Sunday, 8 May 2011


MARGAO: The Bharatiya Basha Suraksha Manch (BBSM), in a meeting held at Balli at Adarsh Bhavan, demanded that the government should maintain the status of Marathi a non Goan Language and Konkani in regard to primary education in Goa.
Former minister, Mr Prakash Velip, Mr Nagesh Hegde, sarpanch of Fatorpa, Mr Ganesh Dessai and other individuals were present for the meet. It was decided to create awareness by forming committees in various parts of South Goa, and also intensify the agitation on maintaining the status quo as far as medium of instruction at primary level was concerned.
BBSM members and speakers lamented that already many young children in Goa do not know Marathi and Konkani. They said that allowing English at the primary level will erode the Goan culture further. Mr Hegde said that there is a conspiracy behind the attempt to give grants to English and any such act will not be tolerated. He said that the manch would agitate further and would not allow grants to English medium primary schools. He also suggested that at village and taluka level committees be formed which can organise corner meeting to create awareness among people on medium of instruction.
Mr Velip said that giving grants to English medium primary schools is a political ploy and the concerned leaders were trying to cheat people. He said that every state has given importance to its local language but some Goan leaders here were trying to do something different, which could be against the culture of Goa.
On the occasion, the Quepem taluka committee, headed by Mr Velip was formed to hold meetings at various places to create awareness on the issue. It was decided to hold meetings at Ambaulim, Holy Cross Institute, Morpirla panchayat ghar, Balli Adarsh Bhavan, Avdem, Fatorpa, Betulem Bharse and other places in Quepem to create awareness.
It was declared to hold meetings on May 9 at Morpirla panchayat ghar, on May 10, at Balli Adarsh Bhavan, on May 13, at Avdem, on May 15, at Fatorpa and Betul, and on May 16, at Bharse panchayat ghar.  A resolution was adopted saying that the government should not give grants to schools with English as the medium of instruction at the primary level.
It was said that encouraging English would accelerate the “de-culturalisation,” “de-Indianisation” and “de-humanisation” of Goan children. The Right to Education Act - 2009, stipulates that elementary education should be given, as far as possible, in the mother tongue; it was said during the discussion.


  1. Joaquim Correia Afonso9 May 2011 at 07:34

    I have mentioned more than once that the BBSM wants Marathi as the medium of instruction in order to fulfill its hidden agenda - to merge Goa into Maharashtra if and when Maharashtra manages to merge the Konkani speaking areas of Karnataka. It is not out of any love for students or their parents.

  2. BBSM is fighting for Marathi or the Mathari, the bitch of the bastard traitor of Goa Dayanand Bandodkar who wanted to transport Goa into Maharashtra? BBSM means the "Bloody Bastard Sons of Mathari".


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