Sunday 15 May 2011

BRIDGE UNDER TROUBLED WATERS by Willie M. Severes, Majorda (Dubai)

Why do our politicians bend to the lowest of levels when it comes to laying of foundation stones and inaugurations? Political rivalry is now making it a “First come, first served’ story. Every foundation stone that is laid for a project should ultimately end up in the inauguration. But, sometimes we just find foundation stones lying idle, an indication to all the false promises of the politicians.
Some projects do see the light of dawn. The one responsible for the project should get the credit of inaugurating it. But sometimes, it does not work out that way, as was the case with the newly-built under bridge at Majorda.
For years, people of Majorda and neighboring villages had to go through a lot of hardships because of the railway gate. Be it the daily mass at church, a rush to the hospital, a funeral procession etc, and people used to get delayed atleast by 10-15mins. Rivalry between political heads had caused further delay in the completion of the project, with panchayat authorities as dumb spectators.
And when the time finally came to officially open the bridge, there was a big fiasco with the bridge being inaugurated not once, but twice, that too within a few days, by two different groups. Police are not much known to provide this much security to the Aam Admi, the way they were seen patrolling the inauguration stone.
Niz Mazoddekars can now celebrate the good times, let alone politicians and their stooges to argue who really was the mastermind in completion of the bridge.


  1.  When the St Jacinto bridge completed there were problems  with Jose Philip and Mauvin; now we have problem with Chorchill  and Mickky Mouse for Majorda Railway bridge. Our illeterate and uneducated politicians are waste and should be dumped at sonsodo for good along with their greedy crumb eaters.

  2. Anand Desai Mopa15 May 2011 at 18:49

    Goan politicians are the scum of the earth fighting for pieces of crumbs. Animals would behave better with dignity. Only crumb eaters can rejoice at their masters behavior.Our CM is the master of inauguration he has set up an example by inaugurating toilets.

  3. Anonymous the VIII15 May 2011 at 21:04

    I do not see any problem here. If two dogs fight on the road, is it a problem? If two bulls fight, is it a problem? Humans just move out and keep a distance so as not to get affected by it. Whereas if there are other dogs or bulls around they invariably join in. Therefore humans should not identify themselves as dogs and bulls and leave the two to fight for themselves.

  4. All criminals fight to maintain their territory to keep their influence and enrich their loot. It is good that we see these looters fight with each other, people should now be able to identify their motives and give them a fitting reply in the ballot boxes. 

  5. Pride, Ego are the main issues here. Everyone wants to claim a stake in the project. I am sure sensible people who watch these types of human characters( rather I call them dog fights) are sure to know who is worth the deal.
    Its pathetic to see how the men in Uniform come in full force as security guards for silly worthless reasons, yet when there is the real need they are no where to be seen.This explains the plight of our Government and its corrupt system. Is this scenario that was just displayed at the innaugral of the underground bridge worth a mention ? I hope all are readers and viewers who were there at the inauguration of the same bridge "TWICE" will be the ones to make the judgment now.

  6. What was the need for two "inaugurations"? The first time is called inauguration. What is the second time called?

    However, is it true that police are known to provide security for the aam admi? It depends. If the aam admi is the common man, then what kind of protection was provided for the people of Cavrem? It was the illegalities that were provided protection. Things are different if the "aam admi" is the admi that force-ripens the aam. 

  7. Gurudas Lotlikar Margao16 May 2011 at 12:44

    Animals squirt their scent to mark their territory, further more flex their body to attract the opposite species. These guys are worse than animals they will s_it to mark their territory.   

  8. After the first innauguration, this was the re-innauguration. Everyone must get a chance for their ugly "MUG" to appear on the news. While both of these dogs are on the phone and sometimes entertaining each other during the night, why this double standards during the day??? While they are drunk during the night, they lick each other. Once they are sober in the morning, they go to the newspaper reporters and kick each other.


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