know the spelling of Konkani who has to take a decision on such an important issue. How will Brar be able to take a decision on an issue that he does not even comprehend, especially when the Congress in Goa itself is deeply divided on the issue and is totally confused about it?
And Brar will refer it to someone else in the AICC, who will then in turn refer to another powerful person in the AICC, who will then take it to madam, who will finally take a decision. Well, the Konkanis will be left clueless and rudderless after that, for sure.
And the Congress government's flip-flops on the issue and many such important issues have become a joke in social circles in Goa. And each time they take a decision, it is only reversed. Each time, they reverse a decision, again it is reversed. Finally both the government and the people forget what the issue was and what the decision was.
This is probably unique only to Goa. Our politicians will certainly win this competition nationally! Why should children suffer because of the idiosyncrasies of our politicians? We need a class of politicians who can call a spade, a spade. Whether teaching in Konkani or in English, children have to learn. Leave the choice to parents. Give them the option. Do not force anything. There will always be the love for language. Konkani will never die. In fact it will go even further and bring out more famous people when there is competition to them. So, the government must learn to be decisive. And not reverse decisions. Only then can we say that Goa has mature governance and a mature society.
Yes, why should children suffer because of the idiosyncrasies of our politicians? Some politicians, with their idiosyncrasies, behave like little children, crying "Mama, help me to decide what to do!" "Mama mia, você me guia!"